What Causes Decoherence in Quantum Systems?

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  • Thread starter bluecap
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In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of decoherence and its role in answering the question of what physical mechanism picks out classical states as special. Decoherence shows that classical states can be defined as those that are most robust against decoherence, providing a "predictability sieve" for selecting out states that display permanence. The conversation also touches on the idea of superposition and how decoherence can force a superposition into a definite state. However, the possibility of a superposition of dead and alive states for a cat is still up for debate and would likely be immediately forced into a definite state by decoherence."
  • #1
A question about page 6 of https://arxiv.org/pdf/quant-ph/0101077v1.pdf

"The second unanswered question in the Everett picture was more subtle but equally important: what physical mechanism picks out the classical states — face up and face down for the card — as special? The problem was that from a mathematical point of view, quantum states like "face up plus face down" (let’s call this "state alpha") or "face up minus face down" ("state beta", say) are just as valid as the classical states "face up" or "face down".

So just as our fallen card in state alpha can collapse into the face up or face down states, a card that is definitely face up — which equals (alpha + beta)/2 — should be able to collapse back into the alpha or beta states, or any of an infinity of other states into which "face up" can be decomposed. Why don’t we see this happen?

Decoherence answered this question as well. The calculations showed that classical states could be defined and identified as simply those states that were most robust against decoherence. In other words, decoherence does more than just make off-diagonal matrix elements go away. If fact, if the alpha and beta states of our card were taken as the fundamental basis, the density matrix for our fallen card would be diagonal to start with, of the simple form

density matrix = [1 0]
--------------------[0 0]

since the card is definitely in state alpha. However, decoherence would almost instantaneously change the state to

density matrix = [1/2 0]
--------------------[0 1/2]

so if we could measure whether the card was in the alpha or beta-states, we would get a random outcome. In contrast, if we put the card in the state "face up", it would stay "face up" in spite of decoherence. Decoherence therefore provides what Zurek has termed a "predictability sieve", selecting out those states that display some permanence and in terms of which physics has predictive power."

What I'd like clarification is the following. It says above that if we could measure whether the card was in the alpha or beta-states, we would get a random outcome. Whereas if it is face-up.. it will stay face up in spite of decoherence.. Does it mean that the alpha and beta state are really still there just we don't see it because it says if you measure it you could still get random outcome?
  • #3
bluecap said:
So just as our fallen card in state alpha can collapse into the face up or face down states, a card that is definitely face up — which equals (alpha + beta)/2 — should be able to collapse back into the alpha or beta states, or any of an infinity of other states into which "face up" can be decomposed. Why don’t we see this happen?
Because the front and back faces are pre-existing values intrinsic solely to the card. They don't depend on interaction with a detector to bring them into existence.
  • #4
David Lewis said:
Because the front and back faces are pre-existing values intrinsic solely to the card. They don't depend on interaction with a detector to bring them into existence.

No, the face up and face down is just an example of quantum choices like spin up and spin down but the author use face up or face down which is clasical and may just confuse beginners. In fact I think the whole robust against decoherence thing escapes even the experts that's why the science advisers may not understand it and didn't reply to my original thread.

So let me share (after days of analyzing it). It means even though we don't see cat that is both alive and dead at the same time, the superposition of both alive and dead still exist but only for very few micro split second, then it reverts back to either dead or alive. We see dead or alive more often because it is more stable. For superposition of dead and alive. it still can exist as when Tegmark explained: "so if we could measure whether the card was in the alpha or beta-states, we would get a random outcome. In contrast, if we put the card in the state "face up", it would stay "face up" in spite of decoherence."

the "random outcome" thing means it still exists for a very very tiny fraction of second. If any science advisors understand me.. then please second the statement for our newbies here.
  • #5
bluecap said:
It means even though we don't see cat that is both alive and dead at the same time, the superposition of both alive and dead still exist but only for very few micro split second, then it reverts back to either dead or alive. We see dead or alive more often because it is more stable.
Please correct me but my understanding is the alive and dead states (as they apply to the cat) cannot be in superposition. That is, the cat must be either dead or alive at all points in time.
  • #6
bluecap said:
what physical mechanism picks out the classical states — face up and face down for the card — as special?

That you find yourself in some world, and in some world its one or the other is a postulate. All theories have them. Why pick on that one rather than say why no prior geometry in GR? Its just the way nature is o0)o0)o0)o0)o0)o0)o0)o0)o0)

  • #7
First, suppose you measure a particle and find it's spin up. Then it will stay that way unless disturbed, like the face-up card. But if you then measure the alpha / beta states - which can be done, in this case - you'll get one of them definitely. It will no longer be spin up, but a superposition of up and down (added, in the alpha case, else subtracted). And it will stay that way until disturbed. The disturbance could come from decoherence, which might force it into definite spin up, or down, state. Or, it might not.

Now, suppose you can actually have a superposition of dead and alive cat. If it were possible, decoherence undoubtedly would immediately force it into one or the other state, alive or dead. Nothing could put it back into the "alpha" state, since we have no way to measure such, and decoherence would never cause that. But since it's unknown whether superposition of states would apply to a cat, as Tegmark and MWI assume, it's all speculation.
  • #8
Let's imagine a cat in a box, let's say we know it's dead or alive with equal probability. Or should I say it's dead and alive with equal amplitude.

Let's say we have received one photon from the cat, let's say that photon could equally well have been emitted by a dead cat or a living cat.

When we absorbed the photon, we decohered, but we did not decohere so that in the future we would be more likely to decohere to a state where we know that the cat is dead, or the other alternative.

We did not become robust against decoherence which would lead to state "cat is dead". And we did not become robust against decoherence which would lead to the other alternative.

We did not actually measure anything about the cat in the above scenario, right?

A real measurement must change the probabilities of the results of further measurements.
  • #9
bluecap said:
No, the face up and face down is just an example of quantum choices like spin up and spin down but the author use face up or face down which is clasical and may just confuse beginners. In fact I think the whole robust against decoherence thing escapes even the experts that's why the science advisers may not understand it and didn't reply to my original thread.

So let me share (after days of analyzing it). It means even though we don't see cat that is both alive and dead at the same time, the superposition of both alive and dead still exist but only for very few micro split second, then it reverts back to either dead or alive. We see dead or alive more often because it is more stable. For superposition of dead and alive. it still can exist as when Tegmark explained: "so if we could measure whether the card was in the alpha or beta-states, we would get a random outcome. In contrast, if we put the card in the state "face up", it would stay "face up" in spite of decoherence."

the "random outcome" thing means it still exists for a very very tiny fraction of second. If any science advisors understand me.. then please second the statement for our newbies here.

Suppose you have a card balanced on its end. How does that fit with the quantum nature of a card that demands it must either be face down or face up? If that's physically too difficult, you could use a domino instead of a card.

Or, if you pick the card up, you can orient it any way you like.
  • #10
jartsa said:
Let's imagine a cat in a box, let's say we know it's dead or alive with equal probability. Or should I say it's dead and alive with equal amplitude..

That's impossible but requires another thread. It is dead or alive and can never be in superposition ie dead and alive.

  • #11
bluecap said:
Does it mean that the alpha and beta state are really still there just we don't see it because it says if you measure it you could still get random outcome?
No, it means that you've written down a two-by-two matrix with both diagonal elements equal to ##\frac{1}{2}##. It also means that if alpha and beta were eigenvectors of some observable, then a measurement of that observable would leave the system in the state alpha half the time and beta half the time. It doesn't say anything about alpha or beta if no such measurement is made.
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  • #12
secur said:
First, suppose you measure a particle and find it's spin up. Then it will stay that way unless disturbed, like the face-up card. But if you then measure the alpha / beta states - which can be done, in this case - you'll get one of them definitely. It will no longer be spin up, but a superposition of up and down (added, in the alpha case, else subtracted). And it will stay that way until disturbed. The disturbance could come from decoherence, which might force it into definite spin up, or down, state. Or, it might not.

This is why we are supposed to see the particle moving back and forth from spin up to spin down and spin up and so on randomly. Because even after we measured it as spin up.. you said the particle will recohere into alpha-/beta states then decohere back in spin up and down.. since it's random.. then the particle should shift back and forth between spin up and spin down.. why doesn't it happen?
  • #13
bluecap said:
This is why we are supposed to see the particle moving back and forth from spin up to spin down and spin up and so on randomly. Because even after we measured it as spin up.. you said the particle will recohere into alpha-/beta states then decohere back in spin up and down.. since it's random.. then the particle should shift back and forth between spin up and spin down.. why doesn't it happen?

That's not what happens. You've misunderstood. Let's take a spin 1/2 particle:

1) You measure its spin about the z-axis and get a result of spin-up. Note: it's not accurate to say that you found the particle in the spin-up state, implying that it was in that state before you measured it. The act of measuring spin about the z-axis essentially forced the particle to take on a definite value of spin about that axis.

