Using pointers in a User Define Function

In summary: As you can see, it doesn't work. The output doesn't display. Any help?In summary, you have created a function called SetCost that takes in a character and a pointer to a double as arguments. It assigns different costs to different characters and if the cost is less than 0, it prints out the item selected and its cost. However, there are several issues with your code such as having redundant variable names and not properly assigning the cost to the item.
  • #1

Homework Statement

There is a user defined function that looks like this:
void DisplayMenu(char *item)

My problem is that I have no clue on how I could include "*item" in my function, without changing the name or algorithm. The purpose of this function to to display the list of apps available and to prompts for the user’s selection and to sets the value of the selection.

Homework Equations

Here is the whole equation:
void DisplayMenu(char *item)
double G;
double X;
double E;
double R;
double P;

double GamePackage=4.99;
double XRayApp=2.99;
double EBayAutobidder=7.99;
double RestaurantLocator=1.99;
double Photoeditor=3.99;

printf("G -- GamePackage %.2lf\n",GamePackage);
printf("X -- X-Ray App %.2lf\n",XRayApp);
printf("E -- E-Bay Autobidder %.2lf\n",EBayAutobidder);
printf("R -- Restaurant Locator %.2lf\n",RestaurantLocator);
printf("P -- Photo editor %.2lf\n",Photoeditor);


The Attempt at a Solution

The user must type in the letter of the selection, such as G, X, E, R, or P. I think this is where the char *item must be used, but how can I use it store what the user selects?

Any help is very much appreciated!
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  • #2
When you submit a code example, put [ code] tag just before the beginning and a [ /code] tag after the end (omit the extra spaces, though).
denZer said:

Homework Statement

There is a user defined function that looks like this:
void DisplayMenu(char *item)

My problem is that I have no clue on how I could include "*item" in my function, without changing the name or algorithm. The purpose of this function to to display the list of apps available and to prompts for the user’s selection and to sets the value of the selection.

Homework Equations

Here is the whole equation:
This is not an equation - this is the code for the function you wrote.
denZer said:
void DisplayMenu(char *item)
	double G;
	double X;
	double E;
	double R;
	double P;

	double GamePackage=4.99;
	double XRayApp=2.99;
	double EBayAutobidder=7.99;
	double RestaurantLocator=1.99;
	double Photoeditor=3.99;

	printf("G -- GamePackage		%.2lf\n",GamePackage);
	printf("X -- X-Ray App                  %.2lf\n",XRayApp);
	printf("E -- E-Bay Autobidder         %.2lf\n",EBayAutobidder);
	printf("R -- Restaurant Locator       %.2lf\n",RestaurantLocator);
	printf("P -- Photo editor                %.2lf\n",Photoeditor);


The Attempt at a Solution

The user must type in the letter of the selection, such as G, X, E, R, or P. I think this is where the char *item must be used, but how can I use it store what the user selects?

Any help is very much appreciated!

You don't need any of your G, X, E, R, or P double variables. All you need is a single char variable that will hold the letter that a user of your program enters.

You also need a statement that takes input from the user to set that char variable.

C is a "pass by value" language, which means that functions work with copies of the parameters in the argument list. To simulate "call by reference," functions pass the address of a variable in the argument list. Your textbook or notes should have some explanation of this technique, which is how your function should work.
  • #3
Thank you for the response.

Here's the problem now, I'm trying to get the DisplayMenu to display on the user's screen, but there are errors that I don't know how to to fix.

Here is the new code
void DisplayMenu(char *item)
	char UserSelection;

	printf("G -- GamePackage			$4.99\n");
	printf("X -- X-Ray App              $2.99\n");
	printf("E -- E-Bay Autobidder       $7.99\n");
	printf("R -- Restaurant Locator     $1.99\n");
	printf("P -- Photo editor           $3.99\n");
	scanf(" %c", &UserSelection);



and here is what I put in the int main area

int *ptr;
int main()
	char UserChoice;
	double Bank;
	int MoneyMenu;
	double UserMoneyAmount;

	printf("Welcome to THE APP STORE.\n**********************************\n");


The DisplayMenu(ptr) is incorrect but I don't know what I can put inside the (). I tried putting char and int variables to see if it works but it doesn't. Thanks again!
  • #4
denZer said:
The DisplayMenu(ptr) is incorrect but I don't know what I can put inside the (). I tried putting char and int variables to see if it works but it doesn't. Thanks again!

