What does the sound coming from an open column look like?

In summary, when a column of air is disrupted, the pressure is a superposition of the standing waves that fit onto the column's end nodes. The sound from each end of the disrupted column is a diffracted version of the superposition of the traveling waves moving in each direction through the column.
  • #1
I believe I understand what happens inside an air column that is open at both ends when you cause a disruption such as blowing into it. But I am not sure what happens in the space between the air column and your ear. Please let me explain what my current understanding is and tell me if I'm wrong.

The ends of the open air column are observed to be pressure nodes and the air around the column has a characteristic speed at which sound travels. When the column is disrupted, the air in the column moves such that the pressure is a superposition of the standing waves that fit onto the column's end nodes (multiples of half-wavelengths). Additionally, each of the component standing waves is equivalent to two traveling waves moving in opposite directions, which can be used to determine the frequency at which each of the standing waves oscillates. Now my guess is that the sound coming out of each end of the column is a diffracted version of the superposition of the traveling waves moving in each direction through the column. Is this correct?
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  • #2
The resonating column interacts with the outside air at the open end (if we idealize that the column walls are rigid).
At the open end, the displacement of air molecules is a maximum - so you have air pushing in and out of the hole, pushing on the air molecules in the "outside" air.
Thus the sound from that end spreads out mostly spherically as a traveling wave.

The inside and outside are coupled systems - what you usually do with a musical wind instrument is make a vibration near it, which gets amplified by the harmonics of the instrument. The whole instrument vibrates the air around it so what someone some distance away hears is the tones and not the initial vibration. The actual wave about an instrument can be quite complicated but the phenomena is not usually called diffraction.
  • #3
Simon Bridge said:
At the open end, the displacement of air molecules is a maximum - so you have air pushing in and out
I was thinking in terms of pressure, but thinking in terms of displacement is more intuitive in this case. I see now I'm going to need to pick up another text. But thinking in terms of displacement gives a better sense of how vibrations get pushed towards the listener even if it doesn't give a sense of the waveform that's being sent. Thank you.
  • #4
You could imagine a flexible membrane over the "open" end of the rigid pipe - then it's going to look like how a speaker works right?
The waveform will be spherical. The amplitude will vary in pace with the end displacement.
  • #5
And now it is perfectly clear. Thank you for that last remark especially. Cheers.

Related to What does the sound coming from an open column look like?

1. What is an open column in sound?

An open column in sound refers to a resonant tube or pipe that is open at both ends. This type of column allows for sound waves to travel through it, creating a distinct sound. Examples of open columns include flutes and organ pipes.

2. How does sound travel through an open column?

Sound travels through an open column in a series of compressions and rarefactions. When air is blown into one end of the column, it creates a compression or high pressure area. This compression then travels down the column and is reflected back as a rarefaction or low pressure area. This cycle repeats, creating a standing wave and producing sound.

3. What factors affect the sound produced by an open column?

The sound produced by an open column can be affected by several factors, including the length and diameter of the column, the temperature and humidity of the air inside the column, and the material of the column itself. These factors can alter the speed of sound and the resonant frequency of the column, resulting in changes to the sound produced.

4. How can the sound from an open column be visualized?

The sound coming from an open column can be visualized using a tool called a sound spectrum analyzer. This device measures the amplitude and frequency of the sound waves and displays them as a graph or spectrum. This allows for a visual representation of the sound waves and can help identify the specific frequencies and harmonics present in the sound.

5. Can the sound produced by an open column be manipulated?

Yes, the sound produced by an open column can be manipulated by changing the length, diameter, or material of the column. This can be achieved by adjusting the position of keys or valves on instruments like flutes or by altering the length of organ pipes. Additionally, external factors like temperature and humidity can also affect the sound produced by the open column.

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