Recent content by aaron35510

  1. A

    Free Fall: Does an Object Reach Speed of Light?

    so in this case, how do you calculate the relativistic acceleration of a free falling object?
  2. A

    Free Fall: Does an Object Reach Speed of Light?

    In free fall, there is no air resistance, so the only force acting upon the object of free fall would only be its weight. Now the question is, if an object keeps accelerating due to free fall, wouldn't it eventually reach the speed of light? For example, Earth's g=9.81 m/s^2, so over a course...
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    How to release energy in E=mc2?

    I know that anything with mass has a conserved energy within it. In that sense, wouldn't it be logical to say that even a paperclip could destroy a city in America (since c is such a huge number.) So in that case, how do you release the energy? *note: I'm not trying to destroy the world, I...
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    Einstein vs Newton: Exploring Gravity & Spacetime

    If gravity is a force, then the moment the object producing gravity is taken away, it should result in gravity taken away instantaneously. However, why does Einstein say that Newton's classical mechanics are incorrect and that in fact he decided to propose spacetime and not follow what Newton...
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    Calculating Gravitational Time Dilation in black hole/Future Time Travel

    if what i stated is not true, then please tell me what "T" stands for and what "T_0" stands for but then aren't black holes created when a star's mass becomes infinitely big so that it collapses on itself and creates a rip in spacetime? Anyways, if the mass of a black hole is NOT infinity...
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    Calculating Gravitational Time Dilation in black hole/Future Time Travel

    First of all, (following Einstein's theory of Gravitational Time Dilation (I'll just call it GTD,)) objects (such as us) age slower near strong gravitational fields than in empty space. The higher the local distortion of spacetime due to gravity, the more slowly time passes. So according to GTD...