You shouldn't just guess for something like that. What types a function takes as arguments inside the parenthesis can be determined by examining the function header or function prototype.

void DisplayMenu(char *item)
This function header indicates a function called DisplayMenu that takes a pointer to char, a.k.a. char* as an argument.
  • #5
I have added comments in your code.
void DisplayMenu(char *item)
	char UserSelection; // You don't need this variable.
	*item;   // This line does nothing so it should be here.
	UserSelection=*item; // You don't need to do this. UserSelection gets set below.

	printf("G -- GamePackage			$4.99\n");
	printf("X -- X-Ray App              $2.99\n");
	printf("E -- E-Bay Autobidder       $7.99\n");
	printf("R -- Restaurant Locator     $1.99\n");
	printf("P -- Photo editor           $3.99\n");
	scanf(" %c", &UserSelection); // See explanation following code block.

	return;  // Take this line out. The function will return anyway.


For your input line, I would do it this way:
scanf("%c", item);

item already is a pointer to a char, so you don't need the "address of" operator, &. Note that I removed the extra space you had in the format specifier string for scanf. I.e., " %c" is now "%c".
  • #6
Hi guys, I finally had my menu being able to displayed. Now my other problem is getting the cost to be whatever the user wants from the menu. My user function for the code that set's user choice is this:
void SetCost(char item, double *item_cost)
		//The variable that represents amount of money user has
		double Bank;

		//Costs of items
		double G=4.99;
		double X=2.99;
		double E=7.99;
		double R=1.99;
		double P=3.99;

		char G;
		char X;
		char E;
		char R;
		char P;
			printf("You picked %c, which cost %d.", item, item_cost);


that is what I have set up so far and I'm not even sure if I'm on the right track. What also confuses is that this user function has two argument, yet from my other code which is right here:

// Displays the list of apps available
//prompts for the user’s selection and sets the value of the selection
void DisplayMenu(char *item)
	char Menu;
	double *MenuCost;

	//Menu with costs
	printf("G -- GamePackage			$4.99\n");
	printf("X -- X-Ray App				$2.99\n");
	printf("E -- E-Bay Autobidder			$7.99\n");
	printf("R -- Restaurant Locator			$1.99\n");
	printf("P -- Photo editor			$3.99\n");

	//Asks for user's selection
	printf("\nPlease choose your selection: ");

	//User will enter their desired item
	scanf("%c", item);
	SetCost(Menu, MenuCost);


You can see that the scanf only scans one variable in DisplayMenu, so how is that suppose to transfer to the SetCost function with just one argument?
  • #7
denZer said:
Hi guys, I finally had my menu being able to displayed. Now my other problem is getting the cost to be whatever the user wants from the menu. My user function for the code that set's user choice is this:
void SetCost(char item, double *item_cost)
		//The variable that represents amount of money user has
		double Bank;
[/quote]This is a silly name for a variable. You are not using it, so why is it here?[quote="denZer, post: 3568869"]

		//Costs of items
		double G=4.99;
		double X=2.99;
		double E=7.99;
		double R=1.99;
		double P=3.99;

		char G;
		char X;
		char E;
		char R;
		char P;
[/quote]This won't work at all! You can't have two sets of variables with the same names! Furthermore, you SHOULD NOT have separate variables for each choice! All you need is one variable to hold the character that represents the item.
[quote="denZer, post: 3568869"]
			printf("You picked %c, which cost %d.", item, item_cost);
[/quote]Why are you doing this? How can the item cost be negative?
[quote="denZer, post: 3568869"]


that is what I have set up so far and I'm not even sure if I'm on the right track. What also confuses is that this user function has two argument, yet from my other code which is right here:

// Displays the list of apps available
//prompts for the user’s selection and sets the value of the selection
void DisplayMenu(char *item)
	char Menu;
	double *MenuCost;

	//Menu with costs
	printf("G -- GamePackage			$4.99\n");
	printf("X -- X-Ray App				$2.99\n");
	printf("E -- E-Bay Autobidder			$7.99\n");
	printf("R -- Restaurant Locator			$1.99\n");
	printf("P -- Photo editor			$3.99\n");

	//Asks for user's selection
	printf("\nPlease choose your selection: ");

	//User will enter their desired item
	scanf("%c", item);
	SetCost(Menu, MenuCost);


You can see that the scanf only scans one variable in DisplayMenu, so how is that suppose to transfer to the SetCost function with just one argument?

It is a bad design to have variables in one place with the item prices (in the SetCost function) and have the prices hard-coded in another (in the strings in GetMenu). This makes the program more difficult to maintain if the item prices change - you have to remember to change the price in both places.

It's probably reasonable to have global constants for the prices; i.e. constants that are defined outside of all functions so they can be used throughout your program.

Your DisplayMenu function has a name that is misleading. It not only displays a menu, but it gets the user's menu choice. A better way to do things would be to have DisplayMenu just display the menu, and write another function to get the user's menu choice (name might be GetMenuChoice). Then your SetCost function could determine the item's cost based on the menu item that the user chose.
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  • #8
Mark44 said:
Your DisplayMenu function has a name that is misleading. It not only displays a menu, but it gets the user's menu choice. A better way to do things would be to have DisplayMenu just display the menu, and write another function to get the user's menu choice (name might be GetMenuChoice). Then your SetCost function could determine the item's cost based on the menu item that the user chose.

I wish I could but I'm not allowed to add another function. My SetCost function is supposed to sets the cost of the item based on value stored in purchase but I've been staring at the code for an hour and am clueless. Here is what I have now:
void DisplayMenu(char *item)
	char UserSelection;
	double CostOfItem;
	//Menu with costs
	printf("G -- GamePackage			$4.99\n");
	printf("X -- X-Ray App				$2.99\n");
	printf("E -- E-Bay Autobidder			$7.99\n");
	printf("R -- Restaurant Locator			$1.99\n");
	printf("P -- Photo editor			$3.99\n");
	//Asks fo	r user's selection
	printf("\nPlease choose your selection: ");
	//User will enter their desired item
	scanf("%c", &UserSelection);
	SetCost(UserSelection, &CostOfItem);

EDIT: Nvm, I have decided to put SetCost in my main function, don't think it was possible to have two argument functions in a one way argument function.
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  • #9
denZer said:
I wish I could but I'm not allowed to add another function. My SetCost function is supposed to sets the cost of the item based on value stored in purchase but I've been staring at the code for an hour and am clueless. Here is what I have now:
void DisplayMenu(char *item)
	char UserSelection;
	double CostOfItem;
	//Menu with costs
	printf("G -- GamePackage			$4.99\n");
	printf("X -- X-Ray App				$2.99\n");
	printf("E -- E-Bay Autobidder			$7.99\n");
	printf("R -- Restaurant Locator			$1.99\n");
	printf("P -- Photo editor			$3.99\n");
	//Asks fo	r user's selection
	printf("\nPlease choose your selection: ");
	//User will enter their desired item
	scanf("%c", &UserSelection);
	SetCost(UserSelection, &CostOfItem);

The UserSelection will carry onto the next user function, but for the CostOfItem variable, how can I make it so that it knows which price to process depending on what the user wants?

From an earlier post:
Mark44 said:
It's probably reasonable to have global constants for the prices; i.e. constants that are defined outside of all functions so they can be used throughout your program.

You are trying to make the DisplayMenu function do too much. I don't think you have given enough thought to what your main function will be doing.

As already mentioned, the name of the DisplayMenu function is misleading, as it not only displays a menu but gets the user's selection. If that's the name you have to use, and what it has to do, then I guess you're stuck with it, and the blame for poor design goes to your instructor.

In any case, your implementation of DisplayMenu doesn't set its parameter, and it should not be calling SetCost.

Here's a rough idea of how I would arrange things.

#include <stdio.h>
// Other includes as needed

// Global constants for item prices
double GamePackagePrice=4.99;
double XRayAppPrice=2.99;
double EBayAutobidderPrice=7.99;
double RestaurantLocatorPrice=1.99;
double PhotoeditorPrice=3.99;

// Function prototypes
void DisplayMenu(char *);
void SetCost(char, double *);

int main()
   // Skeleton outline of main function

   // Display menu and get user's selection
   // Get price of user's selection
   // Display price of item to user
   return 0;

void DisplayMenu(char * item)
   // Display menu with costs
   printf("HERE ARE THE SELECTIONS:\n");
   printf("G -- GamePackage			%lf\n", GamePackagePrice);
   printf("X -- X-Ray App				%lf\n", XRayAppPrice);
   // Display the other menu choices

   // Ask for user's selection
   printf("\nPlease choose your selection: ");

   // User will enter their desired item
   scanf("%c", &item);

void SetCost(char item, double *item_cost)
  • #10
You're right Mark, it isn't going to set any parameter nor call the SetCost function. My teacher also said that we can't use global variables, we have to fit them in the right user function elsewhere.. I'll figure that out on my own.

