What is the Meaning of Our Existence?

  • Thread starter NWH
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In summary: On one hand, we are observers of a universe that is constantly unfolding and changing. This makes us feel insignificant when looking at it from a human perspective. However, when we consider that we are part of something much bigger and more complex, it makes us feel more connected to the universe and our place within it.In summary, life can be full of mystery and the potential for profound understanding, even at the moment of death.
  • #1
Lately I've thought a lot about life and death, about how we are observers of a universe, how we experience our surroundings and what happens to our consciousness when we die. You try and imagine absolute nothingness and fail to comprehend how you as an entity can even cease to exist. It makes you ask some very profound questions. Why does anything exist in the first place? What actually is existence? Why all of this just so I can live and experience it? Where are we, really?

The fact that we are even here to begin with is a sign that something much, much bigger is at play. All I can tell is that something amazing is happening out there around me beyond every level of my understanding and I'm a part of it. While I feel I can function fine in our day to day society and understand our laws of physics I am absolutely lost on a spiritual level and really do not understand much about my existence at all. As a being of consciousness I feel imprisoned in this physical body, limited to life experiences and memories while there's so much out there for me to explore and understand. The irony is that it's only upon my death that I will finally understand the truth and go back to wherever it is that I've came from. My entire life is just one big mystery. I hold on to the small things and try to make something important out of them but in reality my existence here is insignificant and I'll likely never understand the real truth about my life.

Just to note. This is not a religious topic. This is just my perspective on life, the emotions that I feel and the experiences that go on around me. Please look inside your self and share how you view this dilemma as a conscious human being.
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  • #2
I'm too scared to read this because I've had similar issues in the past.
  • #3
Hi NWH, we provide you with space to create a personal blog for this type of musing.
  • #4
NWH said:
Lately I've thought a lot about life and death...
I find a lot of your post problematic because it begs the question that there is purpose, significance and truth in life other than what we give it. Sure thinking about how big the universe is and how intricate the tiniest of processes are makes me marvel at my relative smallness but that doesn't have any bearing on how significant my life is as a human being because the majority of ways I evaluate my life is through how I relate to other human beings.

I don't see any dilemma here.
  • #5

I approach the question of the meaning of our existence with a sense of curiosity and wonder. While it may be impossible for us to fully understand the complexities of the universe and our place within it, I believe that it is through our pursuit of knowledge and understanding that we can find meaning in our existence.

From a scientific perspective, our existence can be seen as a result of the fundamental laws and processes that govern the universe. The formation of galaxies, stars, and planets, the evolution of life on Earth, and the development of consciousness are all products of these laws. Our existence is a product of chance and the natural processes that have occurred over billions of years.

But beyond the scientific explanations, there is still a sense of mystery and wonder about our existence. The fact that we are conscious beings, able to contemplate our own existence and the universe around us, is something truly remarkable. And while we may never fully understand the true nature of our existence, I believe that it is our experiences and connections with others that give our lives meaning and purpose.

In the end, the meaning of our existence may be different for each individual. It may be found in our relationships, our passions, our contributions to society, or in our search for knowledge. As scientists, we may continue to seek answers and understanding, but ultimately, it is up to each of us to find our own meaning and purpose in this vast and mysterious universe.

Related to What is the Meaning of Our Existence?

1. What is the meaning of our existence?

The meaning of our existence is a complex philosophical question that has been pondered by many throughout history. It refers to the purpose or reason for our existence as human beings. While there is no one definitive answer, some believe that our existence is purely random and has no inherent meaning, while others believe that it is tied to a higher power or spiritual purpose.

2. Is there a universal meaning of our existence?

There is no universally accepted meaning of our existence. Different cultures, religions, and individuals may have varying beliefs about the purpose of our existence. Some believe that there is a singular, universal meaning, while others believe that the meaning of our existence is subjective and can differ from person to person.

3. Can science provide an answer to the meaning of our existence?

Science is primarily concerned with understanding the physical world and how it works. While it can offer insights and explanations for many aspects of our existence, it cannot definitively answer the question of our purpose or meaning. This is a question that falls under the realm of philosophy and spirituality.

4. How does one find meaning in their existence?

Finding meaning in one's existence is a deeply personal and individual journey. Some may find it through their relationships with others, their work, or their connection to nature. Others may find it through pursuing their passions or finding a sense of purpose in helping others. Ultimately, the search for meaning is unique to each person and may evolve over time.

5. Can the meaning of our existence change?

The meaning of our existence may change throughout our lives as we grow, learn, and experience new things. It is not uncommon for people to have shifts in their beliefs about the purpose of their existence as they go through different stages of life. Experiences, relationships, and personal growth can all contribute to a change in perspective on the meaning of our existence.

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