What embarrassing moments have you had due to being gullible?

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In summary, sometimes it can be instructive to make fun of yourself. Three memorable moments were when a rumor went around in middle school that surplus WWII Harley Davidson motor cycles were available for $50, when after a couple of years in my first job I asked my manager if I could get an overseas assignment, and when I asked a co-worker to lunch and she said she'd 'swing by' for lunch soon but never showed up.
  • #1
Homework Helper
Sometimes it can be instructive to make fun of yourself. What were your most memorable gullible moments? I can think of three:

1. In middle school a rumor went around that surplus WWII Harley Davidson motor cycles were available for $50. I spent weeks fantasizing about the customization I was going to do.

2. After a couple of years in my first job I asked my manager if I could get an overseas assignment. He said 'should be no problem'. I immediately enrolled in a language class (already in session) at the local community college and attended for several weeks before realizing that nothing was going to happen.

3. I was attracted to a co-worker and asked her to lunch. She couldn't that day but said she'd 'swing by' for lunch soon. I went for weeks with excited anticipation but lunch never happened.
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Once, somebody came to me and asked me if I could lend him 10$. I didn't know the person, but he assured me that I'd get it back. Stupid as I am, I gave him the money. I never saw it back. But in the end, I feel happy to be able to help the guy :smile: (and yes, I can sometimes be unbelievably naive).
  • #3

I spent much of my school carreer with the thought that people would appreciate it if I would help them, and that they would like me for it. So, instead of focusing on my own work, I spent hours and hours explaining the material to others, making their homework assignments, helping them cheat on their exams. Hell, I even made an entire master thesis for somebody else.
Of course, as soon as the school-year was over, I didn't hear from them again.

Wow, reading my posts makes me feel like a stupid idiot :biggrin:
  • #4
Everytime I answer one of the troll crackpots on here, a part of me is gullible enough to think they actually want to learn physics.

I feel you on your third one though. That's why I never chase after girls. I've never had to play the annoying "pursuit" game to get with or just be friends with anyone who turned out to be worth my time.
  • #5
micromass said:

I spent much of my school carreer with the thought that people would appreciate it if I would help them, and that they would like me for it. So, instead of focusing on my own work, I spent hours and hours explaining the material to others, making their homework assignments, helping them cheat on their exams. Hell, I even made an entire master thesis for somebody else.
Of course, as soon as the school-year was over, I didn't hear from them again.

Wow, reading my posts makes me feel like a stupid idiot :biggrin:

... sigh.
  • #6
My most gullible moments are when I believe people actually care about what I'm learning in my courses. Most of them are just asking to be nice.

That's why I hang-out here. :smile:
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  • #7
micromass said:
making their homework assignments, helping them cheat on their exams. Hell, I even made an entire master thesis for somebody else.


Wow, reading my posts makes me feel like a stupid idiot :biggrin:

Uh, I would hope. You were acting in a highly unethical manner; cheating them and yourself.

For what it's worth, I would never hire you. I wouldn't make a point of creating a history on the internet that a future employer could find.

I hope you're just creating a gullible moment for the readers here.
  • #8
Ivan Seeking said:
Uh, I would hope. You were acting in a highly unethical manner; cheating them and yourself.

For what it's worth, I would never hire you. I wouldn't make a point of creating a history on the internet that a future employer could find.

I hope you're just creating a gullible moment for the readers here.

It's actually amazingly common. If you were an employer, you'd probably be hard pressed to find an applicant who DIDN'T cheat. Hell, the only reason I never cheated was because I knew everyone else was an idiot (not that I would anyhow). In fact, people would find old homeworks and when I saw them, it was obvious the guy who wrote them had NO IDEA what he was doing. I told everyone that his homeworks were garbage and they should go do the work themselves. Of course they didn't listen.

Cheating is awful at universities these days. It's made worse by the fact that not only is it far easier to cheat these days, it's far harder to punish someone who cheats.

I know I will never hire someone if I see "micromass" on the job application, that's for sure!
  • #9
A female friend that I had a crush on in high school showed up at my work several years ago and asked me if I would like to get together some time. Of Course! I said. She called me and asked me if I would mind going to church with her before we go out for coffee (mind she was a rebellious hellion in high school) and I was a bit wary but agreed. She took me to an hour and a half to two hour sermon at her church telling me on the way that she had become a born again christian. After church she asked me what I thought. I told her that I was not christian and, to further inquiry, said I had no plans of becoming one. She dropped me off telling me she had places to be and to give her a call if I ever wanted to go with her to church again.

If that wasn't bad enough I found out later that she had already done more or less the same thing with a friend of mine except that he is somewhat religious and more likely to bend the truth to get with a girl so he got further along. He found out that it is a big scam. That this church she belongs to apparently encourages young female members to ask out young males as a means of getting them to church and trying to convert them.
  • #10
micromass said:
Hell, I even made an entire master thesis for somebody else.
Of course, as soon as the school-year was over, I didn't hear from them again.

