Worst Web Sites: Pen Island's Domain Name Disaster

  • Thread starter BobG
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In summary, the worst website we've found is ogrish.com. It's just so terrible that it's not even funny.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Homework Helper
What are the worst web sites you've found? Why? (Both why was it so bad, and why on Earth did you ever visit it if it was that bad?)

First nominee is Pen Island's website at http://www.penisland.net


One can just imagine a naive, idealistic, entrepreneur ... maybe a reformed, aging hippie looking to branch out into more legal business opportunities, certainly long before Al Gore invented the Internet, setting up his small kiosk in the mall and asking himself, "What would be a good name for a kiosk selling pens amidst this sea of people?" Suddenly, he smacks himself in the head, falls to floor, stunned, but unharmed, and then springs back up enthusiastically, "I've got it! I'll call my kiosk Pen Island!"

Oh, what a tragic decision. Better if he'd suffered a concussion and forgotten his name than what happened when he migrated to the Internet. Now the poor owner has to display a bright, red EMAIL FRAUD WARNING on his home page, warning potential customers what to do if they receive vulgar or offensive E-Mails from someone@penisland.net.

The only thing worse would be if he had been smart enough to insert an underscore between "pen" and "island". Then he would go to bed every night knowing his customers where only one omitted character away from getting the shock of their lives. Always buy up all the variations of your domain name!

The way it is, he already has to warn his customers of two imposters:

http://www.penisland.org and http://www.pen-island.net .

One can only guess what pen-island.net might have done in the past, but penisland.org is actually better than penisland.net. It has better sound, better animation, a better color scheme, and even a better island picture. About the only bad thing you can say about penisland.org is the sound isn't quite in synch with the animation. How bad is it when the parody site is better than the site it's making fun of?!

What a disaster of a domain name!
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  • #2
:smile: They'll even sell you a sample pen (before you make a full order) that has their company name on it...including their web address! Okay, I can barely resist, I think I HAVE to have a pen that says www.penisland.net on it!
  • #3
I hate those annoying flash sites.
  • #4
Moonbear said:
:smile: They'll even sell you a sample pen (before you make a full order) that has their company name on it...including their web address! Okay, I can barely resist, I think I HAVE to have a pen that says www.penisland.net on it!

I can just see how funny it will be if I used one of those at work.
  • #5
Chrono said:
I can just see how funny it will be if I used one of those at work.

Where do you think I want to take that pen? Then again, I'm the one who brought sperm earrings for all the women in the lab when I found a vendor giving them away at a conference! And those pens that have the squiggly shaped clip with the ball at the end, we routinely call those sperm pens, so one that reads www.penisland.net would fit right in!

Oh, even better, leave it out where the office pen thief will be likely to pick it up! :biggrin: That might stop them from taking pens from your desk when they realize what it says. :smile:
  • #6
Moonbear said:
Where do you think I want to take that pen? Then again, I'm the one who brought sperm earrings for all the women in the lab when I found a vendor giving them away at a conference!

Now that reminds of the movie:"There's something about Mary"... :-p I lied both Matt Dillon & Ben Stiller... :approve:

  • #7
I nominate ogrish.com for worst website ever, but there's no redeeming comedic value here, so...
  • #8
:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

That's just too funny BobG!
  • #9
Moonbear said:
... Then again, I'm the one who brought sperm earrings for all the women ...

So you could all enjoy aural sex without the ick ? :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #10
penisland sounds fun! like Disneyland, but with ... ok I can't even finish this.. too vulgar, even for me.. :biggrin: :blushing:
  • #11
Math Is Hard said:
penisland sounds fun! like Disneyland, but with ...

Oh gosh what can be said here? I can't stand to let this pass...hmmm...

which one has the longest rides?
  • #12
What if it's a small world after all?
  • #13
:smile: heeeehoooohoooo! oh, you guys! :smile:
yer killin' me!
  • #14
:smile: You know, no matter how many times I read the name of that site, I cannot read it as Pen Island. You'd really think that by now the site owner would have decided to get a new site and just redirect their old customers there. Then again, can you imagine what the people who aren't looking for pens are thinking when they wind up there by accident? :smile:
  • #15
indeed. I ordered the special grab-bag assortment of oversized and irregular models and was very dissapointed when I got my shipment. :frown:
  • #16
Math Is Hard said:
indeed. I ordered the special grab-bag assortment of oversized and irregular models and was very dissapointed when I got my shipment. :frown:

:smile: This is just killing me tonight. It's too late at night for me to think clearly enough to be clever, which means I can't make the comments I want to make.
  • #17
Ah-hem! Excuse me, I'm a minor and am very offended by your remarks. I demand an official apology and your addresses so I can sue you for polluting my delicate mind with sensitive subject matter. :bugeye:

You should be ashamed
  • #18
Smurf said:
Ah-hem! Excuse me, I'm a minor and am very offended by your remarks. I demand an official apology and your addresses so I can sue you for polluting my delicate mind with sensitive subject matter. :bugeye:

You should be ashamed

I apologize; I realize some people are too young to be exposed to pens. They should stick with crayons and those fat pencils. And if you thought we were talking about anything other than pens, well, you just have a sick, sick mind there. o:)
  • #19
Moonbear said:
:smile: They'll even sell you a sample pen (before you make a full order) that has their company name on it...including their web address! Okay, I can barely resist, I think I HAVE to have a pen that says www.penisland.net on it!

