Recent content by Abhirikshma

  1. Abhirikshma

    Studying Engineering Physics or Physics?

    In India there is indeed no B.Engg degree, B.Tech degree is awarded for all the engineering subjects (like Computer science, Electrical, Mechanical, Civil, chemical engineering etc.) and B.S or B.Sc for all the pure science subjects (like Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Economics, Biology...
  2. Abhirikshma

    Studying Engineering Physics or Physics?

    I have an inclination to be an experimentalist, in which discipline should I do my Bachelors in : Engineering Physics (B.Tech) or Physics (B.Sc) ? Thanks.
  3. Abhirikshma

    Dependence of rotational angular velocity of planets

    On exactly what factors does the rotational angular velocity of a planet depend ? Can a mathematical expression be derived for it ?
  4. Abhirikshma

    Hypervalent Oxygen: Violating Rules & Reactions

    Is this really true ? Because I have never seen anything like this, rather i have seen this 2H2O = H3O+ + OH- Pls. Read the equal to as a reversible arrow.
  5. Abhirikshma

    Energy dissipation in a travelling EM wave

    that is good, but how is the energy dissipated ?
  6. Abhirikshma

    Energy dissipation in a travelling EM wave

    why a large mass is needed? How are electromagnetic waves affected by configuration of nearby masses or the gravitational potential at a point ?
  7. Abhirikshma

    What is the relationship between electric potential and potential difference?

    Electric potential at a point is defined as the amount of work one has to do to bring a unit positive charge from infinity to that point. As potential is simply work done, it is a scalar quantity. So the electric potential difference is simply the difference of potentials of two points...
  8. Abhirikshma

    Energy dissipation in a travelling EM wave

    How is energy dissipated in a traveling electromagnetic wave ? Will there be any dissipation if it were to travel through vacuum ?
  9. Abhirikshma

    Calculating frictional force given mass and coefficient?

    max static friction calculated as 1.118 Newtons is correct provided there is no vertical acceleration of the surface, and it is perfectly horizontal.