Recent content by adaml

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    Physical Representation of the de Broglie wavelength

    Not that I am an expert but... Yes, you are right. But why can't I propose that the wavefunction represents the oscillation between matter and energy. Not that this is necessarily any more meaningful that just calling it a function of probability. I futhermore suggest that ascribing the...
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    Physical Representation of the de Broglie wavelength

    Recently in a physics lecture, I suggested that the schroedinger function might describe the fluctuation between energy and matter (my lecturer stongly contested this sugestion!). The origin of the thought is that every wave has (should have..)an oscilator. Therefore what is the oscillator in...
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    Light Reflectance: Explaining Specular Reflection

    Good morning! I am trying to understand the mechanism of light reflectance in a quantum context. Diffused light seems to be straightforward, however I cannot find a simple (if such a thing exists) explanation regarding specular reflection. What is the interaction between the photons and...