Recent content by abc007

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    Transport Processes problem regarding viscosity/fluid flow and energy.

    Given : Q = 100,000 m3/day * 1 day/24 h * 1 h/60 s = 69.444 m3/s OD = 1.22 m , ID = 1.196 m , Lt = 1300 000 m , Laminar flow L = 1300 000 m/11 = 118182 m µ = 0.638 Pa.s , ρ =890 Kg/m3 Starting from first principles, estimate the pressure increase that must be generated by each of the...
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    Which Heat Exchanger Is Best for Rapid Cooling and Easy Maintenance?

    may be it is too late for answer but i think this blog will help and this is a wonderful slid
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    Reusing thousands of collected samples of batches

    I do not think that there are factories that have 100 different products but if it is then, you have to know that the batch sample will be just a few mL so it is not a big deal. a small label on the bottle with name, date, and concentration then arrange your closet in a proper way then no...
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    Instrument or method to analyze Si and SiO2 powder

    I really want to measure the conversion I thing you mean Yield. I have an idea it may works but it is not accurate. If you have evaporation temperature for every component you can insert your sample in Thermo Gravimetric Analyzer which is an instrument that calculate change in weight vs...
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    How do I get water vapor fraction and pressure?

    how can I get the vapor fraction by using steam table you can know the pressure on water and its corresponding temperature and amount of vapor generated. you can find steam table on most thermodydamic books.
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    Flow rate calculation using pressure difference and time

    actually i already forget how i solved it but anyway downlod the following file and see the Example 2.1. i hope it will help
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    Will Injecting O2 into an Equilibrium System make More Materials Radioactive?

    Ne will not has affect on the equilibruim in system A O2 and NO2 for sure will be radioactive but iam not sure about N2 for system B
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    Is it possible to burn methanol without O2

    Homework Statement Is it possible to burn methanol by using NO2 as an Oxidant instead of using O2 and what will be the product? Homework Equations CH3OH + NO2 =====> ?? The Attempt at a Solution CH3OH + NO2 =====> CH3ONO + HNO NOT sure
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    Debate: Chemical or Materials Engineering as a Career

    It depend where you live in for example in an oil countries producer a chemical engineer field will be batter but in European countries Mechanical field will be batter. Do not forget that chemical engineering field is just a mix between ME and chemistry . working environment for both of them is...
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    What is Infared and Ultraviolet radiation responsible for?

    all of them are energy and all of them could be use to produce heat but low frequency (low energy ) are more favorable to produce heat (infrared) because high energy electromagnetic waves could change the structure of molecule or make undesired reactions (Ultravilot). This is why a microwave...
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    Strange Observation of Ink in Ball Point Pen

    try this inverted ball point pen on evening and come on the morning to see what will happen. actually you will see ink go downward away from the point pen. this happen because the ink of your point pen has high viscosity which will prevent ink from moving easily. moreover, if you see the tube of...
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    Exploring Electron Energy and Distance from Nucleus

    the statement is false because the charge of electron is constant the statement have to be why more energy is needed to take out electron from inner shell? or why electrons on the outer shell need more energy to keep them there?
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    Non linear curve fitting

    give us the points and I may able to interpolate it with different method.
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    Can Light Be Trapped Between Mirrors and Is There Energy Loss?

    Thank you for replying but how the mirror will arrange to make it theoretically possible ?
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    Can Light Be Trapped Between Mirrors and Is There Energy Loss?

    can we trap light? hi every body i read about Optical fiber and how light is reflecting inside wire by the principle of Total internal reflection and I wonder, is it possible to trap light between mirrors and if yes,then is it going to be an energy losses ?? :confused: