Why is this Hubble plot linear for Omega=2 closed universe?

In summary, on Ned Wright's website one can find a graph plotting supernova data against different expansion models. The linear relationship for the closed universe with ##\Omega##=2 (red line) is of particular interest, as there is no weird scaling involved. This is due to a crucial cancellation in the second term of the right numerator in Equation (3.78). When plotted, the slope of the resulting straight line is approximately 70 km/s/Mpc, consistent with values on the vertical and horizontal axes of the figure. A reference to section 3.4 "Observations in Cosmology" in John Peacock's book "Cosmological Physics" on Ned Wright's website provides further explanation.
  • #1
Science Advisor
TL;DR Summary
I'm trying to get an intuitive understanding of how different expansion models show up on the Hubble plot and I can't wrap my head around the linearity of this one.
On Ned Wright's pages one can find this graph:

plotting some supernova data against different expansion models.
The main thing here that gives me a pause is the linear relationship for the closed universe with ##\Omega##=2 (red line). There doesn't seem to be any weird scaling involved. What is it, then, about this particular density that makes the plot of redshift vs this particular distance measure linear?
A reference to a non-obscure textbook or an online resource should suffice and will be appreciated, but patient explanations are more than welcome.
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  • #2
Bandersnatch said:
The main thing here that gives me a pause is the linear relationship for the closed universe with ##\Omega##=2 (red line). There doesn't seem to be any weird scaling involved. What is it, then, about this particular density that makes the plot of redshift vs this particular distance measure linear? A reference to a non-obscure textbook or an online resource should suffice and will be appreciated, but patient explanations are more than welcome.

I can run through the math, but I can't give any real intuition for the ##\Omega = 2## matter-only case.

Below, I reference and use stuff from section 3.4 "Observations in Cosmology" in John Peacock's book "Cosmological Physics". This section is freely available on Ned Wright's website,
Equation (3.78),
$$R_0 S_k \left( r \right) = \frac{2c}{H_0}\frac{z \Omega + \left( \Omega - 2 \right) \left( \sqrt{1 + z \Omega} - 1\right)}{\Omega^2 \left( 1 + z \right)},$$
applies to a matter-dominated universe, and where ##S_k \left( r \right)## is the standard FLRW spatial metric given by (3.10)

When ##\Omega = 2##, a crucial cancellation in the second term in the right numerator occurs, and this becomes
R_0 S_k \left( r \right) &= \frac{2c}{H_0}\frac{z \Omega }{\Omega^2 \left( 1 + z \right)} \nonumber \\
&= \frac{c}{H_0}\frac{z}{1 + z} \nonumber .
\end{align} $$
Combining this with equation (3.91) for luminosity distance,
$$D_L = \left( 1 + z \right) R_0 S_k,$$
$$D_L = \frac{cz}{H_0},$$
$$cz = H_0 D_L .$$
Hence, when ##cz## is plotted versus luminosity distance, the slope of the resulting straight line is
$$H_0 \approx 70 ~ \frac{\rm{km} / \rm{s}}{\rm{Mpc}} = 70000 ~\frac{\rm{km} / \rm{s}}{\rm{Gpc}},$$
which is consistent with values on the vertical and horizontal axes of the figure.
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Related to Why is this Hubble plot linear for Omega=2 closed universe?

1. Why is the Hubble plot linear for an Omega=2 closed universe?

The Hubble plot is linear for an Omega=2 closed universe because it follows the Hubble law, which states that the recessional velocity of a galaxy is directly proportional to its distance from Earth. In a closed universe, the gravitational pull of matter causes the expansion of the universe to slow down, resulting in a linear relationship between velocity and distance.

2. How does the Omega value affect the linearity of the Hubble plot?

The Omega value, which represents the ratio of the actual density of the universe to the critical density, determines the curvature of the universe. In a closed universe with an Omega value of 2, the universe is positively curved and the expansion is decelerating. This results in a linear Hubble plot.

3. Can the Hubble plot be linear for a different value of Omega?

Yes, the Hubble plot can be linear for different values of Omega, depending on the curvature of the universe. In a flat universe with an Omega value of 1, the expansion is constant and the Hubble plot will also be linear. However, in an open universe with an Omega value less than 1, the expansion is accelerating and the Hubble plot will not be linear.

4. What other factors can affect the linearity of the Hubble plot?

Aside from the Omega value, other factors that can affect the linearity of the Hubble plot include the presence of dark energy, which can cause the expansion of the universe to accelerate, and the distribution of matter in the universe, which can cause local variations in the Hubble constant and affect the linearity of the plot.

5. How does the linearity of the Hubble plot provide evidence for a closed universe?

The linear relationship between velocity and distance in the Hubble plot supports the idea of a closed universe because it is consistent with the predictions of general relativity. In a closed universe, the expansion of the universe is decelerating due to the gravitational pull of matter, resulting in a linear Hubble plot. This provides evidence that the universe is positively curved and has a finite amount of matter, supporting the idea of a closed universe.

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