What is the Relationship Between Space and Time?

In summary, Einstein implied that space and time are a mixture of each other. This is confusing to some people because it means that two different observers might measure diffrences in distances between objects, even if the objects are moving.
  • #1
I was reading "Black Holes and Time Warps", by Kip Thorne. I was puzzled a bit on a certain subject. Einstein implies that your space and time is a mixture of my space and time. I'm confused there. Can somebody help me out.
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  • #2
The distance between two points (ds) in 3 dimensional space is (dx is difference along the x axis, etc.):

[tex]ds^2 = dx^2 + dy^2 + dz^2[/tex]

(this is just the Pythagorean theorum)
If you rotate the x-axis/y-axis/z-axis or move the orgin of the particular co-ordinate system ds always has the same value.

I'm sure your at least partially famliar with the concepts of time dialtion and length contraction in special relativity, well because of length contraction if my co-ordinate system is traveling relative to another co-ordinate system ds is no longer the same in both co-ordinate systems, i.e. the two obsrevers measure diffrence distances between objects.

But if we amend our equation for ds so that:

[tex]ds^2 = dx^2 + dy^2 + dz^2 - c^2dt^2[/tex]

Once again all diffreent co-ordinate systems measure the same values for ds.

In this way a change in velcoity is analogus to a rotation of our axes, so two obsrevers might no longer have the same x-axis or 'time-axis'.
  • #3
Ok, thanks for trying to explain, but I had no idea what you said.:lol: Whats a x-axis, and all the other stuff you said. I could always use a physics teacher. I am only 14, and am pretty new to physics. Yes, I do know that motion dilates time. However, we as people do not notice it, because it is only obviously noticable or effective when approaching the speed of light.
  • #4
Think of x, y, and z as length, width, & height. The "d" thing just means "a change in" (like "a change in x"). Now imagine a 3D grid. That grid has length (x), width (y), and height (z). Now imagine you're at one point in the grid and jcsd is at another. If you draw a line between you and jcsd, you can describe the distance of that line as a difference in your x, y, and z coordinates.

If jcsd is 10 ft away from you at the same ground level, then dx is 10 ft. And your distance is 10 ft.

[tex]ds^2 = 10^2 + 0 + 0[/tex]

If jcsd is 10 ft away from you sitting on top of a 10 ft tall basketball net, then he's 14 ft away from you (imagine the slanted part of the triangle if you draw the horizontal, vertical, and connecting lines between you and him).

[tex]ds^2 = 10^2 + 0 + 10^2[/tex]

Then once you start inserting the effects of Relativity, things get screwy and you need that additional factor in the equation that jcsd mentioned.
  • #5
Ok, thanks. I got most of that. :smile:

Related to What is the Relationship Between Space and Time?

1. What is the relationship between space and time?

The relationship between space and time is described by the theory of relativity. According to this theory, space and time are intertwined and form a four-dimensional fabric known as space-time. The curvature of space-time is affected by the presence of massive objects, such as planets and stars, and this curvature dictates the motion of objects in space.

2. How does time dilation occur in space?

Time dilation occurs in space when an object moves at speeds close to the speed of light. This is due to the fact that the faster an object moves, the slower time passes for that object. This phenomenon is a consequence of the theory of relativity and has been confirmed through experiments and observations.

3. Can we travel through time?

According to current scientific understanding, traveling through time is not possible. While the concept of time travel has been explored in science fiction, it is not currently supported by any scientific evidence or theories. However, some theories, such as the theory of relativity, do suggest that time can be experienced differently for objects moving at different speeds or in different gravitational fields.

4. How do black holes affect space and time?

Black holes are extremely massive objects with gravitational forces so strong that not even light can escape from them. Due to this immense gravitational pull, black holes warp the fabric of space-time around them. This can cause time to slow down near the event horizon (the point of no return) of a black hole and come to a complete stop at the singularity, the point at the center of a black hole where all matter is compressed into an infinitely small point.

5. Is the universe infinite or does it have an edge?

The question of whether the universe is infinite or has an edge is still a topic of debate in the scientific community. Currently, the most widely accepted theory is that the universe is infinite in size, meaning it has no boundaries or edges. However, there are theories that suggest the possibility of a finite universe with a shape that wraps around itself, similar to the surface of a sphere. More research and observations are needed to better understand the size and structure of the universe.

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