Wave Optics - Single Slit Diffraction

In summary, when light of wavelength 600nm falls on a 0.40-mm-wide slit and forms a diffraction pattern on a screen 1.5m away, the position of the first dark band on each side of the central maximum can be found using the equation sinθ = +- λ / α, where λ is the wavelength and α is the width of the slit. The central maximum has a width that is twice the length of the other leg in a right triangle, where the screen is one leg and the slit is the other. The equation for destructive interference is (α/2) sinθ = λ/2.
  • #1
Light of wavelength 600nm falls on a 0.40-mm-wide slit and forms a diffraction pattern on a screen 1.5m away.
(a) Find the position of the first dark band on each side of the central maximum.
(b) Find the width of the central maximum

For the (a) I think that we use sinθ = +- λ / α
I think m is equal to : m = +- 1

Where λ = 600 nm
and α = 0.40 mm

If the way I have solved (a) is correct, then how do I proceed to (b) ? I know L is 1.5m then what?
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  • #2
You use trig. That θ in the equation is the angle for a particular right triangle. There should be a picture in your book. L is one leg and the width of the central max is twice the other leg.

Actually, that equation you used for (a) may need an adjustment. I'll get back to you.

I think that destructive interference occurs for the condition:

(α/2) sinθ = λ/2

Oh, sorry. You just manipulated it. The way you have it should be correct. :redface:
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  • #3

For part (a), your approach is correct. To find the position of the first dark band on each side of the central maximum, you can use the equation sinθ = ± mλ/α, where m is the order of the dark band (in this case, m = ±1), λ is the wavelength of light (600 nm), and α is the width of the slit (0.40 mm).

So for the first dark band on the left side, we have sinθ = -1*(600nm)/(0.40mm) = -0.0015. Taking the inverse sine of this value, we get θ = -0.086 degrees. Similarly, for the first dark band on the right side, we have sinθ = 1*(600nm)/(0.40mm) = 0.0015, giving θ = 0.086 degrees.

For part (b), we can use the equation w = 2λL/α, where w is the width of the central maximum, λ is the wavelength of light, L is the distance from the slit to the screen, and α is the width of the slit. Plugging in the values, we get w = 2*(600nm)*(1.5m)/(0.40mm) = 4.5 mm. So the width of the central maximum is 4.5 mm.
  • #4

Your approach for part (a) is correct. To find the position of the first dark band on each side of the central maximum, we can use the equation sinθ = ± mλ/α, where m is the order of the dark band, λ is the wavelength of light, and α is the width of the slit. In this case, m = ±1, λ = 600 nm, and α = 0.40 mm. Plugging these values into the equation, we get:

sinθ = ± (1)(600 nm) / (0.40 mm) = ± 1.5

To find the position of the first dark band, we need to solve for θ. Taking the inverse sine of both sides, we get:

θ = sin^-1(± 1.5) = ± 54.6°

Since there are two first dark bands on each side of the central maximum, we have two values for θ: ±54.6°. To find the actual position on the screen, we can use the small angle approximation formula: θ = y/L, where y is the distance from the central maximum to the first dark band and L is the distance from the slit to the screen. Plugging in the values, we get:

y = (±54.6°)(1.5 m) = ± 0.82 m

Therefore, the first dark bands on each side of the central maximum are located at ±0.82 m from the central maximum.

For part (b), we can use the equation for the width of the central maximum, which is given by:

w = 2λL/α

Plugging in the values, we get:

w = (2)(600 nm)(1.5 m) / (0.40 mm) = 4.5 mm

Therefore, the width of the central maximum is 4.5 mm. This means that the central maximum will cover an area of 4.5 mm on the screen, while the first dark bands will appear 0.82 m away from the central maximum on each side.

Related to Wave Optics - Single Slit Diffraction

1. What is single slit diffraction?

Single slit diffraction is a phenomenon that occurs when a single narrow opening or slit is placed in front of a light source. The light passing through the slit spreads out, creating a diffraction pattern on a screen or surface behind the slit.

2. How does single slit diffraction differ from other types of diffraction?

Single slit diffraction differs from other types of diffraction, such as double slit diffraction, because it involves only one slit and produces a single diffraction pattern. In contrast, double slit diffraction involves two slits and produces multiple diffraction patterns.

3. What factors affect the diffraction pattern in single slit diffraction?

The diffraction pattern in single slit diffraction is affected by the width of the slit, the wavelength of the light, and the distance between the slit and the screen. A wider slit, longer wavelength, and shorter distance between the slit and screen will result in a wider diffraction pattern.

4. What is the principle of Huygens-Fresnel in relation to single slit diffraction?

The principle of Huygens-Fresnel states that every point on a wavefront can be considered as a source of secondary wavelets. In single slit diffraction, these secondary wavelets interfere with each other, creating a diffraction pattern on the screen.

5. What are some applications of single slit diffraction?

Single slit diffraction is used in various applications, such as in spectroscopy to analyze the properties of light and in grating spectrometers to separate different wavelengths of light. It is also used in the design of optical instruments, such as telescopes and microscopes, to improve image quality.

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