This is where I'm stuck with the SetCost function, I need to compare the item, which is a char, and with that char I want to find. I need to match it up. When I find it, I need to set the value of item_cost with the right cost. Here is what I did:

void SetCost(char item, double *item_cost)
	double MoneyInBank;
	char G=4.99;
	char X=2.99;
	char E=7.99;
	char R=1.99;
	char P=3.99;
			printf("You do not have enough money");
		else if(MoneyInBank>0)
		printf("You have %d left over", MoneyInBank);

Here is the rest of the code of where I drew the user's char from:
int main()
	char ChoiceSelection;
	double ItemCost;
	double bank;

	//Variable that keeps  track of user's money
	//User starts with no money, so variable is initlize to zero
	printf("Welcome to THE APP STORE.\n**********************************\n");
	printf("You have $%.2lf in your bank\n\n", bank);
	SetCost(ChoiceSelection, &ItemCost);


// Displays the list of apps available
//prompts for the user’s selection and sets the value of the selection
void DisplayMenu(char *item)

	//Menu with costs
	printf("G -- GamePackage			$4.99\n");
	printf("X -- X-Ray App				$2.99\n");
	printf("E -- E-Bay Autobidder			$7.99\n");
	printf("R -- Restaurant Locator			$1.99\n");
	printf("P -- Photo editor			$3.99\n");
	//Asks for user's selection
	printf("\nPlease enter a selection: ");
	//User will enter their desired item
	scanf("%c", item);


I know that a char isn't compatible with a double variable, so how else can I approach this?
  • #11
denZer said:
This is where I'm stuck with the SetCost function, I need to compare the item, which is a char, and with that char I want to find. I need to match it up. When I find it, I need to set the value of item_cost with the right cost. Here is what I did:

void SetCost(char item, double *item_cost)
	double MoneyInBank;
	char G=4.99;
	char X=2.99;
	char E=7.99;
	char R=1.99;
	char P=3.99;
			printf("You do not have enough money");
		else if(MoneyInBank>0)
		printf("You have %d left over", MoneyInBank);
There are several things wrong with this code.
1) Your char variables G, X, and so on are not the right type to store a double in. The variables should be type double.
2) Your names for the app prices should be more informative, and should NOT be single letters. For example, you should do something like this:
double GamePackagePrice = 4.99;
3) SetCost is not setting the item_cost variable. You need logic in this function that determines which app was selected, and then sets item_cost. See below for an example.
4) The MoneyInBank variable is uninitialized, so any calculations that use it are going to result in garbage values. I don't think you should be checking the user's account balance in the SetCost function. That should probably be done in main or possibly in another function. Speaking of the user's account balance ("bank" is a silly name for the variable), it is set to 0 in main, and nothing else is done to increase this value, so the user will never have enough money to be able to buy one of the apps.

For #3 above, something like this would work in the SetCost function.
double GamePackagePrice = 4.99;
if (item == 'G') *item_cost = GamePackagePrice;
else if (item == 'X') *item_cost = XRayAppPrice;
// and so on.
The code above doesn't work if the item is a lower-case letter, like 'g' or 'x'. It's pretty easy to add these possible values in the logic above.
  • #12
That definitely helps! I tried printing the price cost and I keep getting either big or negative numbers instead of 4.99. here's what I put:

printf("The price is %d\n", *item_cost);

I tried changing the * and & around, but no luck, what is the problem here?
  • #14
void SetCost(char item, double *item_cost)
	double ItemWanted=0;
	double GamePackagePrice=4.99;
	double XRayAppPrice=2.99;
	double EBayAutobidderPrice=7.99;
	double RestaurantLocatorPrice=1.99;
	double PhotoEditorPrice=3.99;
		printf("The price is %d\n", *item_cost);
	else if(item=='X'||item=='x')
		printf("The price is %d", *item_cost);
	else if(item=='E'||item=='e')
		printf("The price is %d", *item_cost);
	else if(item=='R'||item=='r')
		printf("The price is %d", *item_cost);
	else if(item=='P'||item=='p')
		printf("The price is %d", *item_cost);
		printf("Please re enter in the choice");
	return ItemWanted;

