Unknown Human Group Bone Found in Siberia: New Species?

In summary: Denisova hominin represents a new species"The Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology has sequenced the mitochondrial DNA of the Denisova hominin, a previously unknown human relative that was found buried with artifacts in a cave in Siberia. The DNA indicates that the Denisova hominin was twice as distant from modern humans as Neanderthals, and may represent a new species.
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Bone found from child's finger in Siberia may be from unknown human group

A previously unknown kind of human group vanished so completely that it has left behind the merest wisp of evidence that it ever existed — a single bone from the little finger of a child, buried in a cave in the Altai mountains of southern Siberia.

Researchers extracted DNA from the bone and reported Wednesday that it differed conspicuously from that of modern humans and of Neanderthals, the archaic human species that inhabited Europe until the arrival of modern humans on the continent about 44,000 years ago.

The child was probably 5 to 7 years old, but it is not yet known if it was a boy or a girl. The finger bone was excavated by Russian archaeologists in 2008 from a place known as the Denisova cave.

The researchers were led by Johannes Krause and Svante Paabo of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany. They are careful not to call the Denisova child a new human species, though it may prove to be so, because the evidence is preliminary.

But they say the genetic material, an element called mitochondrial DNA, extracted from the bone belonged to a distinct human lineage that migrated out of Africa at a different time from the two known archaic human species. Homo erectus, found in East Asia, left Africa 2 million years ago, and the ancestor of Neanderthals emigrated about 500,000 years ago. The number of differences found in the child's DNA indicate that its ancestors left Africa about 1 million years ago, the researchers say. Their report is published online in the journal Nature.
Scientists Discover an Ancient Human Relative

In 2008, a team of archaeologists discovered a fossilized fragment of a pinkie finger in the secluded Denisova Cave in the Altai Mountains of Siberia. The finger was buried with bracelets and other artifacts typical of early human sites dating back about 35,000 years. It was sent to the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, for routine genetic analysis. When the results came back, Johannes Krause, a researcher at the institute, called his colleague Svante Pääbo on his cell phone. "You'd better sit down," he said. "The finger is not human."

Genetic analysis of the finger bone has since indicated that it was a remnant of a previously unknown hominin, distinct from both early modern humans and Neanderthals — the heavily muscled Homo species that cohabited with Homo sapiens in the region from 50,000 to 30,000 years ago. Early modern humans, the results suggested, shared parts of Eurasia not only with Neanderthals but a totally different human-like creature, and all three probably came into contact (the finger bone was found within 65 miles of known Neanderthal and modern human sites).

Krause and Pääbo's analysis, published online on Wednesday by the journal Nature, is the first to identify a novel hominin based on genetic analysis alone — without fossilized remains to offer anatomical reference. But the researchers stop short of declaring the human-like creature a brand-new species. Instead of giving it a Latin name, they refer to the creature publicly as "the Denisova hominin" and in internal e-mails and discussions simply as "X." But privately, scientists at Max Planck — a world leader in the painstaking process of separating genomes from other DNA (of viruses and bacteria, for instance) that typically contaminate fossils — believe that the sequencing of the Denisova hominin's nuclear genome, which will offer a complete genetic picture, will confirm a new species. Krause says the sequencing has begun, and will be complete within a few months.

Wednesday's results come from an analysis of the creature's so-called mitochondrial DNA, which is inherited only from the mother, and therefore does not give as complete a picture as nuclear genome sequencing. "In terms of mitochondrial DNA alone, this hominin was twice as distant from us as Neanderthals," says Krause. "The evidence is already very strong that we are looking at a previously unknown hominin, and possibly a new species."

Scientists have no idea what the Denisova hominin looked like or how it behaved and interacted with early modern humans, and perhaps never will without a more complete fossil record. But even the preliminary genetic analysis has already shed new light on human ancestors' exodus from Africa and subsequent spread across the globe. The dominant theory holds that various hominin species left Africa in a series of distinct migrations, beginning with Homo erectus or a close relative a little under 2 million years ago, followed by the lineage that gave rise to Neanderthals, and finally the ancestors of modern humans about 50,000 years ago. The mitochondrial DNA of the Denisova hominin suggests its ancestors left Africa around 1 million years ago, at a time not previously associated with migration.

