Why Are Religious Access and Jurisdiction Disputed at Jerusalem's Holy Sites?

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  • Thread starter David Ben-Ariel
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In summary, there is a contentious issue in Jerusalem regarding the control and access to the Temple Mount, which is considered the holiest site for both Jews and Muslims. Christians and Jews are forced to pay an entrance fee to visit the site, which is under the jurisdiction of militant Muslims who often restrict access for non-Muslims. This goes against Israel's 1967 Law for the Protection of the Holy Places, which guarantees freedom of access to all religious sites. Any attempts by non-Muslims to exercise this religious liberty have resulted in them being taken into "protective custody" by angry Muslims. This situation highlights the ongoing battle for control over the Temple Mount, which holds significant political and religious significance.
  • #1
David Ben-Ariel
Why should Christians and Jews be forced to pay an occupying Muslim force to see the Rock where Abraham was about to sacrifice Isaac? There shouldn't be any entrance fee to the world's most holy spot! Why does Jerusalem permit militant Muslims to defy (on a daily basis) Israel's 1967 Law for the Protection of the Holy Places that supposedly guarantees "freedom of access" for all to their respective religious sites? Just let any Christian or Jewish journalist attempt to exercise this "religious liberty" and then report on how they've been taken into "protective custody" to protect them from angry Muslims who dominate the scene! Why not remove the threat?

Why should Muslim money changers demand that Christians pay for the upkeep of their mosques? Especially when such offensive foreign shrines include inscriptions on their walls from the Koran that mock Christ and Christians? "This is the whole truth about Jesus, the son of Mary, which they are unwilling to accept: Allah forbid that He Himself should beget a son!" (Sura 19:35-36); "Say: 'Praise be to Allah who has never begotten a son, who has no partner in His kingdom" (Sura 17:111).

Adding further insult to potential injury is the fact that Christians and Jews can only visit the site of where the Temple stood twice as paying tourists! Israel has now law against Christians or Jews praying or reading scriptures on the Temple Mount. However, it does have an unwritten agreement with the Wakf (Muslim religious authorities) that shamefully prohibits this. No sign is posted, stating: "WARNING! Christian and Jewish prayers are forbidden! Bibles not allowed inside by Muslim religious authorities. Proceed with caution!" Why should Muslims be granted jurisdiction over non-Muslims? This is upside down! Biblically, non-Israelites were forbidden upon penalty of death to trespass on certain areas of the Temple Mount. Now Gentile foxes roam freely while the Children of Israel are closely supervised and treated like dogs! This deplorable situation must change!

The true battle for Jerusalem lies at the heart of Jerusalem: the Temple Mount. Whoever controls the holy hill will exercise ultimate authority over all Israel. Until the Temple Mount is restored to its rightful Jewish owners it will increasingly become a mountain of troubles. Israel must reclaim Judaism's most holy site, ending its abomination of desolation, and prepare the place for its sole purpose: to house the Temple of Jacob's God!
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Numbers 33:55-56

Anyways, this is not a religon forum; you'll be received much better if you limit your arguments to political and legal issues. Can you provide references for such activity, or information about the relevant law?
  • #3
I looked up Numbers 33:55-56, but don't understand the relevance:
Num33:55-But if ye will not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you; then it shall come to pass, that those which ye let remain of them [shall be] pricks in your eyes, and thorns in your sides, and shall vex you in the land wherein ye dwell.
Num33:56-Moreover it shall come to pass, [that] I shall do unto you, as I though to do unto them.

