What Are the Most Iconic Movie Taglines Ever?

  • Thread starter fourier jr
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In summary, comedies, dramas, horror films, and action flicks have all had memorable taglines that capture the essence of the movie. Some of the best include Spinal Tap's "Does for rock 'n' roll what the Sound of Music did for hills," Double Indemnity's "The moment they met it was murder," Psycho's "Check in, Relax, Take a shower," and Star Wars' "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away." However, some may argue that Army of Darkness should not be classified as a horror film. Also, the tagline "Wherever you go, there you are" from Buckaroo Banzai and the phrase "How bout dem knicks" could also
  • #1
fourier jr
here are some good ones:
Comedies always have been well-served with hysterical taglines, such as:
Spinal Tap's "Does for rock 'n' roll what the Sound of Music did for hills";
Monty Python and the Holy Grail's "Makes Ben Hur look like an Epic";
Napoleon Dynamite's "He's out to prove he's got nothing to prove":
Johnny English's "He knows no fear ... He knows no danger ... He knows nothing."

Dramas also have captured the movie-goer's imagination with great tags such as:
Double Indemnity's "The moment they met it was murder";
Casablanca's "They had a date with fate";
A Place in the Sun's "I'm in trouble, George ... bad trouble";
Network's "Television will never be the same."

Horror films have had their share, with gems such as:
Psycho's "Check in, Relax, Take a shower";
The Fly's "Be afraid. Be very afraid";
Mountain Motel Massacre's "Don't disturb Evelyn, she already is";
and Army of Darkness' first-rate "Trapped in time, surrounded by evil, low on gas."

Among action flicks, there's:
Deliverance's "This is the weekend they didn't play golf";
Cobra's "Crime is a disease. Meet the cure";
Predator 2's: "He's in town with a few hours to kill."

Some would argue that sci-fi movies have had the upper hand, with classics such as:
Star Wars' "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away";
Close Encounters of the Third Kind's "We are not alone";
Alien's "In space no one can hear you scream";
2001: A Space Odyssey's "The Ultimate Trip."
etc etc

which are the best? did they miss any?
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  • #2
Since when was Army of Darkness a horror?
  • #3
Wherever you go, there you are. (Buckaroo Banzai)
  • #4
How bout dem knicks'

Related to What Are the Most Iconic Movie Taglines Ever?

1. What is a movie tagline?

A movie tagline is a short phrase or sentence used to market a film and capture its essence in a memorable way. It is often featured on movie posters, trailers, and other promotional materials.

2. Why are movie taglines important?

Movie taglines are important because they can generate buzz and interest in a film, help audiences remember and identify the movie, and set the tone for the overall experience. They can also be used to differentiate a film from others in the same genre.

3. How are movie taglines created?

Movie taglines are usually created by marketing teams or advertising agencies working with the film's producers and directors. They can be inspired by elements of the movie's plot, characters, or themes, and are often designed to appeal to the target audience.

4. Can a movie tagline make or break a film's success?

While a catchy and effective movie tagline can certainly help generate interest and attract audiences, it is not the only factor that determines a film's success. The quality of the movie itself, as well as other marketing efforts, can also play a significant role.

5. What are some of the most iconic movie taglines of all time?

Some of the most iconic movie taglines include "May the Force be with you" from Star Wars, "Just keep swimming" from Finding Nemo, "You can't handle the truth" from A Few Good Men, and "You'll never look at a cup of coffee the same way again" from The Usual Suspects.
