Recent content by adelin

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    A question about log differentiation

    is necessary to simplified the equation before differentiation? could I use the Quotient Rule without of simplifying ?
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    What am I doing wrong in this derivative

    my derivative of log4(r)*log2(r)= log2(r)/rln(4)+log4(r)/rln(2) my book says the derivative should be 2(ln(r))/(r(ln(2))(ln(4)) what am I doing wrong?
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    Struggling with an Integral? Try These Substitution Strategies!

    I cannot find a substitution that work for this integral ∫dx/2√x+2x what should I do?
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    What rule have they used to change the integral?

    What rule have they used to change the integral from 2x/(x+1)^2?
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    Why is this trigonometry function neither odd nor even?

    f(x)=1+sinx what am I doing wrong here? 1+sin(-x)= 1-sin(x)
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    What is being Done in This proof of Limits?

    In this part they arrive to the conclusion that Delta have to be < ε/10. in the next step they arrive to the same conclusion. If δ <1 then δ<10. ( I may be wrong) The next step is what become problematic for me to understand.
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    What is being Done in This proof of Limits?

    Homework Statement source:
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    What is being Done in This proof of Limits?

    I have been trying to learn calculus by my own, but when it comes to proving limits I get very confuse. Could somebody explain me what is being done here? If you know any resources that could help me with this task let me know. here is the source...
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    What Book Do You Recommend for Somebody that Has Never Taken physics?

    My main problem in math. it's when it comes to the application of the material that I have learned. What do you recommend to read or do to improve this skills?