2) You measure its spin about the z-axis again. You get the same result. Measurements will remain spin-up until something disturbs the particle.

3) You measure its spin about the x-axis. This does two things.

a) The particle now has a definite value of spin about the x-axis. Before this measurement, it had no definite value of spin about the x-axis and, in fact, because you knew it was spin-up in the z-direction, it was 50-50 whether you would get a measurement of spin-up or spin-down in the x-direction. Note also that, while it was spin-up in the z-direction:

It had a state (spin-up in the z-direction), but this state is a linear combination of x-spin-up and x-spin-down states: this state, therefore, gives a definite value for a measurement of spin in the z-direction, but a random 50-50 measurement of spin in the x-direction.

b) The previous value of spin in the z-direction is effectively destroyed by the measurement of spin in the x-direction. You can see this by:

4) You measure spin in the z-direction and get spin-up or spin-down with equal probability. The previous definite value of spin-up in the z-direction was lost by the x-spin measurement.

Finally, suppose you have got a measurement of spin-up in the z-direction:

5) You measure the spin about an axis that is close to the z-axis (perhaps only a few degress off vertical). You still get spin-up or spin-down about this axis at random, but it is much more likely to be spin-up. It might be 95% spin-up and only 5% spin down. This is because z-spin-up is a linear combination of spin-up and spin-down about this axis, but is predominantly spin-up (in terms of probability amplitude).

Whereas, z-spin-up is an equal linear combination of x-spin-up and x-spin-down, so you get these measurements with equal probability for a particle in the z-spin-up state..

Finally, IMHO, playing cards simply do not behave like this, so why anyone would use playing cards to illustrate quantum behaviour is beyond me!
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  • #14
PeroK said:
That's not what happens. You've misunderstood. Let's take a spin 1/2 particle:

1) You measure its spin about the z-axis and get a result of spin-up. Note: it's not accurate to say that you found the particle in the spin-up state, implying that it was in that state before you measured it. The act of measuring spin about the z-axis essentially forced the particle to take on a definite value of spin about that axis.

2) You measure its spin about the z-axis again. You get the same result. Measurements will remain spin-up until something disturbs the particle.

3) You measure its spin about the x-axis. This does two things.

a) The particle now has a definite value of spin about the x-axis. Before this measurement, it had no definite value of spin about the x-axis and, in fact, because you knew it was spin-up in the z-direction, it was 50-50 whether you would get a measurement of spin-up or spin-down in the x-direction. Note also that, while it was spin-up in the z-direction:

It had a state (spin-up in the z-direction), but this state is a linear combination of x-spin-up and x-spin-down states: this state, therefore, gives a definite value for a measurement of spin in the z-direction, but a random 50-50 measurement of spin in the x-direction.

b) The previous value of spin in the z-direction is effectively destroyed by the measurement of spin in the x-direction. You can see this by:

4) You measure spin in the z-direction and get spin-up or spin-down with equal probability. The previous definite value of spin-up in the z-direction was lost by the x-spin measurement.

Finally, suppose you have got a measurement of spin-up in the z-direction:

5) You measure the spin about an axis that is close to the z-axis (perhaps only a few degress off vertical). You still get spin-up or spin-down about this axis at random, but it is much more likely to be spin-up. It might be 95% spin-up and only 5% spin down. This is because z-spin-up is a linear combination of spin-up and spin-down about this axis, but is predominantly spin-up (in terms of probability amplitude).

Whereas, z-spin-up is an equal linear combination of x-spin-up and x-spin-down, so you get these measurements with equal probability for a particle in the z-spin-up state..

Finally, IMHO, playing cards simply do not behave like this, so why anyone would use playing cards to illustrate quantum behaviour is beyond me!

It's no less written by the legendary Max Tegmark.. and it's shared in the equally legendary arxiv https://arxiv.org/pdf/quant-ph/0101077v1.pdf

Let's replace his face up and face down with spin up and spin down and reread his statements (if it makes sense at all) :

"The second unanswered question in the Everett picture was more subtle but equally important: what physical mechanism picks out the classical states — spin up and spin down for the particle — as special? The problem was that from a mathematical point of view, quantum states like "spin up plus spin down" (let’s call this "state alpha") or "spin up minus spin down" ("state beta", say) are just as valid as the classical states "spin up" or "spin down".

