Recent content by Abdullah A H

  1. Abdullah A H

    Want to know if there are any particular sites for mechanical engineering for getting recommendable research papers

    Thank you. Currently I am working on Hybrid system of Solar and Wind energy system. My supervisor is specialized on Renewable energy. Please give me suggestions about from where should I start. I have also read some journals so far. But integrating some innovative ideas is tough thing actually...
  2. Abdullah A H

    Want to know if there are any particular sites for mechanical engineering for getting recommendable research papers

    Sorry I didn’t mean that. I just want to know is there any sites of papers, journals so that can get some good ideas for my thesis of Mechanical engineering department. That's all. Just getting ideas. No copying, no buying
  3. Abdullah A H

    Want to know if there are any particular sites for mechanical engineering for getting recommendable research papers

    where can I get best research papers for my undergrade thesis in Mechanical Engineering?