Yemen's Unraveling: US Surprised by Collapse of Govt

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In summary, a US official expressed surprise at the collapse of the Yemeni government, as the American-funded army failed to oppose advancing Houthi rebels. This situation is comparable to what happened in Iraq with the Islamic State group. It appears that the Shiite Houthis are aligned with Iran, which may have contributed to the unexpected developments. However, the US official's surprise itself is also surprising, as Yemen has been on the brink of state failure for some time. The situation highlights the ongoing crisis in the Middle East and the instability in the region.
  • #1
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2023 Award
I was listening to a discuss about Yemen, and it's unraveling is probably worthy of its own thread.

US official: US was surprised by collapse of Yemen govt

Western nations and Saudi Arabia are pulling out.

Nick Rasmussen, who directs the National Counterterrorism Center, told the Senate intelligence committee that Yemen's American-funded army failed to oppose advancing Houthi rebels in the same way the U.S.-supported Iraqi military refused to fight Islamic State militants last year.

What happened in Iraq with the onslaught of the Islamic State group "happened in Yemen" on "a somewhat smaller scale," he said. "As the Houthi advances toward Sanaa took place ... they weren't opposed in many places. ...The situation deteriorated far more rapidly than we expected."
Apparently the Shiite Houthis are aligned with Iran.
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  • #2
I'm surprised the U.S. was surprised. The county has been on the brink of state failure for awhile. Al Qaeda must be over joyed. The Middle East is truly in crisis. Making Africa look stable is not a good achievement.
  • #3
Astronuc said:
US official: US was surprised by collapse of Yemen govt
Greg Bernhardt said:
I'm surprised the U.S. was surprised.
At what level are people surprised? Collection and analysis of data? Or, "interpretation and assessment" for "decisions and policy?"
  • #4
Greg Bernhardt said:
I'm surprised the U.S. was surprised. The county has been on the brink of state failure for awhile. Al Qaeda must be over joyed. The Middle East is truly in crisis. Making Africa look stable is not a good achievement.
Im not sure how happy Al Qeada is, these rebels are shiite, while Al Qeada is sunni. Seems more like one of their enemies just got replaced by another enemy.

Related to Yemen's Unraveling: US Surprised by Collapse of Govt

What led to the collapse of Yemen's government?

The collapse of Yemen's government has been a result of multiple factors, including political instability, economic struggles, and ongoing conflicts within the country. The government was already weakened by years of corruption and mismanagement, and the sudden resignation of President Hadi in 2015 further destabilized the country. The Houthi rebel group, backed by Iran, took control of the capital city of Sanaa and eventually overthrew the government, leading to the current state of Yemen's unraveling.

Why was the US surprised by Yemen's collapse?

The US has been involved in Yemen for years, providing military and financial support to the government and working towards stability in the region. However, the US underestimated the level of corruption and weakness within the government, as well as the influence of the Houthi rebel group. The sudden collapse of the government caught the US off guard and has been a major setback in their efforts to maintain stability in the region.

What impact has Yemen's unraveling had on its people?

The collapse of Yemen's government has had a devastating impact on its people. The ongoing conflicts and power struggles have led to widespread violence, displacement, and a humanitarian crisis. Millions of Yemenis are facing food insecurity and lack access to basic necessities such as clean water and healthcare. The destabilization of the government has also allowed terrorist groups, such as Al-Qaeda, to gain a stronger foothold in the country.

What role has foreign intervention played in Yemen's unraveling?

Foreign intervention has played a significant role in Yemen's unraveling. The involvement of other countries, such as Iran and Saudi Arabia, has fueled the ongoing conflicts and further destabilized the region. The US's drone strikes and military support to the Yemeni government have also contributed to the violence and turmoil in the country. Foreign intervention has hindered any attempts at finding a peaceful resolution and has only added to the suffering of the Yemeni people.

What steps can be taken to address Yemen's unraveling?

Addressing Yemen's unraveling will require a multifaceted approach. The international community must work towards finding a peaceful resolution and providing humanitarian aid to those in need. It is also crucial for the Yemeni government to address corruption and work towards building a stable and inclusive government. Additionally, foreign intervention and support for different factions in the country must be carefully evaluated and potentially reduced in order to allow for a more sustainable solution to the crisis.