Yes, I know I need to fix the return thing lol.
  • #15
Your printf statements have the wrong format specifiers - %d. This formatspecifier is used to display an int. Your prices are doubles, so use %f.
printf("The price is %f\n", *item_cost);
  • #16
Now I've ran to similar problems.. except with doubles this time!
//Displays the codes for money input- gets user input amounts
//compares the int codes and updates the deposit amount
void MoneyMenu(double *bank, double item_cost)
	//Money Menu List
	printf("Please credit your bank balance by selecting from the menu:\n\n");
	printf("--- 1   $10.00\n");
	printf("--- 2   $5.00\n");
	printf("--- 3   $2.00\n");
	printf("--- 4   $1.00\n");
	scanf("%f", bank);


I can't translate the number "1" to be10.00 , how would you do this? the if statement will not cut it this time.

For instance, although the user picks the number "1", that means that they'll deposit 10, but I need to format it in the programming pseudocode.
  • #17
You really should change the variable named bank - it is a meaningless name in the context of your program. Names for variables should reflect what they are being used for. A better name would be accountBalance, for example.

Think about what MoneyMenu is doing. It's presenting a menu with four choices. A user will enter 1, 2, 3, or 4, which scanf can read as ints.

If the user enters 1, the account balance should be credited with (incremented by) $10. And similarly for the other four choices.
  • #18
Unfortunately I cannot change the variables :( we have to use as what it is.

I am almost done with the program! One problem is that some function like CheckMoney , GetMoney, and GetChange doesn't do what they are intended to do. I believe I have the code somewhere messed up. Here's what I've done (the complete program)
#include <stdio.h>
void DisplayMenu(char *item);
void SetCost(char item, double *item_cost);
void MoneyMenu(double *bank, double item_cost);
int CheckMoney(double bank, double item_cost); 
void GetMoney(double *bank, double item_cost, char item);  
void GetChange(double *bank, double item_cost); 
void Quit(char *again);

int main()
	//Variable implanted to see if user wants to play again
	char PlayAgain;
	//Variable that decides what the user wants from menu
	char ChoiceSelection;
	//Variable that tells us the cost of item
	double ItemCost;
	//Variable that holds the bank balance
	double BankBalance;
	//initializes to zero as starting point

	//Variable that keeps  track of user's money
	//User starts with no money, so variable is initlize to zero
	printf("Welcome to THE APP STORE.\n**********************************\n");
	printf("You have $%.2lf in your bank\n\n", BankBalance);
	SetCost(ChoiceSelection, &ItemCost);

// Displays the list of apps available
//prompts for the user’s selection and sets the value of the selection
void DisplayMenu(char *item)

	//Menu with costs
	printf("G -- GamePackage			$4.99\n");
	printf("X -- X-Ray App				$2.99\n");
	printf("E -- E-Bay Autobidder			$7.99\n");
	printf("R -- Restaurant Locator			$1.99\n");
	printf("P -- Photo editor			$3.99\n");
	//Asks for user's selection
	printf("\nPlease enter a selection: ");
	//User will enter their desired item
	scanf("%c", item);


//sets the cost of the item based on value stored in purchase
void SetCost(char item, double *item_cost)
	//names set to equal to price
	double GamePackagePrice=4.99;
	double XRayAppPrice=2.99;
	double EBayAutobidderPrice=7.99;
	double RestaurantLocatorPrice=1.99;
	double PhotoEditorPrice=3.99;
	//if user enters G or g, the correct price is given
		printf("The price is %.2f\n ",*item_cost);
	//if user enters X or x, the correct price is given
	else if(item=='X'||item=='x')
		printf("The price is %.2f\n ",*item_cost);
	//if user enters E or e, the correct price is given
	else if(item=='E'||item=='e')
		printf("The price is %.2f\n ",*item_cost);
	//if user enters R or r, the correct price is given
	else if(item=='R'||item=='r')
		printf("The price is %.2f\n ",*item_cost);
	//if user enters P or p, the correct price is given
	else if(item=='P'||item=='p')
		printf("The price is %.2f\n ",*item_cost);