So just as our particle in state alpha can collapse into the spin up or spin down states, a spin that is definitely spin up — which equals (alpha + beta)/2 — should be able to collapse back into the alpha or beta states, or any of an infinity of other states into which "spin up" can be decomposed. Why don’t we see this happen?

Decoherence answered this question as well. The calculations showed that classical states could be defined and identified as simply those states that were most robust against decoherence. In other words, decoherence does more than just make off-diagonal matrix elements go away. If fact, if the alpha and beta states of our spin were taken as the fundamental basis, the density matrix for our particle would be diagonal to start with, of the simple form

density matrix = [1 0]
--------------------[0 0]

since the particle is definitely in state alpha. However, decoherence would almost instantaneously change the state to

density matrix = [1/2 0]
--------------------[0 1/2]

so if we could measure whether the particle was in the alpha or beta-states, we would get a random outcome. In contrast, if we put the particle in the state "spin up", it would stay "spin up" in spite of decoherence. Decoherence therefore provides what Zurek has termed a "predictability sieve", selecting out those states that display some permanence and in terms of which physics has predictive power."

In Max Tegmark example. Does he only use one axis? If it doesn't make sense in one axis only (as you are emphasizing). What other observables and quantum setup can his statements make perfect sense?
  • #15
jartsa said:
Let's imagine a cat in a box, let's say we know it's dead or alive with equal probability.
What we know is different from what is.
  • #16
bluecap said:
Let's replace his face up and face down with spin up and spin down and reread his statements (if it makes sense at all)
It doesn't. To get something sensible, you would replace his up or down card with a quantum system consisting of the particle and the measuring device. This system will have the measuring device reading either up or down after the measurement as surely as a tossed coin is heads or tails or Tegmark's card is face up or face down.

bluecap said:
So just as our particle in state alpha can collapse into the spin up or spin down states, a spin that is definitely spin up — which equals (alpha + beta)/2 — should be able to collapse back into the alpha or beta states, or any of an infinity of other states into which "spin up" can be decomposed. Why don’t we see this happen?
The state that you are calling alpha is spin left and the state that you're calling beta is spin right, so all we need to do get a collapse into one of those states is to perform a measurement along the horizontal axis. The same holds for a decomposition into any other basis. We don't see this happen spontaneously (that is, in the absence of any measurement or other interaction) because the spin operator commutes with the Hamiltonian; once a measurement leaves the particle in a particular pure state it stays there until something else disturbs it.

But this is the behavior of an isolated particle. It's a very different system than the combination of particle and measuring device that is analogous to Tegmark's cards.
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  • #17
bluecap said:
A question about page 6 of https://arxiv.org/pdf/quant-ph/0101077v1.pdf

"The second unanswered question in the Everett picture was more subtle but equally important: what physical mechanism picks out the classical states — face up and face down for the card — as special? The problem was that from a mathematical point of view, quantum states like "face up plus face down" (let’s call this "state alpha") or "face up minus face down" ("state beta", say) are just as valid as the classical states "face up" or "face down".

So just as our fallen card in state alpha can collapse into the face up or face down states, a card that is definitely face up — which equals (alpha + beta)/2 — should be able to collapse back into the alpha or beta states, or any of an infinity of other states into which "face up" can be decomposed. Why don’t we see this happen?

Decoherence answered this question as well. The calculations showed that classical states could be defined and identified as simply those states that were most robust against decoherence. In other words, decoherence does more than just make off-diagonal matrix elements go away. If fact, if the alpha and beta states of our card were taken as the fundamental basis, the density matrix for our fallen card would be diagonal to start with, of the simple form

density matrix = [1 0]
--------------------[0 0]

since the card is definitely in state alpha. However, decoherence would almost instantaneously change the state to

density matrix = [1/2 0]
--------------------[0 1/2]

so if we could measure whether the card was in the alpha or beta-states, we would get a random outcome. In contrast, if we put the card in the state "face up", it would stay "face up" in spite of decoherence. Decoherence therefore provides what Zurek has termed a "predictability sieve", selecting out those states that display some permanence and in terms of which physics has predictive power."

What I'd like clarification is the following. It says above that if we could measure whether the card was in the alpha or beta-states, we would get a random outcome. Whereas if it is face-up.. it will stay face up in spite of decoherence.. Does it mean that the alpha and beta state are really still there just we don't see it because it says if you measure it you could still get random outcome?
Let's see what kind of sense I can make out of that thing, although I don't know any quantum mechanics.

