Why is AI3 a conductor and Aluminum Trioxide is not?

In summary, Al is a conductor due to the presence of free electrons in its crystal structure, while Aluminum Trioxide (Al2O3) is not a conductor due to the strong electronegativity of the surrounding oxygen atoms that bind the valence electrons, making it difficult for them to move freely within the crystal. This is a complex concept that cannot be fully explained with a simple answer.
  • #1
Why is Al3 a conductor and Aluminum Trioxide is not?
Chemistry news on Phys.org
  • #2
This is almost a hand-waving argument. A complete explanation will be very complex.

In a crystal of Al (not Al3), the 3 valence electrons from each Al atom are not attracted in any specific direction. The surrounding atoms are also Al atoms, each of which has these 3 electrons. So what ends up happening is that a large number of these electrons become free to wander about the crystal any which way they choose. This "sea" of electrons is what makes Al a conductor (the electrons will carry charge and energy from one end of an Al rod to another if the correct potential is provided, because there is little impedance to there movement).

But in the case of Al2O3, each Al atom is surrounded by a bunch of O atoms. O being a strongly electronegative atom, tends to attract the valence electrons towards itself. So, all these electrons get more or less bound by these O atoms, and as a result they are not free to move about the crystal. So, it takes a large activation (whether thermal or electrostatic) to force these electrons to move. This is basically saying that Al2O3 is a poor conductor.

Ummm...this isn't homework, is it ?
  • #3

AI3, also known as aluminum triiodide, is a conductor because it has free-moving electrons that allow for the flow of electric current. This is due to the fact that it has a partially filled valence band, which means that its outermost electron shell is not completely filled. As a result, there are loosely bound electrons that are able to move freely and conduct electricity.

On the other hand, aluminum trioxide (Aluminum Oxide, Al2O3) is not a conductor because it is a covalent compound. This means that its atoms are held together by strong covalent bonds, rather than the metallic bonds found in AI3. These covalent bonds do not allow for the movement of electrons, making it an insulator rather than a conductor.

Additionally, aluminum trioxide has a fully filled valence band, meaning that its outermost electron shell is completely filled. As a result, there are no free electrons available for conduction.

In summary, AI3 is a conductor due to its partially filled valence band and metallic bonding, while aluminum trioxide is an insulator due to its covalent bonding and fully filled valence band.

Related to Why is AI3 a conductor and Aluminum Trioxide is not?

1. Why is AI3 a conductor while Aluminum Trioxide is not?

AI3, also known as Aluminum Iodide, is a conductor because it is an ionic compound, meaning it contains positively charged ions called cations and negatively charged ions called anions. These ions are free to move and carry electric charge, making AI3 a conductor of electricity. On the other hand, Aluminum Trioxide is a covalent compound, meaning it has strong bonds between its atoms and does not have free ions to conduct electricity.

2. What is the difference between AI3 and Aluminum Trioxide?

AI3 and Aluminum Trioxide have different chemical compositions and structures. AI3 is made up of one aluminum atom and three iodine atoms, while Aluminum Trioxide is made up of one aluminum atom and three oxygen atoms. AI3 is an ionic compound, while Aluminum Trioxide is a covalent compound. This difference in composition and structure leads to their different properties, such as conductivity.

3. Can Aluminum Trioxide be made to conduct electricity?

It is possible to make Aluminum Trioxide conductive by adding impurities or dopants to the compound. These impurities can introduce free ions or create defects in the crystal structure, allowing for the movement of charge and making it a conductor. However, this process is not commonly used, and AI3 is a more efficient and reliable conductor.

4. Why is AI3 commonly used as a conductor in electronic devices?

AI3 is commonly used as a conductor in electronic devices because of its high conductivity and stability. It is also relatively inexpensive and readily available. Additionally, AI3 can be easily doped with other elements to further enhance its conductivity, making it a versatile choice for various electronic applications.

5. Are there any potential drawbacks to using AI3 as a conductor?

While AI3 is a reliable and efficient conductor, it does have some drawbacks. One potential issue is that it is highly reactive with water and moisture, which can lead to corrosion and damage to electronic devices. Another drawback is that it is brittle and can easily break under stress, which can be a problem in certain applications. Researchers are continuously working on improving AI3 and finding ways to overcome these limitations.

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