Recent content by AdamCFC

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    Reduce diffusion effects in electrolysis

    Thankyu, yes that seems fine for the job :)
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    Electrolysis C/W contd. Variables help

    • Time – how long electrolysation happens for • Current – how many amps travel to the electrode • Temperature – effects particles kinetic energy • Solution – type of ion • Molarity of solution – mols/cm3 ; number of ions • Charge of Ions - number of electrons needed to become...
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    Electrolysis C/W contd. Variables help

    Thankyou, would Charge be : amount/strength of charge and what would quantity be :/
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    Reduce diffusion effects in electrolysis

    just chemistry coursework. we electrolysed for 2 mins. part of the problem is nothing was kept constant, diffusion wasnt constant because the three 'constants' we had, wernt kept consant. I=nAve , we changed 'e'; charge of electron. Theres more about my experiment here ...
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    Reduce diffusion effects in electrolysis

    Im evaluating my experiment. One of the ways i could improve it would to get rid f the effect of diffusion. When i electrolysed my 3 solutions, high concentration of ion areas ( generally in the solution) diffused into low concentratio areas ( around the cathode ), this would be different...
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    Reduce diffusion effects in electrolysis

    Could someone also explain diffusion in more detail. i think I've grasped it biology wise, e.g in the body.
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    Reduce diffusion effects in electrolysis

    How could i reduce the effect of diffusion of ions in an electrolysis cell. e.g AgNO3 Ag+ Stirring constanly would help? but that's not easily kept fair or constant. Could i replace this idea with rotating electrodes? Many Thanks, Adam
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    Electrolysis C/W contd. Variables help

    I have the marked draft of my coursework, its 36/40 but I need to improve 3 things. I need to expand on the Variables I have listed on my coursework, i have done half of them but I am having trouble on the others. Heres the vaiables, the bold is what I've added. Any help is much appreciated...
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    Are There Any Ions with a +4 Charge?

    sorry, I am starting to get confused here. I've had a crap day learning my coursework is all wrong :L Isnt Tin Sn? but tin-tetra chloride has +4 charged chlorine atoms dosent it? I am looking for a +4 solution where the cations are a metal. e.g copper or silver. I've drawn a blank so far...
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    Are There Any Ions with a +4 Charge?

    i have noted a few down, e.g Pb, NH, Ti, they need to be solouble in water. Is there a way of telling form the periodic table what elements can be 4+? is that to do with groups or rows? thankyou edit : ignore NH, its not metallic
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    Are There Any Ions with a +4 Charge?

    My coursework is ruined, but I am not asking for help with my coursework. Does anyone know if there is a ion with a charge of +4. I might not be making sense. I know about Copper Chloride (CuCl+2) and Silver Nitrate (AgNO3+1) and Iron III Chloride (FeCl+3). Does anyone know of a plus 4? I...
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    How Cancer Kills: A 15-Year-Old's Question

    Thanks very much, that cleared everything up. :)
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    How Cancer Kills: A 15-Year-Old's Question

    Im only 15. I know a bit about cancer, but i can't find anywhere how it actually kills you. I understand metastasis; where the cancer spreads. But i don't understand how the growth of extra cells (damaged or not) can kill. Might be a stupid question. Adam
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    How Does Ion Charge Affect Mass Deposition in Electrolysis?

    those were the exact numbers out of my coursework table, look at the moles deposited table.