//Displays the codes for money input- gets user input amounts
//compares the int codes and updates the deposit amount
void MoneyMenu(double *bank, double item_cost)
	//Money Menu list that user choose in order to get money to buy item
	printf("Please credit your bank balance by selecting from the menu:\n\n");
	printf("--- 1   $10.00\n");
	printf("--- 2   $5.00\n");
	printf("--- 3   $2.00\n");
	printf("--- 4   $1.00\n");
	//scans how much they want
	scanf("%d", bank);
	//if they picked 1, they will be credited 10 dollars
	//if they picked 2, they will be credited 5 dollars
	else if(*bank==2)
	//if they picked 3, they will be credited 2 dollars
		else if(*bank==3)
	//if they picked 4, they will be credited 1 dollar
		else if(*bank==4)


//compares the amount the user has in deposits to the price of item selected.
//It returns 1 if the amount is enough to cover the cost, 0 if there is not enough.
int CheckMoney(double bank, double item_cost)
	//if they have enough money to cover the cost of item, it returns 1 to let them buy
		return 1;
	//if they don't have enough money to cover the cost of item, it returns 0 andd they will need to deposit more money
	else if(bank<item_cost)
		printf("You do not have enough in your bank.\n");
		printf("The item costs $%f", item_cost);
		return 0;

//uses MoneyMenu function to display and collect dollar amounts from the user
//uses CheckMoney function to keep comparing the added deposited amount to the item cost.
void GetMoney(double *bank, double item_cost, char item)

	CheckMoney(*bank, item_cost);

//calculates the amount of leftover from your deposits
void GetChange(double *bank, double item_cost)

//Asks the user if they want another app
void Quit(char *again)
	printf("Would you like to play another game? ");
	scanf("%c", &again);
	else if(*again=='n'||*again=='no'||*again=='N'||*again=='No')
		printf("Thank you, enjoy your purchase(s)");

It complies and run but doesn't follow the user functions at all.
  • #19
denZer said:
Unfortunately I cannot change the variables :( we have to use as what it is.
Baloney. You can name the variables what you want. What you can't change are the names of the functions and the types of their arguments.

For example, the header for the MoneyMenu function says that the first parameter is type pointer to double, and the second parameter is type double. You can name them whatever you want.
void MoneyMenu(double *bank, double item_cost)

My point about bank being a dumb name for a variable is that the name is confusing, and it has confused you.

void MoneyMenu(double *bank, double item_cost)
	//Money Menu list that user choose in order to get money to buy item
	printf("Please credit your bank balance by selecting from the menu:\n\n");
	printf("--- 1   $10.00\n");
	printf("--- 2   $5.00\n");
	printf("--- 3   $2.00\n");
	printf("--- 4   $1.00\n");
	//scans how much they want
	scanf("%d", bank); // NO! You need a different variable.
             //if they picked 1, they will be credited 10 dollars
	if( <something>==1)
1. bank is a pointer to double. Your code should have a different local variable of type int to hold the user's choice from the menu.
2. You are not using bank correctly when you increment it. It's a pointer to a memory location (i.e., a pointer), so to change what the pointer is pointing at, you have to dereference the pointer. The code in your if clause above needs to be changed to this:
*bank = *bank + 10.0;
And similarly for all the other if clauses.
  • #20
I'm not sure you really understand how C and C++ can modify parameters to functions, so I'm including a simple example. Can you predict what value gets displayed in main?

The short answer is that C/C++ can't modify parameters to functions, but if the parameter is a pointer to memory, the function can change what's in memory, even though the parameter itself has not been changed. (The pointer still points to the same location in memory.)
#include <stdio.h>
void modifyParameter(int *);

int main(void)
   int x = 5;
   printf("New value is %d.\n", x);
   return 0;

void modifyParameter(int * value)
   *value = 2 * (*value);
  • #21
Mark44 said:
I'm not sure you really understand how C and C++ can modify parameters to functions, so I'm including a simple example. Can you predict what value gets displayed in main?

