What is Europe's fate according to God's word?

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  • Thread starter David Ben-Ariel
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I agree with Jim. How can you agree with someone who posts such garbage as this? And to think that some people might take this seriously...It's not that I agree with him, it's just that I don't care. He's not harming anyone, so he can post whatever he wants. If you want, you can ignore him, but deleting his posts is pointless.Originally posted by Mattius_ It's not that I agree with him, it's just that I don't care. He's not harming anyone, so he can post whatever he wants. If you want, you can ignore him, but deleting his posts is pointless. I guess I just don't like to see garbage on the board
  • #1
David Ben-Ariel
GOD SPEAKS TO EUROPE: "Sit in silence, and go into darkness, O daughter of the Chaldeans; for you shall no longer be called The Lady of Kingdoms. I was angry with My people; I have profaned My inheritance, and given them into your hand. You showed them no mercy; on the elderly you laid your yoke very heavily. And you said, ‘I shall be a lady forever,’ so that you did not take these things to heart, nor remember the latter end of them" (Isa. 47:5-7).

You’ve forgotten you’re only a means to an end! You’ve gone overboard! God agreed to let you give corrective punishment to His people (Jer. 30:11), but you’ve tasted their blood and have gone BERSERK! You’re drunk on your bloody success, and have gotten high on your Catholic drugs!

Perverted by POWER, you now enjoy Israel’s bondage! God’s not going to let you get off treating others cruelly! You’re a SADISTIC *****! You’re NOT a lady; you’re a slut! You toy with your Roman icons, fulfilling your Babylonian fantasies, and play games with peoples minds (Isa. 47:8-10) - but you’ll lose!

God warns Europe to remember that HE let them conquer America, defeat the British, and occupy Israel! It’s not because Europe’s so great and wonderful, but because we’ve sinned! Europe’s told to not let it go to their head, but use their minds!

O Israelites! Who could beat Great Britain in battle, or whip the U.S. in war, when God shed His grace on thee? Europe could NEVER knock us down and kick us around - until now! Because GOD’S REFINING OUR GOLD IN THE FURNACE OF AFFLICTION, AND PURIFYING OUR SILVER THROUGH GREAT TRIBULATION (Isa. 48:10)!

Europe’s Babylon Incarnate

Europe’s not without sin: God’s going to deal with them shortly (Deut. 32:27-43). Europe’s simply the last vestige of Babylon, the scarlet daughter of the Gentile system, destined to crash at Christ’s coming (Dan. 2:34)! They’re simply building up God’s case against them: their leaders will be brought to trial and found guilty! God’s going to close down their occult operations, and BURN their WHOREHOUSE to the ground! Interestingly, it’ll be the Europeans themselves who TORCH THE PLACE (Rev. 17:16)!

Europe’s going to be burning mad, and their citizens express fiery indignation, when they realize the full extent of ROME’S MANIPULATION! For awhile, it’ll seem that it served their selfish interests to support the Catholic Church. Both big business and the political community will endorse this new global enterprise (Rev. 18:9-11)

Royalty Restored

Europe’s Roman Catholic roots will have appeared to be a stabilizing force, giving different nations some common ground. But the "Catholic services" haven’t come cheap: they’ve escorted select politicians to power, delivering them the people’s vote, in exchange for strict enforcement of Church policy! Within the framework of the "Holy Roman Empire," they’ve laid the groundwork for Europe’s future!

The Vatican will work out a deal with 10 European kings, with seductive offers of restoring them to political life, upon their now dormant thrones, in return for the favor of acknowledging the supremacy of the POPE and his chosen! The ratification of this imminent Church-State union will be swept through by the MALIGNANT MIRACLES the pope will perform in the presence of Europe’s new EMPEROR! The pope will mislead the people to presume his miracles are proof that Providence has chosen such an individual to rule Europe and save the world (Rev. 13:14)! Europe’s body politic awaits this infusion of soul to truly come alive. What crisis will occur to coerce Europe to hastily accept the pope’s proposal to recreate the continent in his image? A hungry Russian bear? An interrupted oil supply? Riots in Jerusalem? Nevertheless, Germany stands ready to defend the Catholic faith and Western "Christian" Civilization against destruction.
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  • #2
Hey, retard!

This isn't a religious board!
  • #3

why do you tolerate this guy?
  • #4
Originally posted by Andy

why do you tolerate this guy?
I'm not really sure, actually...maybe he is useful in keeping my deleting skills sharp?
  • #5
Originally posted by David Ben-Ariel
Germany stands ready to defend the Catholic faith and Western "Christian" Civilization against destruction.
The latest statistics show that only 10% of Germans are Roman catholic, those mainly being concentrated in the southern region. Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder largely won the 2002 election based on polls showing that 80% of Germans were opposed to military action. So Germany has a very tiny militant catholic population that is going to destroy the EU? Dang! Thanks for warning me!
  • #6
lol, i don't even think there is even a purpose to him posting, no-one takes him seriously so he might as well post somewhere that cares, and not PF
  • #7
it is entertaning at the least... let him post, i doubt he is corrupting anyone who reads it.
  • #8
Originally posted by Mattius_
it is entertaning at the least... let him post, i doubt he is corrupting anyone who reads it.

Sorry Mattius - I'm kinda against you on this one. It ain't entertaining, its just a waste of time!

Related to What is Europe's fate according to God's word?

1. What does the Bible say about Europe's fate?

The Bible does not explicitly mention the fate of Europe. However, some interpretations of biblical prophecies suggest that Europe may play a role in end-time events.

2. Is Europe mentioned in biblical prophecy?

Some biblical scholars believe that Europe is represented by the "beast" in the book of Revelation, which is described as a powerful and oppressive empire. Others point to passages in the book of Daniel that mention a powerful "king of the North" who may also refer to Europe.

3. Will Europe experience a major catastrophe or downfall according to God's word?

The Bible does not specifically mention a major catastrophe or downfall for Europe. However, it does warn of increasing conflicts and turmoil in the world as we approach the end times.

4. What role does Europe play in biblical end-time events?

Some interpretations suggest that Europe, or a powerful empire in Europe, will play a significant role in the end times by aligning with other world powers and ultimately being defeated by Jesus Christ at his return.

5. Does the fate of Europe have any significance for Christians?

The fate of Europe, like any other region or nation, is ultimately in God's hands. As Christians, our focus should be on following God's commandments and sharing the message of salvation with others, regardless of our geographical location or the events happening in the world around us.

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