Water Evaporation From Sand (pot in pot refrigerator)

In summary, the conversation discusses the calculation of energy loss in a pot-in-pot refrigerator, also known as a zeer. The individual is seeking help with the mathematical calculations and physical explanations for this effect. They mention the wet bulb temperature as a potential factor and mention potential sources for further research. The conversation also touches on the use of wet bulb models and the importance of understanding the physics behind the process.
  • #1
i am working about pot in pot refrigerator (zeer) and i have problem with calculation, i have to calculate how many % energy will be lost during T time, i know theory about this effect but i don't know how to calculate it, i have some reference but my english and math skills aren't enough good to handle it, if u can help and explain me how to calculate this.
thanks and sorry for my bad english (i hope you understood what i said)
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I don't see what you mean by "... i have to calculate how many % energy will be lost during T time ...".
It is possible to calculate how much heat is needed to evaporate a certain quantity of water.
This is called the heat of evaporation (which depends on the temperature).

The rate of evaporation (quantity of water per unit time) depends on the properties of the outer pot material as well as on the ventilation of the pot, the ambient temperature and moisture.
Therefore, calculation this as a function of some time elapsed in not easy.

You may get some useful insight by reading about the wet bulb temperature.
  • #3
thanks for reply, i typed question incorrectly, it's really hard to calculate this as function, i need to make report about pot in pot refrigerator in 2 days, i have only basic theory how this works and need some calculation about this kind of refrigerator and if u can help me to get some mathematical calculation about it, thanks
  • #4
No idea about a quantitative approach; it's too much of a 'green' thing for Science, perhaps. There are a lot of Google hits on the zeer. None, of course, seem to have any numbers in them. You may find something if you're prepared to do a lot of digging. Also, you could Google 'Swamp coolers', which are air coolers with a bale of wet straw and a fan. These are very effective where the humidity is low and you may find some actual figures there. Of course, your pot in pot cooler will always work better in a draught.
  • #5
thanks for reply, i understand what you said but i am looking for more physical explain of this effect but i couldn't found it in google.
  • #6
Yes. It is a problem. Your analysis would need to include a lot of imponderables such as air speed over the surface, area and humidity. The nearest thing I could find (an engineering approach) was some Google hits about Cooling Towers. Wiki does have some figures for their performance but it's a long way from clay pots, I admit.

I eventually did find this article about evaporation rate, using Langmuir's Evaporation Equation, after googling "evaporation rate". Perhaps that would help for a start.
  • #7
I still advise you to investigate the wet bulb temperature.
https://www.google.com/?hl=en#hl=en&q=wet+bulb+temperatureThe physics of the wet bulb temperature covers almost everything you need to know.
In particular, the wet bulb temperature is governed by heat and mass exchange with atmosphere.
The porosity of the outer clay pot may slow down the process.
However, qualitatively, it will remain similar.
You might even consider modifying the wet bulb model to investigate how much the "pot temperature" may differ from the wet bulb temperature.
The heat flow is included in the wet bulb model.

Take the time to understand the physics in depth.
The calculations will take only a fraction of your time.

Related to Water Evaporation From Sand (pot in pot refrigerator)

1. How does the pot in pot refrigerator use water evaporation from sand to keep food cool?

The pot in pot refrigerator works by utilizing the natural process of water evaporation from sand. The outer pot is filled with wet sand, and the inner pot is placed inside. As the water in the sand evaporates, it absorbs heat from the inner pot, keeping the temperature inside cool and preserving food.

2. What type of sand is best for water evaporation in a pot in pot refrigerator?

The best type of sand for water evaporation in a pot in pot refrigerator is fine-grained sand, such as river sand or play sand. This type of sand has a larger surface area for water to evaporate from, making it more effective in cooling the inner pot.

3. How long does a pot in pot refrigerator stay cool using water evaporation?

The length of time a pot in pot refrigerator stays cool using water evaporation depends on several factors, such as the ambient temperature, humidity levels, and the amount of water in the sand. On average, it can keep food cool for 5-6 hours, but this may vary.

4. Can the pot in pot refrigerator be used in all climates?

The pot in pot refrigerator can be used in most climates, but it is most effective in dry and hot climates. In humid climates, the rate of water evaporation may be slower, and the cooling effect may not be as significant.

5. Are there any alternative materials that can be used instead of sand for water evaporation in a pot in pot refrigerator?

Yes, there are alternative materials that can be used instead of sand for water evaporation in a pot in pot refrigerator. Some examples include sawdust, rice husks, or even wet clothes. However, sand is the most commonly used material due to its affordability and effectiveness.

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