Which OS platform is best for 3dsmax 9, 8, and 7: XP Pro x32 or XP Pro x64?

In summary, the speaker is seeking advice on what OS platform to use for setting up a new workstation for 3dsmax versions 7, 8, and 9. They have put together hardware based on an AMD CPU platform and are looking for the best possible rendering speed and stability. They are unsure whether to choose XP Pro x32 or XP Pro x64, and are seeking advice from the forum. There is a speed penalty when running 32-bit programs on XP Pro x64, and drivers for the platform may be unavailable or of poor quality.
  • #1
Dear all,

As i am going to set up a new ws for the 3dsmax 7,8, and 9 versions (primarily 9 ) i have read a lot about what to use of hardware and software OS platform. However i am confused and absolutely unsure what to select with regard to OS platform. The more i read, the more unsure i get.

I have already put together the hardware, and it is based upon an AMD CPU platform with NVidia screencard + asus mainboard \motherboard.

Main goal : best possible rendering speed.
Second goal : stability and hassle free run\operation. (i.e.drivers, viewport use, compatibility issues)

I first though is was an easy choice, the x64 had to be the gived choice here, but after some reading i am completely unsure if that really is a fact.

I got a tip about this forum as a great expertise source from a friend and would like to ask the members here for help and advice.

What to select and install? XP Pro x32 or XP Pro x64 ??

Any advice would be highly appreceiated.
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  • #2
Does your package run natively under xp64, xp64 will run 32bit programs but there is a speed penalty. Unless you need to access more than 2Gb of memory there is a speed penalty running under 64bit anyway since it effectively haves the cache size for most operations ( have to store 8bytes/pointer rather than 4).
Another problem is that drivers for xp64 are generally unavailable or poor quality.
  • #3

Dear thj,

Thank you for reaching out to our forum for advice on which OS platform is best for 3dsmax 9, 8, and 7. It's great to hear that you have already put together the hardware for your workstation and are now looking for the best OS to optimize your workflow.

After researching and considering your main goals of rendering speed and stability, I would recommend using XP Pro x64 for your 3dsmax 9, 8, and 7 versions. While it may seem like a simple choice, there are a few key factors to consider.

Firstly, 3dsmax 9, 8, and 7 are all 32-bit applications, meaning they can only access up to 4GB of RAM on a 32-bit OS. By using XP Pro x64, you will have access to more RAM, which can greatly improve your rendering speed and overall performance.

Additionally, XP Pro x64 is specifically designed for 64-bit processors, such as your AMD CPU platform. This means that it can take full advantage of your hardware and optimize its capabilities. This can also lead to improved stability and compatibility with your hardware components.

However, it's important to note that some older plugins or software may not be compatible with XP Pro x64. It's always a good idea to check with the software manufacturers to ensure compatibility before making your final decision.

In conclusion, based on your main goals and hardware setup, I would recommend using XP Pro x64 for the best possible performance and stability. I hope this helps in your decision-making process. Best of luck with your new workstation!


Related to Which OS platform is best for 3dsmax 9, 8, and 7: XP Pro x32 or XP Pro x64?

1. What is the difference between XP Pro x32 and XP Pro x64?

XP Pro x32 and XP Pro x64 refer to the operating system that will be installed on your computer. The main difference between the two is that XP Pro x32 is a 32-bit operating system, while XP Pro x64 is a 64-bit operating system. This means that XP Pro x64 can handle more memory and perform more complex calculations compared to XP Pro x32.

2. Which operating system should I select for 3dsmax 9, 8, and 7?

For 3dsmax 9, 8, and 7, it is recommended to select XP Pro x64. This is because 3dsmax is a complex software that requires a lot of memory and processing power, which XP Pro x64 can provide. Additionally, 3dsmax 9, 8, and 7 are compatible with XP Pro x64 and may not run as efficiently on XP Pro x32.

3. Can I still use XP Pro x32 for 3dsmax 9, 8, and 7?

While you can technically use XP Pro x32 for 3dsmax 9, 8, and 7, it may not provide the best performance. As mentioned before, 3dsmax is a complex software that requires a lot of memory and processing power. XP Pro x32 may not be able to handle the demands of 3dsmax as well as XP Pro x64.

4. Will all my files and programs be compatible with XP Pro x64?

Most files and programs should be compatible with XP Pro x64. However, there may be some older programs or drivers that are not compatible with a 64-bit operating system. It is always best to check with the program's developer or manufacturer to ensure compatibility before making the switch.

5. Are there any other benefits to using XP Pro x64 for 3dsmax 9, 8, and 7?

Aside from better performance, XP Pro x64 also allows for more efficient multitasking. This means you can run multiple programs simultaneously without experiencing a significant decrease in performance. Additionally, XP Pro x64 has better security features compared to XP Pro x32, making it a more secure option for your computer.
