Recent content by |2eason

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    Is Time Speeding Up? Universe Expansion & Past Receding

    It seems obvious to me that they have discovered a discrepancy between observation and GRT, and going to withhold their data until they are absolutely sure of the results! :wink:
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    Is Time Speeding Up? Universe Expansion & Past Receding

    Not to derail my own topic, but hasn't the Gravity B probe been going long enough yet to falsify(or otherwise) SCC?
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    Is Time Speeding Up? Universe Expansion & Past Receding

    That's not quite how it works. True, objects further away are receding faster, that's basic humble stuff due to the expansion of the universe. But, those galaxies furthest from us are expanding slower than they should be and those closest are expanding faster. It's this that suggests the...
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    Is Time Speeding Up? Universe Expansion & Past Receding

    As I said, time changes with respect to itself. I see no problem with this since time is treated similar to other dimensions in relativity. For instance, how do you measure 1 metre? With a ruler? That ruler is a different size under different spatial configurations. In order to determine if a...
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    Is Time Speeding Up? Universe Expansion & Past Receding

    Ok, let me put it another way. Why is the concept of 'dark energy' even remotely favourable to this idea? Neither are unfalsible. Although I've yet to think of a way to test it, at least I know where to start.
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    Is Time Speeding Up? Universe Expansion & Past Receding

    If the universe were expanding at a constant rate, but at the same time have a constant effect on time, that could explain the apparent accelerating expansion, could it not?
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    Is Time Speeding Up? Universe Expansion & Past Receding

    Well, it speeds up in relation to itself in the past, in much the same way as a metre on Earth isn't the same as a metre that's close to a black hole (from our perspective). Of course, if we occupied that metre close to a black hole, we wouldn't be able o tell the difference (assuming no...
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    Is Time Speeding Up? Universe Expansion & Past Receding

    Ok, so the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate. The further we look into the past the slower things are receding from us, no? Could it not be that time is speeding up? Has this being discounted, ie is there any other way to tell if time is passing by more quickly now than it was it...
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    Programming and Computer Science Resources -various video tutorials, some free and hxxp:// - cough, you didn't see me, right?
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    Programs Going for a degree late in life

    Hi, for some time now I have been considering having a crack at a degree. At this stage I'm not entirely sure what type of degree. I would either choose physics for the sheer enjoyment of it, or comp sci and software engineering out of both interest and career prospects. The reason I don't think...
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    A Universe That Is More Life-Producing?

    I think you have it back-to-front slightly. Our universe is actually incredibly fine-tuned to allow life. Although life on this planet has struggled to survive at times, the universe in general, through the constants that govern it's very basic physics are tuned to several decimal places to...
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    Why do long wavelengths travel further than short wavelengths?

    I think you're taking about radio waves aren't you? If I remember corrently, it's because longwave is diffracted by the Earth's atmosphere and so can 'cling' to the surface of the earth, whereas shortwave just goes out into space.
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    Cheap Heating with Microwaves: Is it Possible?

    Haha, yet again, spot on with your advice, thanks Integral. This from wikipedia. That incredibly ineficiant if you ask me, they should design a better one. :devil:
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    Cheap Heating with Microwaves: Is it Possible?

    (the edit was only for typos:)) Safety is quite easy to accomplish. The industrial system uses a teflon pipe, which is transparent to MW, and pumps the water through a focused microwave beam. It's a powerful system (and heavily...
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    Cheap Heating with Microwaves: Is it Possible?

    Ok, well, some of you got the impression that I meant to open the door of a microwave, break the safety latch and switch on... That's not quite what I meant. Obviously the microwave generator would have to be inside a metal box, with diffraction gratings top and bottom to allow air to convect up...