Why Does a Wave Reflect with Double Amplitude at a Free End?

In summary: It seems the displacement of the "free" end of the rope at the endpoint mirrors the displacement of the "free" end of the trolley when considering the propagation of a transverse wave.In summary, the end of the free end of the rope reflects a wave when it's free and the end of the string rises to a height of 2A.
  • #1
Hi everyone, the fact that a wave reflects from a string when it's end is free and the end of the string rises to a height of 2A seems to confuse me a bit. Even though I find it somewhat intuitive I would appreciate a detailed explanation of the same. Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
Hhhmmm...traveling waves? I seem to recall a lesson about this in one of my power systems class several decades ago...maybe I can "translate" what I remember...hope this rambling helps in some way.

When you have a source of energy that somehow has produced a wave in a string, I presume several scenarios are possible.

First, the string is not massless or friction less and so, with a long enough string or rope the wave will eventually dissipate and not even reach the end of the rope.

With a "short" rope and a free end ("zero impedance"), I thought the wave would disappear (this is what I seem to recall for electrical traveling waves, anyway), but maybe with the whipping at the (non-massless) rope end reflects some of the wave back?...don't know.

With a "short" rope and the other end firmly tied to a post ("infinite impedance"), the wave is supposed to reflect back at 180 degrees out of phase...meaning, if the wave hump is going say along the top of the horizontal and it hits the post, it comes back along the bottom of the horizontal.

With "impedance" values in between zero and infinite, the wave is supposed to reflect some and refract some...for example, say you have a thin string tied to a thick string...a wave coming along the thin string reaching the tie will "see" a change in "impedance"...part of the wave will propagate (refract) to the thick string, excite it and produce a wave there, though smaller...and part of the wave will reflect back through the thin string itself (kind of similar as with the post but much smaller scale).

hope this helps in some way
  • #3
The fact that the wave reverses with a phase change of 180 degrees is something I am quite comfortable with. But however the second part with a rope at free end the wave reflects without any phase change and the end point rises at double the amplitude is something that seems to confuse me. Thanks for the reply though.
  • #4
I see. Think about it though...how did you produce the wave in the first place? By raising your end of the rope high up and lowering it; once the wave approaches the other free end, when there isn't enough rope (mass and downward force) to contain the energy of the wave, the wave raises and launches the rope high up in the air placing some potential energy and internal tension into it...now, the rope end is high up in the air similar to the position where your end was when creating the wave and, so, when the end comes back down and the internal tension springs back...a similar wave is created on the same side of the horizontal. ...just a thought.
  • #5
I've already thought it this way and to be honest it does seem intuitive to me. I actually was looking for a concrete mathematical proof. Nevertheless thank you I appreciate all the help.
  • #6
If you are trying to understand the "mathematical" reason for "why" the rope reflects the way it does at an endpoint, I suggest starting by writing out the boundary conditions at the endpoint — for both the "free" rope end and the "anchored" end.
  • #7
It may help to think about a line of trolleys joined by springs. The trolleys are orientated transverse to the line joining them; they can move only at right angles to this line. Now imagine the propagation of a transverse wave when a trolley at one end of the line is displaced. When the transverse disturbance (wave) reaches the other end of the line (assumed 'free' with no springs or trolleys beyond it), what will happen to this final trolley? Not being restrained by further springs, it will be displaced further. Hand-waving, but can be dealt with mathematically.

Related to Why Does a Wave Reflect with Double Amplitude at a Free End?

1. How do waves reflect off of surfaces?

When a wave encounters a surface, it can either be absorbed, transmitted, or reflected. The reflection of a wave occurs when the wave encounters a surface that cannot absorb or transmit it, causing the wave to bounce back in the opposite direction.

2. What factors affect the reflection of waves?

The reflection of waves can be affected by several factors, including the angle of incidence, the nature of the surface, and the wavelength of the wave. The angle of incidence describes the angle at which the wave hits the surface, while the nature of the surface refers to its texture and composition. The wavelength of a wave determines how much of the wave is reflected and how much is absorbed or transmitted.

3. How does the law of reflection apply to waves?

The law of reflection states that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. This means that the angle at which a wave hits a surface will be the same as the angle at which it bounces back. This law applies to all types of waves, including sound, light, and water waves.

4. Can the reflection of waves be controlled?

Yes, the reflection of waves can be controlled through the use of different materials and surfaces. For example, smooth surfaces tend to reflect waves in a more predictable and consistent manner, while rough surfaces can scatter the waves in different directions. This property is often utilized in engineering and architecture to control the reflection of sound and light waves.

5. How is reflection of waves used in real-life applications?

The reflection of waves has many practical applications in everyday life. For instance, it is used in sonar technology to locate objects underwater, in medical imaging to create images of internal body structures, and in radar technology to detect objects in the air. It is also used in everyday objects such as mirrors, which use the reflection of light waves to create images of objects.

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