Which Programming Language Should I Learn Before Starting A-Level Computing?

  • Thread starter rollcast
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the speaker's experience with different programming languages and their plans to take a Computing course in VB6. The conversation also includes opinions on the usefulness of VB6 and suggestions for other programming languages to learn. Some participants recommend starting with K&R C or Python, while others emphasize the importance of understanding pointers in C and C++.
  • #1
I have dabbled with programming before but never really learned it really thoroughly, I've tried C, C++ and Java but never really got anywhere with those 3. I did learn enough of Python and C# to make a simple program, ~100 lines.

I want to do Computing next year for A level but they use VB6 for the program language component. Now what I'm wondering is as I would be a bit behind the rest of the class as some of them with have done Computing at GCSE, should I start learning BASIC now or should I just try and learn a computing language with a similar syntax to VB6 and then learn VB6 as I go next year so I don't get into any bad habits now?

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  • #2
The "non-visual" part of Basic won't be that difficult to learn. The main advantage of VB is how easy it is to create tables or graphs that display on the screen under windows. You have the option of working with a drag and drop development menu where you essentially draw the screen the user will be using, and VB generates that part of the code for you.

Other "visual languages" have a similar drag and drop development system, but VB apparently includes more mathematcially oriented types of objects (like those graphs), based on feedback I've received from co-workers.
  • #3
VB6 is probably a terrible choice for the simple reason that it is beyond obsolete. Although you can still run VB6 programs under Window 7, it is not in any way supported any longer and the announced plans are that under Windows 8 (or whatever the next Windows is called) VB6 programs will not run at all (the VB6 runtime library will not be ported to the next version of windows)
  • #4
rollcast said:

I want to do Computing next year for A level but they use VB6 for the program language component.

phinds said:
VB6 is probably a terrible choice for the simple reason that it is beyond obsolete. Although you can still run VB6 programs under Window 7, it is not in any way supported any longer and the announced plans are that under Windows 8 (or whatever the next Windows is called) VB6 programs will not run at all (the VB6 runtime library will not be ported to the next version of windows)

But if they use VB6 for the class, it's probably a good choice :wink: But if you want to do any serious programming beyond the class (whether it be for professional reasons or just for fun) then you might also want to learn another language in parallel. Just focus on learning 'programming' and not so much the language (i.e. the general ideas and practices) and then learning other languages will be easy.
  • #5
Also, be aware, in case you're not already, that VB6 does NOT translate well to VB.NET and in fact knowing VB6 can almost be an impediment to learning VB.NET

The fundamental syntax of the language is pretty much identical (outside of pure OO stuff) but that's not particularly helpful since everything under the covers is quite different. Even simple stuff like file I/O has changed.
  • #6
phinds said:
VB6 is probably a terrible choice...

"...the teaching of BASIC should be rated as a criminal offence: it mutilates the mind beyond recovery."

--Edsger W. Dijkstra
  • #7
jhae2.718 said:
"...the teaching of BASIC should be rated as a criminal offence: it mutilates the mind beyond recovery."

--Edsger W. Dijkstra

  • #8
jhae2.718 said:
"...the teaching of BASIC should be rated as a criminal offence: it mutilates the mind beyond recovery."

--Edsger W. Dijkstra

Yes, but VB6 has very little to do with BASIC and VB.NET has NOTHING to do with BASIC.
  • #9
I asked one of the teachers today and he confirmed that it would be VB6 next year as well He said that I would be better learning another different programming language to stop me picking up any bad habits or short cuts, as there is no danger of being "behind" the rest of the class as the course content is adjusted so it eases people with no previous programming experience in gently so to speak.

So is there any language which is similar to VB6 in function or syntax or should I just start fresh with something like Fortran or Python?
  • #10
I suggest C but I think most of the community colleges around here use VisualC++. That may be fine if you are going to write only for windoze environments but it is too restrictive for me. I am relearning ANSI C so my apps can be portable (work on any machine and any operating system) but it is also difficult to do a lot of what you take for granted. (clearing the screen takes a three line "for" loop and leaves the cursor at the bottom left of the screen) There is no way to move the cursor to a specific location.
You can use line feeds, carriage returns, tabs, and back-space but there is no "GOTO(x,y)" to place the cursor in a given spot.
It will make a better programmer out of me (if I live through it) because you really have to think every step through from start to finish.

  • #11
If you want to do C, I'd start with K&R.

I'd recommend Python as a good general language. C is very good, but it's not necessary for most applications.
  • #12
jhae2.718 said:
If you want to do C, I'd start with K&R.

I'd recommend Python as a good general language. C is very good, but it's not necessary for most applications.

I understood C until it got to the point of memory pointers and stuff and I just lost interest after that.

Is K&R C the original version of C?
  • #13
K&R ed. 2. covers the basic ANSI C (specifically C89 IIRC), but it's still a great book for learning C. That said, you may want to look for something targeted towards beginner programmers.

Right now the current standard is ISO C11.
  • #14
rollcast said:
I understood C until it got to the point of memory pointers and stuff and I just lost interest after that.
If you do anything with C or C++, you need to learn about pointers.

OTOH, if you work with Java or C#, these languages shield you from pointers, so you don't really have to think about them.
rollcast said:
Is K&R C the original version of C?
Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie designed the language back in the early 70s, as a sort of high-level assembly language. K&R refers to the book they wrote, "The C Programming Language," not the language itself. K&R is sometimes referred to as "the Bible."

Like others in this thread, I would advise against learning VB6, but would instead advise one of the C-related languages (C, C++, Java, or C#).
  • #15
Frankly, if they're going to be teaching you a class in VB6, I think you should avoid taking that particular class. Find another.

If you want to go the VB route I think learning VB.NET would be at least worth it as that is a language you could believably find use for in the real world.
  • #16
VB is a useful skill to develop just for the power it adds to Excel.
  • #17
Coin said:
Frankly, if they're going to be teaching you a class in VB6, I think you should avoid taking that particular class. Find another.

If you want to go the VB route I think learning VB.NET would be at least worth it as that is a language you could believably find use for in the real world.

+1 on that.
  • #18
Integral said:
VB is a useful skill to develop just for the power it adds to Excel.

I agree completely and use it extensively, but as a FIRST language choice it's a horrible idea.
  • #19
phinds said:
+1 on that.

I would go to another class but its the only one my high school offers and the local tech which holds night classes only has a level 6 course which is too advanced to start straight into.

Related to Which Programming Language Should I Learn Before Starting A-Level Computing?

What is VBASIC and why should I consider starting with it?

VBASIC, or Visual Basic, is a programming language that is used to develop applications for Windows and other operating systems. It is often considered a good language for beginners because of its simple syntax and user-friendly development environment.

Is VBASIC an outdated language?

No, VBASIC is not an outdated language. It has been around since the early 1990s and is still widely used in the industry. It has also evolved over the years, with the latest version being Visual Basic .NET.

What are the benefits of learning VBASIC?

Learning VBASIC can provide a strong foundation in programming concepts such as control structures, data types, and object-oriented programming. It also allows for the development of graphical user interfaces, making it a versatile language for creating user-friendly applications.

Are there any drawbacks to starting with VBASIC?

One of the main drawbacks of learning VBASIC is that it is a Windows-specific language, so it may not be as useful for developing applications on other operating systems. Additionally, some argue that it may not be as versatile as other programming languages.

What other languages should I learn after VBASIC?

After learning VBASIC, you may want to consider learning other languages such as Java, C++, or Python. These languages are widely used in the industry and can open up more opportunities for developing different types of applications.

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