Same here :/ It's disheartening.

when I was younger, I mean around 13-14 I used to be incredibly geeky looking, so I used to "chase" girls (first girl asked out said "not in a million years"... so I asked "what about a billion?"), the odd enough thing is that now I have not asked a single girl out for two years (i'm still only 16 haha), but in that time I have had at least 50 girls ask me out lol. If you are 'mysterious' women are just attracted to that for some reason.

My most gullible moment was when my school friend told me the origin of the word "gullible".

He said "In the 1700's people used to call seagulls and their relatives, gullibles (note: I thought gullible was spelt Gull-a-Bill) and used to trick people into looking away by pointing out a gullible in the opposite direction"

I replied "Wow! Really?!"

he said "No, you Dumbass!"
  • #11
That Neuron said:
Same here :/ It's disheartening.

when I was younger, I mean around 13-14 I used to be incredibly geeky looking, so I used to "chase" girls (first girl asked out said "not in a million years"... so I asked "what about a billion?"), the odd enough thing is that now I have not asked a single girl out for two years (i'm still only 16 haha), but in that time I have had at least 50 girls ask me out lol. If you are 'mysterious' women are just attracted to that for some reason.

My most gullible moment was when my school friend told me the origin of the word "gullible".

He said "In the 1700's people used to call seagulls and their relatives, gullibles (note: I thought gullible was spelt Gull-a-Bill) and used to trick people into looking away by pointing out a gullible in the opposite direction"

I replied "Wow! Really?!"

he said "No, you Dumbass!"

:smile: that's hilarious!
  • #12
A good friend at work was a nickel short to buy a soft drink from the machine at work. He saw me across the employee lounge and asked if I could loan him 5 cents. Apparently I gave him a really shocked look and he shouted out "it's not like you'll never see me again".

I never saw him again. He was murdered a few hours later, shot through the head while sitting in his own car.

Roel, you owe me 5 cents! :cry:
  • #13
Evo don't lie.
  • #14
Pengwuino said:
Evo don't lie.
Unfortunately it's true. I've posted about it here before. I still haven't gotten over it, I had a huge crush on him.

His name is pronounced RO-el.

"It's not like you'll never see me again".

I guess this is too morbid? But the topic made me think of this. At the time it was funny, a joke.
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  • #15
Evo said:
Unfortunately it's true. I've posted about it here before. I still haven't gotten over it, I had a huge crush on him.

His name is pronounced RO-el.

"It's not like you'll never see me again".

sadface :(
  • #16
Does marriage count as "a gullible moment"?
  • #17
The first time I went camping in Kentucky, I was invited by a bunch of guys I had become friends with at the campsite to go snipe hunting. I got a warm jacket on, a pillow case, and was heading out when someone has sympathy and told me what the deal was. I bought him a six pack. How embarrasing that would have been.
  • #18
micromass said:
Hell, I even made an entire master thesis for somebody else.
Of course, as soon as the school-year was over, I didn't hear from them again.

Heck, I did all of the labs for my sister-in-law's geology class in one week. That wasn't exactly because I was gullible, though - just because she knew I was an easy mark. Even though I told her I wouldn't do it (for one thing, I'd never taken geology and didn't think I could do that many labs in a week even if I tried), she fed-exed me her lab book and a bunch of rocks. No one had ever fed-exed a box of rocks to me before. How could I resist?

I had to fed-ex the completed lab reports back to her, but she let me keep the rocks.

Being gullible isn't always such a bad thing. While it wasn't exactly the first time they met, since they worked in the same general area, the first time my sister and her husband really talked to each other is when my sister asked him to loan her $100 so she could go home to visit her parents. That didn't turn out so bad.
  • #19
Evo said:
Unfortunately it's true. I've posted about it here before. I still haven't gotten over it, I had a huge crush on him.

His name is pronounced RO-el.

"It's not like you'll never see me again".

I guess this is too morbid? But the topic made me think of this. At the time it was funny, a joke.

Wow! :frown:

Related to What embarrassing moments have you had due to being gullible?

1. What is a "memorable gullible moment"?

A memorable gullible moment is a situation in which someone falls for a hoax or deception and it becomes a lasting memory for them. It can be embarrassing, funny, or even life-changing.

2. Why do people fall for gullible moments?

People can fall for gullible moments due to a variety of factors such as their trust in others, lack of critical thinking skills, or simply being caught off guard. It can also be influenced by their emotions, beliefs, or desire to fit in.

3. Are there any benefits to experiencing a gullible moment?

While gullible moments may be embarrassing or uncomfortable at the time, they can also serve as learning experiences. They can teach us to be more cautious and critical of information, as well as reminding us to not take ourselves too seriously.

4. Can gullible moments have negative impacts?

In some cases, gullible moments can have negative impacts such as causing harm to oneself or others. They can also damage one's reputation or relationships if the deception is revealed and trust is broken. However, in most cases, the negative impact is temporary and can be overcome with reflection and understanding.

5. How can we avoid falling for gullible moments?

To avoid falling for gullible moments, it is important to be critical of information and to fact-check before believing or sharing it. It is also helpful to develop strong critical thinking skills and to not be afraid to question or ask for evidence. Additionally, being aware of common scams and hoaxes can also help prevent falling for them.

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