Are you saying they get what they diserve because they didn't drive them all out (don't know that we could prove that they did or didn't, unless it says somewhere in the Bible and I don't remember)?
Or are you saying the land belongs to the Muslims, and that the Israelis are the occupiers and should be mistreated? I disagree if that is the case, because they were told to displace those living in the Holy Land by God, and they weren't Muslims living there anyway, they were pagans who lived there then. IIRC, Ishmael was born before Israel, but it was Israel and his descendants who got God's blessing and were promised the Holy Land.
Regardless, I agree with the second part of your post.
  • #4
Ummm...I really don't have any with as much blasphemy as is humanly possible, but this does bring up some interesting political situations. How do you balance the differing beliefs of people as regards to territiry with religious significance. My answer, which is paving over and possibly irradiating the area, is probably unworkable.
  • #5
Originally posted by Jonathan
... but it was Israel and his descendants who got God's blessing and were promised the Holy Land.
Based on what scientific document referring to an objective source ... or is your statement based on believe?
  • #6
I was making the assumption the the Bible is all true, since that seems to be necessary given the topic of the thread and that the political issues at involving Israel etc. are all religion based.
Oddly enough, I often find myself feeling similar things to what Zero said. I'm reminded of two children fighting over the same toy. Someone gets sick of listening to them bicker and fight, so that person breaks or hides the toy and tells the two that if they can play nice they can't play at all.
Although it is completely impractical, esp. given that 'who died and made you a parent in a world of children' arguement, I can just image the peace we'd have if the people fighting over the Holy Lands were spread thin throughout the world and the Holy Land was covered with several miles of concrete and guarded at all times (to keep people from climbing on top and just remaking the whole problem).
These religious people should understand that God doesn't care where you worship.
  • #7
Greetings !
Originally posted by David Ben-Ariel
Why should Christians and Jews be forced to pay an occupying Muslim force to see the Rock where Abraham was about to sacrifice Isaac? There shouldn't be any entrance fee to the world's most holy spot! Why does Jerusalem permit militant Muslims to defy (on a daily basis) Israel's 1967 Law for the Protection of the Holy Places that supposedly guarantees "freedom of access" for all to their respective religious sites? Just let any Christian or Jewish journalist attempt to exercise this "religious liberty" and then report on how they've been taken into "protective custody" to protect them from angry Muslims who dominate the scene! Why not remove the threat?
It probably has something to do with starting
a third world-war. :wink: And not acting like a fool
and create a conflict because others want you to.
Anyway, I've been there, nothing much to see.
Originally posted by David Ben-Ariel
Why should Muslim money changers demand that Christians pay for the upkeep of their mosques? Especially when such offensive foreign shrines include inscriptions on their walls from the Koran that mock Christ and Christians? "This is the whole truth about Jesus, the son of Mary, which they are unwilling to accept: Allah forbid that He Himself should beget a son!" (Sura 19:35-36); "Say: 'Praise be to Allah who has never begotten a son, who has no partner in His kingdom" (Sura 17:111).
It probably has something to do with that "democracy" word. :wink:
Originally posted by David Ben-Ariel
Adding further insult to potential injury is the fact that Christians and Jews can only visit the site of where the Temple stood twice as paying tourists! Israel has now law against Christians or Jews praying or reading scriptures on the Temple Mount. However, it does have an unwritten agreement with the Wakf (Muslim religious authorities) that shamefully prohibits this. No sign is posted, stating: "WARNING! Christian and Jewish prayers are forbidden! Bibles not allowed inside by Muslim religious authorities. Proceed with caution!" Why should Muslims be granted jurisdiction over non-Muslims? This is upside down! Biblically, non-Israelites were forbidden upon penalty of death to trespass on certain areas of the Temple Mount. Now Gentile foxes roam freely while the Children of Israel are closely supervised and treated like dogs! This deplorable situation must change!
As far as I'm concerned, I don't really care about
ANY "holly" pile of rocks.
Originally posted by David Ben-Ariel
The true battle for Jerusalem lies at the heart of Jerusalem: the Temple Mount. Whoever controls the holy hill will exercise ultimate authority over all Israel. Until the Temple Mount is restored to its rightful Jewish owners it will increasingly become a mountain of troubles. Israel must reclaim Judaism's most holy site, ending its abomination of desolation, and prepare the place for its sole purpose: to house the Temple of Jacob's God!
Won't be many humans left on the planet if that happens.

Live long and prosper.

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Muslim Extortion is a form of blackmail or coercion that is carried out by individuals or groups who identify as Muslim. It can occur through various means such as threats, violence, and manipulation.

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Preventing or addressing Muslim Extortion requires a multi-faceted approach. This can include strengthening law enforcement efforts, promoting education and awareness about the issue, and addressing underlying social and economic factors that may contribute to its occurrence.

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