Why do quarks prefer to live on top of fluctuating gluon fields?

In summary, gluon field fluctuations are small, random changes in the intensity and direction of the gluon field, which is a force field that mediates the strong nuclear force between quarks. They play a crucial role in understanding the behavior of quarks and the strong nuclear force, and are studied using theoretical models, computer simulations, and experiments at particle accelerators. They cannot be controlled or manipulated, but studying their effects can deepen our understanding of the universe on a subatomic level.
  • #1
So below is an animation of a quantum field's energy density fluctuating. Specifically, a gluon field.

So the empty spots are not truly empty but where the field is at the lowest energy. I saw a video from veritasium stating that the quarks are likely to live on top of those lumps. Why?

And another question is that what are those lumps? In QFT, high excitations of field energy results in particles. So are there gluon particles there? It seems not as the animation is about the gluon field in vacuum, not particles.

And finally, if there are no gluon particles where those lumps are, then why would quarks want to be there?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Do you want to tell us where this comes from?
  • #3
Vanadium 50 said:
Do you want to tell us where this comes from?

Oh sorry. Here it is

  • #5
Translation: here's a page with a half dozen animations on it, anyone of which might be the one I am interested in.

Sorry, you're going to have to find another playmate for these games of yours. I'm not going to guess.
  • #6
Vanadium 50 said:
Translation: here's a page with a half dozen animations on it, anyone of which might be the one I am interested in.

Sorry, you're going to have to find another playmate for these games of yours. I'm not going to guess.

Its the top one in the link. The first two that plays automatically are similar. Its the top one. The one that doesn't have yellow in it and is mostly blue with spots of red. It's something about action density.

The animations to the right and above illustrate the typical four-dimensional structure of gluon-field configurations averaged over in describing the vacuum properties of QCD. The volume of the box is 2.4 by 2.4 by 3.6 fm, big enough to hold a couple of protons. Contrary to the concept of an empty vacuum, QCD induces chromo-electric and chromo-magnetic fields throughout space-time in its lowest energy state. After a few sweeps of smoothing the gluon field (50 sweeps of APE smearing), a lumpy structure reminiscent of a lava lamp is revealed. This is the QCD Lava Lamp. The action density (top) and the topological charge density (right) are displayed. The former is similar to an energy density while the latter is a measure of the winding of the gluon field lines in the QCD vacuum.
and the picture is the one that I posted in the OP. Sorry for being vague. I get absent minded about these things sometimes.
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  • #7
FallenApple said:
below is an animation of a quantum field's energy density fluctuating

I looked at the page you linked to but didn't see any references to the actual math behind these animations. Without that it's going to be very difficult to answer your questions.

FallenApple said:
I saw a video from veritasium stating that the quarks are likely to live on top of those lumps. Why?

Same problem here; without a reference to the actual math it's not really possible to answer. In short, the videos by themselves are not acceptable sources for a PF discussion.

Based on the above, I am closing the thread. @FallenApple if you can find references to actual math (preferably articles or papers discussing how the videos were generated), PM me with links so they can be reviewed.

Related to Why do quarks prefer to live on top of fluctuating gluon fields?

What are gluon field fluctuations?

Gluon field fluctuations are small, random changes in the intensity and direction of the gluon field, which is a force field that mediates the strong nuclear force between quarks.

Why are gluon field fluctuations important in particle physics?

Gluon field fluctuations play a crucial role in understanding the behavior of quarks and the strong nuclear force. They can affect the way quarks interact with each other and can lead to the creation of new particles in high energy collisions.

How are gluon field fluctuations studied?

Gluon field fluctuations are studied using theoretical models and computer simulations, as well as through experiments at particle accelerators such as the Large Hadron Collider. Scientists also use data from previous experiments to study the effects of gluon field fluctuations.

Can gluon field fluctuations be controlled or manipulated?

No, gluon field fluctuations are a natural phenomenon and cannot be controlled or manipulated. However, scientists can study and observe their effects through experiments and simulations.

What impact do gluon field fluctuations have on our understanding of the universe?

Gluon field fluctuations are an important aspect of the Standard Model of particle physics, which is the current theory that describes the fundamental particles and forces in the universe. By studying gluon field fluctuations, scientists can gain a deeper understanding of how the universe works on a subatomic level.

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