The short answer is that C/C++ can't modify parameters to functions, but if the parameter is a pointer to memory, the function can change what's in memory, even though the parameter itself has not been changed. (The pointer still points to the same location in memory.)
#include <stdio.h>
void modifyParameter(int *);

int main(void)
   int x = 5;
   printf("New value is %d.\n", x);
   return 0;

void modifyParameter(int * value)
   *value = 2 * (*value);

So what you are saying is that the value will still display 5, however if there was no pointer pointed to main function, it would of displayed 2. (taking into account that there is no pointer anywhere else either)
  • #22
denZer said:
So what you are saying is that the value will still display 5,
No, I'm not saying this at all.
denZer said:
however if there was no pointer pointed to main function,
I have no idea what you're asking. The pointer doesn't "point to" main. A pointer "points to" a memory location.
denZer said:
it would of displayed 2.
No. You really don't understand this code.
denZer said:
(taking into account that there is no pointer anywhere else either)

Run the code in my example, and see what it does. All of your answers above are just guesses, and they aren't even good guesses. Until you can understand what the code in my example does, you will have a very difficult time of writing the program you are assigned.
  • #23
Sorry, I really do find this pointer concept really confusing. After running the program, I see that 5 is stored as the main memory and with *value pointing to it, it multiples it with 2.. If you can give me another pointer question like this, it would be great! Thanks for tutoring me though, I really appreciate it Mark.
  • #24
Well Mark, I have to say, that little pointer trivia question you threw at me made everything clear! I am almost done with the program, the only problem I have is when the user wants to play again, it doesn't necessarily go through the whole thing. Here is the code:

#include <stdio.h>
void DisplayMenu(char *item);
void SetCost(char item, double *item_cost);
void MoneyMenu(double *bank, double item_cost);
int CheckMoney(double bank, double item_cost); 
void GetMoney(double *bank, double item_cost, char item);  
void GetChange(double *bank, double item_cost); 
void Quit(char *again);

int main()
	//Variable implanted to see if user wants to play again
	char PlayAgain;
	//Variable that decides what the user wants from menu
	char ChoiceSelection;
	//Variable that tells us the cost of item
	double ItemCost;
	//Variable that holds the bank balance
	double BankBalance;
	//initializes  to zero as starting point

	//Variable that keeps  track of user's money
	//User starts with no money, so variable is initlize to zero
	printf("Welcome to THE APP STORE.\n**********************************\n");
	printf("You have $%.2lf in your bank\n\n", BankBalance);
	SetCost(ChoiceSelection, &ItemCost);

	printf("You have: $%.2lf credit available for next purchase.\n\n", BankBalance);
	printf("\nThank you, enjoy your purchase(s).\n");

// Displays the list of apps available
//prompts for the user’s selection and sets the value of the selection
void DisplayMenu(char *item)

	//Menu with costs
	printf("G -- GamePackage			$4.99\n");
	printf("X -- X-Ray App				$2.99\n");
	printf("E -- E-Bay Autobidder			$7.99\n");
	printf("R -- Restaurant Locator			$1.99\n");
	printf("P -- Photo editor			$3.99\n");
	//Asks for user's selection
	printf("\nPlease enter a selection: ");
	//User will enter their desired item
	scanf(" %c", item);


//sets the cost of the item based on value stored in purchase
void SetCost(char item, double *item_cost)
	//names set to equal to price
	double GamePackagePrice=4.99;
	double XRayAppPrice=2.99;
	double EBayAutobidderPrice=7.99;
	double RestaurantLocatorPrice=1.99;
	double PhotoEditorPrice=3.99;
	//if user enters G or g, the correct price is given
		printf("The item you selected costs %.2f\n ",*item_cost);
	//if user enters X or x, the correct price is given
	else if(item=='X'||item=='x')
		printf("The item you selected costs %.2f\n ",*item_cost);
	//if user enters E or e, the correct price is given
	else if(item=='E'||item=='e')
		printf("The item you selected costs %.2f\n ",*item_cost);
	//if user enters R or r, the correct price is given
	else if(item=='R'||item=='r')
		printf("The item you selected costs %.2f\n ",*item_cost);
	//if user enters P or p, the correct price is given
	else if(item=='P'||item=='p')
		printf("The item you selected costs %.2f\n ",*item_cost);

//Displays the codes for money input- gets user input amounts
//compares the int codes and updates the deposit amount
void MoneyMenu(double *bank, double item_cost)

	int MoneyAmountWanted;
	//Money Menu list that user choose in order to get money to buy item
	printf("Please credit your bank balance by selecting from the menu:\n\n");
	printf("--- 1   $10.00\n");
	printf("--- 2   $5.00\n");
	printf("--- 3   $2.00\n");
	printf("--- 4   $1.00\n");
	//scans how much they want
	scanf("%d", &MoneyAmountWanted);
	//if they picked 1, they will be credited 10 dollars
	//if they picked 2, they will be credited 5 dollars
	else if(MoneyAmountWanted==2)
	//if they picked 3, they will be credited 2 dollars
		else if(MoneyAmountWanted==3)
	//if they picked 4, they will be credited 1 dollar
		else if(MoneyAmountWanted==4)