"I speculate that we may discover that it is an oversimplification to talk about particular exodus events from Africa," says Pääbo. "There might have instead been a continuous gene flow and migration."

Pääbo says that because the Denisova hominin is assumed to be human, it's possible that there are many other unknown hominin fossils waiting to be discovered. He says paleontologists will continue to scour for remnants in Siberia and other northern regions, where cold weather helps preserve ancient DNA. Most early hominin fossils are from equatorial and tropical regions, where conditions for DNA survival are poor (indeed, although fossil records suggest a distinct hominin species, Homo floresiensis, co-existed with humans in Indonesia, genetic confirmation has proved elusive).

Ian Tattersall of the Department of Physical Anthropology at the American Museum of Natural History, who was not involved in the research, calls the Denisova hominin a "significant addition" to the emerging picture of our past — one we now know we shared with a number of other hominin species. "We are the only hominin around today, so we tend to think that's how it's always been. But the evidence is accumulating that the human evolutionary tree is quite luxuriantly branching. There were multiple species that competed in the evolutionary arena, rather than a single lineage that was honed from primitiveness to perfection."

Indeed, the discovery and genetic mapping of the Denisova hominin may also shed further light on the mystery as to why our species thrived while so many of our close genetic relatives succumbed to extinction. "We wish to find out which genes have changed since we split from these other human forms. Those changes are what makes us human — it's the biological reason for the great success of our species," says Krause.

The fossils of early modern humans have been discovered alongside artifacts — such as bracelets and necklaces — that indicate they had culture. And Krause says the location of the Denisova hominin — among artifacts assumed to be human — raises the possibility that the Denisova hominin was similarly advanced. "The fossil was found with modern technology and ornaments, including a very beautiful bracelet," he says. "It's a big step to argue that the Denisova hominin created them — if you find a Coca-Cola bottle near a mummy's tomb, you don't assume that the mummy invented Coke. But the coincidence is tantalizing."

Krause says he does not spend much time engaged in such speculation. At the moment, he and his colleagues are preoccupied with sequencing the Denisova hominin's nuclear genome. Using high-tech lab equipment and supercomputers, they are trying to make sense of this strange and startling discovery, in much the same way that their ancestors might have done tens of thousands of years ago, when they peered out into a windswept Siberian clearing and saw creatures at once familiar and foreign moving through the snow.
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  • #2
Good article save:

"they are trying to make sense of this strange and startling discovery, in much the same way that their ancestors might have done tens of thousands of years ago, when they peered out into a windswept Siberian clearing and saw creatures at once familiar and foreign moving through the snow."

is a bit melodramatic.

Related to Unknown Human Group Bone Found in Siberia: New Species?

1. What is the significance of finding a new human species in Siberia?

The discovery of a new human species in Siberia is significant because it challenges our current understanding of human evolution and migration patterns. It also sheds light on the diversity of human ancestors and the complexity of our evolutionary history.

2. How was the new human species identified?

The new human species was identified through DNA analysis of a bone found in Siberia. Scientists compared the genetic material to that of other known human species and found distinct differences, indicating that it is a new species.

3. What is the age of the bone and how does it compare to other human remains found in Siberia?

The bone is estimated to be around 50,000 years old. This is significant because it predates the arrival of modern humans in the region by about 30,000 years. It also suggests that this new species may have coexisted with other human species, such as Neanderthals and Denisovans, in the region.

4. How did this new species adapt to the harsh environment of Siberia?

This is still a topic of ongoing research, but based on the physical characteristics of the bone, scientists hypothesize that this new species may have had adaptations that allowed them to survive in the cold and harsh climate of Siberia. These adaptations could include physical features such as larger body size or genetic traits that helped them better tolerate the cold.

5. What implications does this discovery have for our understanding of human evolution?

The discovery of a new human species in Siberia challenges the traditional linear model of human evolution and suggests a more complex and interconnected evolutionary history. It also raises questions about the interactions and relationships between different human species and how they may have influenced each other's evolution.

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