Recent content by 24karatbear

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    What subjects to focus on as an EE interested in Aerospace?

    Hi, thanks so much for the link! Actually, I'm in California and USC is one of the schools I've been looking at. I have been trying to look for other masters programs that offer an aerospace option for EE's, but can't really find any, so USC sounds like my best bet for sure.
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    What subjects to focus on as an EE interested in Aerospace?

    Thank you! I'm still thinking about what to specialize in, so I decided to throw in a bit of everything so I can figure out what I want to study in grad school. Nonetheless, I found your descriptions very helpful. Appreciate your post! I have heard this too, which is why I'm trying to include...
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    What subjects to focus on as an EE interested in Aerospace?

    I'm in the US. And yeah, I know experience trumps college coursework when I'm trying to find a job. I just needed to fill up some extra space in my schedule and wanted to take some relevant classes. Well, thanks for your post anyway.
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    What subjects to focus on as an EE interested in Aerospace?

    Hello, I am currently pursuing my BS in EE. I am interested in avionics and would like to eventually work in the aerospace industry. What sort of topics should I focus on? I did an initial search on the forums and people have noted that these subjects are relevant: - Control Systems -...
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    E&M, RF/Microwaves: How important after EE undergrad?

    I see what you mean. That is definitely one of the more common complaints among many of my classmates. My calc professor was a former MechE, and tried his hardest to include more applications-based problems in our course. In practically all of my other math courses, we spent a lot more time...
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    E&M, RF/Microwaves: How important after EE undergrad?

    Ah - I did not know that. I was always under the impression that as you progressed into grad school, you begin to focus on a concentration/specialization. It seems like it is much different for EE's, so that is definitely good to know. To be honest, E&M is definitely the most difficult topic...
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    E&M, RF/Microwaves: How important after EE undergrad?

    Hello! What a very detailed and informative post. Yeah, that's why I'm scrambling to decide what area I want to specialize in. I just have so many interests across the board, and so little internship experience with any of the topics I'm interested in. It's kind of why I wanted to learn a bit of...
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    E&M, RF/Microwaves: How important after EE undergrad?

    Thank you! I'll keep this in mind for robotics. Now I'm thinking of just adding the RF courses. If I do, I'll need to get rid of VLSI design and IC fabrication courses that I planned to take. Do you think it's a good swap? Also, I think it was your posts that I found while I was digging through...
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    What CompE/statistics skills should EE undergrads have?

    Thank you so much for responding! I just did a quick search on my school's course catalog I found that some of the statistics skills are actually covered in our required courses like you said. I do have space to take electives outside of my department so I think I will look into some QM physics...
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    E&M, RF/Microwaves: How important after EE undergrad?

    Hello, Apologies for the squished title. Basically, I'm wondering how important E&M and RF/microwaves will be once I obtain my BSEE and search for my first job. I did some research on the forum already and people said that these skills are 'in demand,' and I just wanted more clarification on...
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    What CompE/statistics skills should EE undergrads have?

    Hey, thank you! Yeah, I haven't really narrowed down my interests yet, so everything is still a bit broad as I try to discover what I really want to do after I graduate. Your suggestions help a lot, though.
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    What CompE/statistics skills should EE undergrads have?

    Hello, I apologize for the ambiguous thread title. I am in the process of choosing electives and was wondering what sort of CSE/statistics skills (outside of what is required in a typical EE program) would prove useful to me after I graduate. Aside from core requirements, I have completed...
  13. 2

    Engineering Finding equivalent resistance for the given circuits

    Okay, great! Thanks again for looking over my post, gneill. :)
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    Engineering Finding equivalent resistance for the given circuits

    Thank you for having a look! I discovered that it is a short, and therefore all the current is going through it. Because of this, the voltage across R1 is zero, adn there is zero current going through R1. This means that R2 and R3 can be taken in series. Would this be correct?
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    Engineering Finding equivalent resistance for the given circuits

    Homework Statement Find the equivalent resistance Rab for each circuit given here (resistance values have been omitted so I can focus on understanding the concept, but I can supply them if requested). Homework Equations This problem expects me to know how to combine resistors in...