//compares the amount the user has in deposits to the price of item selected.
//It returns 1 if the amount is enough to cover the cost, 0 if there is not enough.
int CheckMoney(double bank, double item_cost)
	//if they have enough money to cover the cost of item, it returns 1 to let them buy
		return 1;
	//if they don't have enough money to cover the cost of item, it returns 0 andd they will need to deposit more money

//uses MoneyMenu function to display and collect dollar amounts from the user
//uses CheckMoney function to keep comparing the added deposited amount to the item cost.
void GetMoney(double *bank, double item_cost, char item)

	CheckMoney(*bank, item_cost);
	printf("You have $%.2lf available in your bank.\n", *bank);
		CheckMoney(*bank, item_cost);
		printf("You have $%.2lf available in your bank.\n", *bank);
	printf("You have purchased: %c\n", item);

//calculates the amount of leftover from your deposits
void GetChange(double *bank, double item_cost)

//Asks the user if they want another app
void Quit(char *again)
	char ChoiceSelection;
	printf("Would you like to make another purchase? ");
	scanf(" %c", again);
	else if(*again=='n'||*again=='no'||*again=='N'||*again=='No')

It is the void Quit(char *again) function. I know the DisplayMenu(&ChoiceSelection); is wrong, but I have no other clue on how to do it.

Once again, thanks again Mark! Feel free to throw anymore pointers (or any other necessary concept!) if you want!
  • #25
You need a while loop in main that is controlled by the parameter in the Quit function.
int main()
   //Variable implanted to see if user wants to play again
   // char PlayAgain = 'n';
   //Variable that decides what the user wants from menu
   char ChoiceSelection;
   //Variable that tells us the cost of item
   double ItemCost;
   //Variable that holds the bank balance
   double BankBalance;
   //initializes to zero as starting point

       //Variable that keeps  track of user's money
       //User starts with no money, so variable is initlize to zero
       printf("Welcome to THE APP STORE.\n*********************************\n");
       printf("You have $%.2lf in your bank\n\n", BankBalance);
       SetCost(ChoiceSelection, &ItemCost);
   } while (PlayAgain == 'y' || PlayAgain == 'Y');

Change the Again function as follows:
void Quit(char *again)
   char ChoiceSelection;
   printf("Would you like to make another purchase? ");
   scanf(" %c", again);
  • #26
Thank you for everything once again Mark, you've been great! It was definitely a great learning experience for me, and I will be back with another project very soon if I need help!

Related to Using pointers in a User Define Function

1. What are pointers in a User Defined Function?

Pointers in a User Defined Function are variables that store memory addresses. They are used to access and manipulate data stored in different parts of the memory.

2. Why are pointers commonly used in User Defined Functions?

Pointers are commonly used in User Defined Functions because they allow for the passing of arguments by reference, rather than by value. This means that the original data can be modified directly, rather than creating a copy of the data.

3. How do you declare and initialize pointers in a User Defined Function?

To declare and initialize pointers in a User Defined Function, you must use the asterisk (*) symbol before the variable name. For example, int *ptr; declares a pointer named ptr that points to an integer value. To initialize the pointer, you can use the address-of (&) operator before the variable you want to point to. For example, ptr = # sets the pointer ptr to point to the variable num.

4. What is the syntax for using pointers in a User Defined Function?

The syntax for using pointers in a User Defined Function is similar to that of using pointers in general. You must first declare and initialize the pointer, and then use the asterisk (*) symbol before the pointer variable when accessing or modifying the data it points to. For example, *ptr = 10; assigns the value 10 to the variable that ptr points to.

5. How do you avoid common errors when using pointers in a User Defined Function?

To avoid common errors when using pointers in a User Defined Function, it is important to properly declare and initialize the pointer and ensure that it points to a valid memory address. Additionally, you should be careful when dereferencing the pointer, as it may cause errors if it is not pointing to a valid memory location. It is also important to free the memory allocated by the pointer after it is no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.

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