When the card is in state alpha, decoherence almost instantly changes the state to another state. In that other state the alpha and the beta are there in some way, because we would get randomly alpha or beta if we could measure whether the card was in the alpha or beta state.

But if we put the card in the state "face up", it will stay in the "face up" state — which equals (alpha + beta)/2. That state should be able to collapse back into the alpha or beta states, so why don’t we see this happen? Answer: Because that state is robust against decoherence.

So yes it seems to me that the excerpt is saying that the alpha and beta states are really still there just we don't see them. We don't see them, because that state refuses to collapse (decohere) to alpha or beta, because it just does not decohere.
  • #18
jartsa said:
the alpha and beta states are really still there
I am at a loss to understand what could be meant by "the states are really there". It's like saying that 5 isn't really 5, it's really 3+2; yes, 5=3+2 is a true equation, but whether we write a number as "5" or "3+2" is just a matter of what's convenient at the moment as we work through whatever problem we're solving.
  • #19
secur said:
Now, suppose you can actually have a superposition of dead and alive cat. If it were possible, decoherence undoubtedly would immediately force it into one or the other state, alive or dead.

I don't think that's true. As I said on another thread, decoherence does not pick out one state, dead or alive. It doesn't choose which one becomes the real state of the cat. What decoherence does is to destroy interference effects, so that the situation of the cat is described by a mixed state, rather than a superposition. So the logic of decoherence is this:
  • Decoherence is a matter of the system (the cat, for example) becoming entangled with the environment (basically, the rest of the universe).
  • After decoherence, the system (cat) is described by an (improper) mixed state.
  • As far as observations of the cat alone is concerned, there is no distinction between an improper mixed state and a proper mixed state. They are described by the same density matrix.
  • But a proper mixed state of alive cat/dead cat can be interpreted as "The cat is either alive, or dead, we just don't know which until we observe it".
  • So after decoherence, you can pretend that the cat is in a definite state of alive or dead, and you won't get into trouble.
But what decoherence definitely does not do is to pick out which (alive or dead) is actually the case.
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  • #20
stevendaryl said:
I don't think that's true. As I said on another thread, decoherence does not pick out one state, dead or alive. It doesn't choose which one becomes the real state of the cat. What decoherence does is to destroy interference effects, so that the situation of the cat is described by a mixed state, rather than a superposition. So the logic of decoherence is this:
  • Decoherence is a matter of the system (the cat, for example) becoming entangled with the environment (basically, the rest of the universe).
  • After decoherence, the system (cat) is described by an (improper) mixed state.
The cat has always been decohered so what is the state of the cat before the first bullet point ?

I would agree with the conclusion - we get a statistical mixed state. But we had that as soon as the box closed, surely ?
  • #21
Mentz114 said:
The cat has always been decohered so what is the state of the cat before the first bullet point ?

I would agree with the conclusion - we get a statistical mixed state. But we had that as soon as the box closed, surely ?

Yes, because a cat is a big object, unlike an electron, the process of the cat becoming entangled with the rest of the universe through decoherence is going on continuously. If there is a single atom whose decay triggers the death of the cat, then what's really going on is that atom's state is becoming entangled with that of the cat and the rest of the universe. The cat is never in a superposition of dead/alive, it's always entangled.
  • #22
stevendaryl said:
Yes, because a cat is a big object, unlike an electron, the process of the cat becoming entangled with the rest of the universe through decoherence is going on continuously. If there is a single atom whose decay triggers the death of the cat, then what's really going on is that atom's state is becoming entangled with that of the cat and the rest of the universe. The cat is never in a superposition of dead/alive, it's always entangled.
OK, I can buy that - except for the entanglement, which seems to be irrelevant in any case.
  • #23
Mentz114 said:
OK, I can buy that - except for the entanglement, which seems to be irrelevant in any case.

Why do you say entanglement is irrelevant? I would say that's the only reason that there are no macroscopic superpositions (of an alive cat and a dead cat).
  • #24
stevendaryl said:
Why do you say entanglement is irrelevant? I would say that's the only reason that there are no macroscopic superpositions (of an alive cat and a dead cat).

Decoherence as I understand it simply is entanglement with the "environment".
  • #25
stevendaryl said:
Why do you say entanglement is irrelevant?
Irrelevant to the 'robustness-against-decoherence' ?
I would say that's the only reason that there are no macroscopic superpositions (of an alive cat and a dead cat).
I think you'd be wrong if you said that. 'Only' is a rather extreme term.

