Recent content by 1ledzepplin1

  1. 1

    Springs question - vertical versus horizontal stretching

    Thanks 256bits and AlephZero for each of your valuable links. Both contained precisely the information I was looking for and I'm pleased to see that it's as complicated and interesting as I had thought it was from direct observation. I was once told by my college physics professor that her...
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    Solitons / electrostatics question?

    I'm having difficulty establishing whether it's possible to have an electrostatic charge that flows. Can current exist AND electrostatic charge exist in the same place? Given a length of coated wire, could current flow through the wire and electrostatic charge exist on the insulation? Could...
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    Springs question - vertical versus horizontal stretching

    Springs question -- vertical versus horizontal stretching... So I know hooke's law well enough and I understand the spring constant and it's vertical applications where force equals displacement times some constant. What I am unsure of is to what degree this all applies to a horizontal stretch...
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    Optimizing Solar Panel Efficiency: Calculating Sunlight for Maximum Power"

    For the motor I was thinking that the additional input would balance out to equal a net gain of energy. It could be calculated If you simply measured the energy yielded in direct perfect sunlight versus the efficiency losses over the day. Then compare the difference between a normal run, with...
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    Optimizing Solar Panel Efficiency: Calculating Sunlight for Maximum Power"

    I'd argue in favor of inputting a very very lightweight servo with light-level detection so that the time of day could orient the solar cell toward the sunlight's through this device. it might not account for seasonal differences but this could be very useful, especially if utilized for a...
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    The Force of an Array of Perm. Magnets on a Large Iron Body

    I apologize for my blunt post at first, I seemed to have let the noisy environment I was sitting in penetrate as far as my very tone of writing, haha, but this isn't surprising. To properly respond though I'll admit that the power needed for a projectile mass of completely unspecified mass of an...
  7. 1

    Conservation of mass incongruent with He?

    Hahahah nugatory your sass is well received and appreciated. I asked my physics professor and she about gave me the same taste of humility in her response as well. I respect the conclusions of countless experiments that have all yielded the gravitational constant, I just can't help but poke and...
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    The Force of an Array of Perm. Magnets on a Large Iron Body

    Bad design. What you need to do if you're going to take on something this complicated is get comfortable with electromagnets that can be switched on and off, not permanent magnets as I believe you mentioned wanting to use. With electromagnets you can actually produced pulsed magnetic fields that...
  9. 1

    Using Radio Antennae to Dump Stored Energy

    I would have to wonder what the benefits of just 'discarding' such energy would be but to answer the question I wouldn't imagine that radio waves would be particular effective per se. Radio waves encompass a large frequency range which is inclusive of microwaves as well. If we are discussing the...
  10. 1

    Heating up a wire with current

    Get a length of resistance wire if you have any plans of building something with this information. They are built for sorts of applications like a blow dryer and for electronic cigarette/hookah atomizers.
  11. 1

    Does polarization change upon reflection?

    Light polarization is constitutive of a linear model and a helical polarization whereby linear include transverse and longitudinal I believe. If you were looking through a pair of polarized sun glasses you could picture a series of slits etched across the lens that allow only a light ray of a...
  12. 1

    Does polarization change upon reflection?

    The polarization of light can be modified through the diffraction of light. A beam of light passing through certain types of crystals, like double refracting crystals, can produce light of different polarizations because they offer a uniform diffraction scheme thanks to the internal geometry of...
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    Conservation of mass incongruent with He?

    I can definitely appreciate some of the answers citing gravitational force as a function of distance AND mass and the pressure question is very interesting and I look forward to seeing more discussion on that. I feel like, however, my gravitational question was taken a bit more literally than I...
  14. 1

    Conservation of mass incongruent with He?

    Hi physicists! My name is grant and I am curious as to how helium plays into our Earth's overall mass and gravity. It's my understanding that gravity itself is functionally dependent on the quantity of mass within closed systems or objects, and it's also my understanding that helium will...