Recent content by 7thSon

  1. 7

    Directional Derivatives definition

    Reviving this dead thread. Thanks to those who posted. Suppose I have a contour f = f(t). In general, it is difficult to calculate an arc length parameterization of the contour f = f(s). We stated above df/ds = df/dt * dt/ds, by the chain rule. We cared about df/ds because it has unit...
  2. 7

    First fundamental form and squared arc length element

    What part of this terminology is outdated? And what are the more modern terms? Also, what is the proper, two sentence definition of the immersion?
  3. 7

    Question about grad f on the x-y plane

    Ok, I think 60% of my remaining doubts will be answered if someone can answer the following question: We know that the tangent vector \mathbf{v} = \nabla f = \frac{\partial f}{\partial x} \mathbf{e_1} + \frac{\partial f}{\partial y} \mathbf{e_2} points in the direction of maximum...
  4. 7

    Question about grad f on the x-y plane

    Thanks HallsOfIvy. So this makes sense that there is a restriction of y to be a function of x, or vice versa... given that the partial derivative identity i described looks like a consequence of the implicit function theorem (though strangely different for a reason that still eludes me). What...
  5. 7

    Question about grad f on the x-y plane

    This thread has gotten a lot of views but no responses, can someone at least say because they are perplexed or maybe my initial post is too long :P
  6. 7

    Question about grad f on the x-y plane

    Maybe someone could start out by explaining to me whether or not it is correct to write, as this author does, \frac{dx}{df} = \frac{\partial x}{\partial f} + \frac{\partial x}{\partial y} \frac{dy}{df} Isn't \frac{\partial x}{\partial y} always zero?
  7. 7

    Question about grad f on the x-y plane

    Suppose I have a smooth scalar function f defined on some region in the x-y plane. Its partial derivatives with respect to x and y are well-defined. Someone explain this "proof" to me that the quantity: \frac{dx}{df} = \frac{f_{,x}}{f_{,x}^2 + f_{,y}^2} (similar expression for dy/df) The...
  8. 7

    Basis for tangent space and cotangent space

    Great, for future people reading this I think the reason it is so easy to be confused is simply notation (mathwonk would be glowing), but correct me if I'm wrong. For smooth f with the standard cartesian basis, \nabla f = \frac{\partial f}{\partial x^1} \mathbf{e_1} + \frac{\partial...
  9. 7

    Basis for tangent space and cotangent space

    Woah wait a sec... I always used "one-form" and "covector" interchangeably. Were you humoring me with the first sentence? Is a gradient a one-form but not a covector, or are they in fact the same thing? Thanks for the clarification regarding gradient vs. differential being dual to each other.
  10. 7

    Basis for tangent space and cotangent space

    Hate to revive this thread when you guys seem to have come to a conclusion, but I had another question about the cotangent space. The only example I see of a covector is the gradient of a scalar function, with the partial derivatives of some smooth scalar function f, being the components of a...
  11. 7

    Basis for tangent space and cotangent space

    Thanks quasar, but if I might, allow me to try to make one final connection. Take an arbitrary one-form \omega and tangent vector \mathbf{v} at some point of interest \omega = f_1 \ dx^1 + f_2 \ dx^2 + f_3 \ dx^3 and \mathbf{v} = a^1 \frac{\partial}{\partial x_1} + a^2...
  12. 7

    Basis for tangent space and cotangent space

    Bumping this old thread because I had a question that closely relates to it. I think this is an easy thing to confuse for someone just starting to learn these concepts. My question is, what exactly is meant by I understand that these differentials dx,dy, etc. map a vector to real number...
  13. 7

    Exact differential of scalar field

    Maybe Rasalhague's post will answer this but I can't read it until after work (Thanks for all of your repsonses). I think part of my confusion is that I have been trying to reconcile all of this with trying to learn forms. I see (dx,dy) and traditionally, I interpret it as the components of a...
  14. 7

    Exact differential of scalar field

    by the way, if anyone can explain this in terms of standard differential calculus, and then with the deeper interpretation of df as a one-form, that would be extremely useful to me.
  15. 7

    Exact differential of scalar field

    I too noticed that this just becomes the reciprocity relation when the sign is flipped, but wasn't sure whether or not that was a typo in the paper I was reading. I think you are probably right, and the lack of minus sign might have to do with the fact that the authors are more interested in...