[Edit] Mindreader.
  • #27
stevendaryl said:
I'm using "decoherence" as basically synonymous with "entanglement with the environment". From Wikipedia:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_decoherence
I understand decoherence to be dissipative interactions with the environment. In this picture decoherence is the enemy of entanglement.
  • #28
Mentz114 said:
I understand decoherence to be dissipative interactions with the environment. In this picture decoherence is the enemy of entanglement.

I don't think that's correct. Interactions cause entanglement, they don't remove entanglement.
  • #29
stevendaryl said:
I don't think that's correct. Interactions cause entanglement, they don't remove entanglement.
I specified dissipative interactions.
I'm otherwise busy now, so I'll have get back to you on that.
  • #30
stevendaryl said:
I don't think that's correct. Interactions cause entanglement, they don't remove entanglement.

Let me be a little clearer here. To me, decoherence means entanglement between a system and its environment. If you have two microscopic systems that are entangled, decoherence can possibly destroy that entanglement, but it does this by creating new entanglements with the environment.
  • #31
stevendaryl said:
Let me be a little clearer here. To me, decoherence means entanglement between a system and its environment. If you have two microscopic systems that are entangled, decoherence can possibly destroy that entanglement, but it does this by creating new entanglements with the environment.

Even in eigenstates of positions, the quantum nature is never suspended. So for example a painting like Mona Lisa. Can you shine some lasers into it to change the drawing not by erasing the canvas and repainting with hands but by entangling it with a new measuring device? What would it take (what kind of device) can change the the eigenstates of positions of the paint pigments. Or it's better to use an example of sculptures like those from http://artistsinspireartists.com/sculpture/famous-sculptures-world
In the first example of sculpture called David created by Michelangelo in 1501 – 1504 located Galleria dell’Accademia, Florence, Italy. What kind of instrument can you use to make it create new entanglement with the sculpture such that you can change the face to another person like your face without using chisel.. then the next day changing back the face to David? If we don't have the technology yet. Is it theoretically possible say come 100 Billion A.D.? or forever impossible?
  • #32
stevendaryl said:
If there is a single atom whose decay triggers the death of the cat, then what's really going on is that atom's state is becoming entangled with that of the cat and the rest of the universe.
Very true, but there is a time when the radioactive atom is neither decayed nor undecayed, but a superposition of both.
  • #33
stevendaryl said:
Decoherence as I understand it simply is entanglement with the "environment".

If an electron is in a superposition of spin-up and spin-down states, and a measuring device measures that electron's spin, what decohores? Electron? Device? Electron-device-system? My answer is device.

If somebody is trying to show that the electron is in a superposition of the two states, after the electron has gone through the spin-measurer, but before all information about the result of the measurement is wiped out, that person will fail.

And that is a huge problem, because of relativity of simultaneity.

The many worlds interpretation solves that problem by saying that the electron did not react in any way to the wiping of information far away. So the electron was the same all the time.

When a photon goes through a double slit screen, the photon gains some information about the environment.
When an electron goes through a spin measurer, the electron does not gain information about the environment.

EDIT: My spin-measurer was just a loop of wire and a sensitive ammeter, not a Stern-Gerlach-device. I hope my device does not disturb the electron's path.
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Related to What Causes Decoherence in Quantum Systems?

1. What is decoherence?

Decoherence is the process by which a quantum system loses its coherence or ability to maintain a superposition of states. This can be caused by interactions with the environment, such as other particles or electromagnetic radiation.

2. Why is it important to be robust against decoherence?

Decoherence can lead to errors in quantum computing and other quantum technologies, making it essential to have methods to combat it. Robustness against decoherence ensures that a quantum system can maintain its coherence and perform tasks accurately.

3. How can a system be made robust against decoherence?

There are several methods for making a system robust against decoherence. These include error correction codes, quantum error correction, and decoherence-free subspaces. These techniques involve encoding and manipulating quantum information to protect it from decoherence effects.

4. What are the current challenges in achieving robustness against decoherence?

One of the main challenges is finding efficient ways to protect quantum information from decoherence while also maintaining the system's performance. Another challenge is identifying and mitigating various sources of decoherence, such as environmental noise and imperfect control of quantum systems.

5. How can robustness against decoherence impact real-world applications?

Robustness against decoherence is crucial for the development of practical quantum technologies, such as quantum computers and quantum communication systems. It can also have applications in fields such as cryptography, chemistry, and materials science, where quantum effects play a significant role.

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