Which programming language should I learn?

In summary, the conversation discusses the best programming language for an engineering student to learn, with different opinions on the most useful and important languages. The consensus seems to be that learning C++ is essential for engineering work, but also suggests learning a scripting language such as Python for other purposes. Some also mention the usefulness of VBA for specific tasks. The conversation also touches on the topic of multiple programming languages and the importance of mastering one before moving on to others.
  • #1
I'm going for a major in mechanical engineering and am planning on getting a PhD. I was planning on having a minor in Computer Science just to help with research and general programming.

With all of the programming languages out there, it gets kind of overwhelming when trying to narrow it down to one language. I've seen that Fortran is described as an engineering language but my school requires you to take a programming class in C++ to graduate with an Associates in engineering (I already took that class).

Any insight would be appreciated.
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  • #2
Keep studying C/C++. Once you master it you can literally pick up any new language in a weekend.
  • #3
I would learn either Java or C# which are object oriented, perform well for calculations, and are a heck of a lot safer to use for the average programmer than C++. In the "real world", one probably only needs C++ if doing systems programming (on a computer operating system) or extreme multimedia as in computer games. Otherwise, for physics type calculations, you'll be a lot happier in the long run equipping yourself with a language that does automatic garbage collections and has well-behaved objects without the hazards of multiple inheritance and broken pointers.
  • #4
The advantage of C/C++ is that most libraries are written in C or can easily link to it.
The other popular choice is python, it has a lot of scientific library support and links easily with c libs
  • #5
What happened to he other posts in this thread (I made one)
  • #7
harborsparrow said:
I would learn either Java or C# which are object oriented, perform well for calculations, and are a heck of a lot safer to use for the average programmer than C++.
You wouldn't if you were studying engineering. C++ is essential for the sciences, everything else is secondary. Just about all current work is developed in C and C++. Unless you're up for the job of rewriting decades of library development in C#, you don't have much choice. The situation may change, but if it does it will change very slowly.

My suggestion would be learn C++ and learn it well. Then learn a scripting language such as Python, which will be quick and easy if you know C++. This way you have the essential foundation for engineering work, and you have the high level language which comes in handy everywhere else (prototyping design ideas, etc).
  • #8
I first learned C++ during my first semester in college. I have now been playing around with visual basic(for applications) or VBA its pretty nice. I know its not as powerfull as c++, but if you have excel you can do some cool stuff. I had a professor who swears by excel and VBA. He is mainly a heat transfer guy and has used excel/VBA to model 3-D heat tranfer amoung other things. I have been working on developing an application to numerically solve n-body gravitational problems. The language is different that c++ but certain things feel pretty similar. Anyway I would still take c++ it makes it easier to learn a new language.

Related to Which programming language should I learn?

1. Which programming language is the easiest to learn?

The answer to this question can vary depending on your personal learning style and experience. However, some commonly considered "easier" languages for beginners include Python, Java, and JavaScript. These languages have a simple syntax and are widely used in various industries, making them a good starting point for learning programming.

2. Which programming language is the most in-demand?

Currently, the most in-demand programming languages include Java, Python, JavaScript, C++, and C#. These languages are used in a wide range of industries such as web development, data science, and mobile app development. It's always a good idea to research the job market and industry trends to determine which language may have the most opportunities in your desired field.

3. Should I learn multiple programming languages?

It can be beneficial to have knowledge of multiple languages, as it can open up more job opportunities and allow you to work on a wider range of projects. However, it's important to focus on mastering one language at a time before moving on to another. Once you have a strong foundation in one language, it will be easier to pick up others.

4. How long does it take to learn a programming language?

The time it takes to learn a programming language can vary greatly depending on your dedication, learning style, and the complexity of the language. Some people may be able to learn the basics of a language in a few weeks, while others may take several months or more to become proficient. It's important to be patient and consistent in your learning to see progress.

5. Which programming language has the highest salary potential?

The salary potential for a programming language can vary depending on your location and the industry you work in. However, some of the highest-paying languages include Java, Python, Ruby, and Swift. Keep in mind that salary is not solely determined by the language you know, but also your experience, skills, and the job market in your area.

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