On their sample pen page, they have this addition to the bottom of the page:

"NOTE: Due to an unexpectedly large demand for our sample pens, new orders will be delayed about a week until we can replenish our supplies. You are still welcomed to place an order, though."
  • #20
motai said:
On their sample pen page, they have this addition to the bottom of the page:

"NOTE: Due to an unexpectedly large demand for our sample pens, new orders will be delayed about a week until we can replenish our supplies. You are still welcomed to place an order, though."
it's okay it happens to lots of companies. Its not a big deal. Next time. I'm not mad.
  • #21
Heh. Penisland.

BobG said:
What are the worst web sites you've found? Why? (Both why was it so bad, and why on Earth did you ever visit it if it was that bad?)

No question: http://www.timecube.com

Just read it, and you'll see.
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  • #22
Math Is Hard said:
indeed. I ordered the special grab-bag assortment of oversized and irregular models and was very dissapointed when I got my shipment. :frown:
I can only imagine that to be a common problem with the grab-bag.
  • #23
There used to be a site called goats**. Hilarious but meant to shock people, one of the worst sites I've seen.
  • #24
Tom Mattson said:
Heh. Penisland.

No question: http://www.timecube.com

Just read it, and you'll see.

I don't know. Actually, I kind of think the style makes a real statement: "I suffer from paranoid delusions!" The style is entirely consistent with the content.

Plus, the more he ranted, the more he seemed to learn. Granted, his table didn't turn out that good, but did you see his E-Mail button? It's a work of art!
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  • #25
BobG said:
Plus, the more he ranted, the more he seemed to learn. Granted, his table didn't turn out that good, but did you see his E-Mail button? It's a work of art!

You made me go back to look at the email button! :smile: I try to avoid the temptation to look at that site, I feel neurons dying every time I just see the link posted. I never got to the end before. I like the last thing on the page, "1,000,000 hits and the...counter died." :smile:
  • #26
Are you guys kidding?

www.penisland.net is a bad site name??

Look at it this way. Here we are on a completely unrelated website, with no less than three links to the site. C.o.m.p.l.e.t.e.l.y. free advertising.

bad site name, my... er... Pen.
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  • #27
enigma, lucky for you, penisland.com doesn't exist, otherwise we might have to find a way for Evo to send you a warning about posting questionable material here :smile: (the site we're talking about is .net :biggrin:)
  • #28
ACK. fixed :blushing:

sorry. I'm not myself today (or maybe I'm myself as I should be or something...)
  • #29
enigma said:
sorry. I'm not myself today (or maybe I'm myself as I should be or something...)

If you're not yourself, then who else are you? And what have you done with yourself?! Are multiple personalities part of being an enigma? http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/ani_smiles.gif

  • #30
My friend once found one that was trying to talk people out of commiting suicide. In all fairness, if someone was about to commit suicide I don't think they'd type in on a search website: Ways to stop suicide, would they? As they'd be too depressed etc to do that and it would be the last thing to cross their minds.
At least that's what I feel anyway.
  • #31
as far as ogrish...thats terrible. stuff like that makes me sick...very very sick and apalled and even scared. scared of the world we live in. I have no idea what sort of sick people get anyting out of watching beheadings.

And I have one question for anyone who it may concern: why, when two people get in a fight, is there no attempt made by anyone to break it up, even when it's down to one person just beating the other one when they are down?
  • #32
1.Who deleted the posts by Moonbear & Enigma...? :rolleyes:

2.If you want to sleep okay,don't search for horrors on the internet,please.


P.S.There are much worse sites...
  • #33
dextercioby said:
1.Who deleted the posts by Moonbear & Enigma...? :rolleyes:

2.If you want to sleep okay,don't search for horrors on the internet,please.


P.S.There are much worse sites...

They're not deleted...can't you see them? :-p

Okay, it's Enigma's fault. He decided to break GD protocol and be a good citizen about not hijacking a thread, so split that part of the discussion into another thread.

Related to Worst Web Sites: Pen Island's Domain Name Disaster

1. What is the story behind Pen Island's domain name disaster?

In 2007, a company named Pen Island registered the domain name "penisland.net" for their business of selling custom-made pens. However, the lack of spacing in the domain name led to it being misread as "penisland.net" instead, resulting in a disastrous and unintentionally suggestive name for the company.

2. How did the company respond to the domain name mishap?

The company initially tried to brush off the mistake and even embraced it by using the slogan "We specialize in wood!" on their website. However, they eventually changed their domain name to "pens.com" and redirected the old domain to the new one.

3. Did the company face any consequences for the domain name blunder?

The company did not face any legal consequences, but they did receive a lot of negative attention and jokes about their name. They also lost potential customers who were put off by the suggestive domain name.

4. Has the company been able to recover from the domain name disaster?

Despite the initial backlash, Pen Island has been able to recover from the domain name disaster and continue their business. They have also embraced their infamous name and even sell merchandise with slogans like "I love Pen Island" and "I survived the Pen Island disaster".

5. What can we learn from Pen Island's domain name mistake?

This incident serves as a cautionary tale for companies to carefully consider their domain name choices and avoid any unintentionally suggestive or offensive names. It also highlights the importance of proofreading and double-checking before finalizing important decisions for a business.

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