What if there is no Dark Matter?

In summary, the author believes that the plane of the black hole spin is the same as the plane of the galactic disk, and that this could have a gravitational effect on stars orbiting outside of the galaxy. However, there is no physical reason why this should be the case, and even if it were, it would have no impact over kiloparsec scales.
  • #1
I need some smart people to explain to me why this idea I have, doesn't work. It's impossible for me to believe others have not thought it, since it's so obvious. What if spacetime is slipping backwards at the black hole at the center of every galaxy? So like a helicopter with no rotar, spacetime slips backwards against the spin of the black hole, which has become unpinned to spacetime by virture of it's infinite gravity at the singularity. With no spacetime solidly anchored to the black hole, it exerts a force on spacetime outside the event horizon. In this way, the stars at the center of galaxies are not going the same speed as those orbiting on the outside edge of the galaxy. Because spacetime is going backwards, they are actually going a much greater distance than we see, meaning they are going faster than they appear. The amount of spacetime slippage breaks away with respect to mass and distance so the stars on the very outside edge of the galaxy are not slipping at all.

What is the reason, this can't be the case?

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  • #2
I mean you no disrespect but it appears to me that you have just strung together some science words in a way that has no meaning. What, for example, do you mean by "spacetime slipping backwards" ? How would your hypothesis account for gravitational lensing?
  • #3
Elizabeth90125 said:
What is the reason, this can't be the case?

Because spacetime does not work that way. I would suggest getting familiar with special and general relativity if you want to know why, as those theories explain spacetime.
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  • #4

Regardless of what may be happening to spacetime in or near the central black hole of a galaxy, rotation velocities are measured at distances where the gravitational effect of the black hole is well into the Newtonian regime. Even if what you are describing could happen (and frankly I don't really get what you are on about) then it wouldn't have any impact over kiloparsec scales.

You also appear to have some other misconceptions. First, rotation curve decomposition is not the only, nor the first or the arguably the best, evidence for the existence of dark matter. There is galaxy cluster dynamics, gravitational lensing, baryogensis, local group timing (MW+Andromeda must have enough mass to overcome the expansion of the universe moving them apart.) etc.

Second, your post seems to imply that the plane of the black hole spin is the same as the plane of the galactic disk. There is no physical reason why this should be the case. It is possible that the black hole spin isn't even aligned with its own accretion disk (which is an entirely separate entity from the galactic disk)
  • #5
EdgePenguin said:
... your post seems to imply that the plane of the black hole spin is the same as the plane of the galactic disk. There is no physical reason why this should be the case. It is possible that the black hole spin isn't even aligned with its own accretion disk (which is an entirely separate entity from the galactic disk)

First off, I agree with the responses thus far in this thread. But EdgePenguin, can I ask if you have any examples / references for you comment (and the references could be related to non-blackholes - i.e. stars / planets / other macro objects).
  • #6
Lino said:
First off, I agree with the responses thus far in this thread. But EdgePenguin, can I ask if you have any examples / references for you comment (and the references could be related to non-blackholes - i.e. stars / planets / other macro objects).
This only applies to SMBHs in galaxies. Planetary systems are dynamically quite different.

I'm a little confused as to what you want me to demonstrate. Why should there be any alignment between rotation planes in this case?
  • #7
EdgePenguin said:
... I'm a little confused as to what you want me to demonstrate. Why should there be any alignment between rotation planes in this case?

Thanks EdgePenguin. I haven't really considered if there is / isn't an alignment in anything I have read, but intuitively an alignment between the accretion disc and the BH / SMBH ... just seems logical to me (if one dust particle is falling on to a BH and starts to complete a decaying orbit, the particle would take momentum from its incoming velocity and the drag of the BH rotation - introduce lots of material and the average momentum from the various elements of the momentum cancels, and one is left with the drag / direction of the BH spin).

I was just wondering if you knew of any papers / books that discuss this?
  • #10
I'm sorry, I saw that the last post was today so I presumed the OP was still active.
  • #11
Lino said:
Thanks EdgePenguin. I haven't really considered if there is / isn't an alignment in anything I have read, but intuitively an alignment between the accretion disc and the BH / SMBH ... just seems logical to me (if one dust particle is falling on to a BH and starts to complete a decaying orbit, the particle would take momentum from its incoming velocity and the drag of the BH rotation - introduce lots of material and the average momentum from the various elements of the momentum cancels, and one is left with the drag / direction of the BH spin).

I was just wondering if you knew of any papers / books that discuss this?

I confess my knowledge of this area comes from working in the same department as people who study it rather than reading or publishing the literature, so its hard to point you at anything specific. Some folks I know who have worked on this are Andrew King, and his former student Chris Nixon. You could look up their papers.

As for your point about the incoming matter imparting angular momentum on the black hole - well yes, but which direction is the matter coming from?

I think both you and the OP are reasoning from a flawed mental picture. The black hole and the accreting region are miniscule compared to the scale of the host galaxy. Rotation curves are calculated in radial bins maybe 100pc wide for nearby well resolved galaxies, and azimuthally integrated over all angle. This broad stroke method - by design - tends to blur out non circular motions and inhomogeneity in the rotating matter (usually atomic hydrogen) and so doesn't tell you what's going on at smaller scales.

The non circular motions that are a nuisance in rotation curve analysis mean that you can't assume matter will be delivered to the central black hole in one plane. In fact, you can't assume that the black hole will even lie in the plane that the disk lies in. Or that the disk lies in a single plane - rotation curves are derived using the titled ring method which allows for different radial bins to have different inclinations. The universe has a shocking lack of respect for our chosen coordinate systems.
  • #12
Thanks EdgePenguin.

Related to What if there is no Dark Matter?

1. What is Dark Matter and why is it important?

Dark Matter is a type of matter that does not emit or absorb light, making it invisible to telescopes and difficult to detect. The existence of Dark Matter is important because it is believed to make up about 85% of the total matter in the universe, and its presence is necessary to explain the observed gravitational effects on galaxies and galaxy clusters.

2. How do we know that Dark Matter exists?

Scientists have observed the gravitational effects of Dark Matter on the rotation of galaxies, the bending of light from distant objects, and the distribution of mass in galaxy clusters. These observations cannot be explained by the known types of matter, leading to the conclusion that Dark Matter must exist.

3. What if there is no Dark Matter?

If there is no Dark Matter, it would mean that our current understanding of gravity is incomplete and would require a major revision. It would also require a new explanation for the observed effects on galaxies and galaxy clusters, which would likely lead to a shift in our understanding of the universe.

4. What are some alternative theories to explain the observed effects of Dark Matter?

Some alternative theories propose modifications to the laws of gravity, such as Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND), to explain the observed effects without the need for Dark Matter. However, these theories have not been able to fully explain all observations and are still under debate among scientists.

5. How are scientists currently studying Dark Matter?

Scientists are using a variety of methods, including astronomical observations, particle accelerators, and computer simulations, to study Dark Matter. They are also searching for indirect evidence of Dark Matter, such as high-energy particles produced by Dark Matter interactions, in hopes of directly detecting and understanding this mysterious substance.

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