Understanding the Relationship Between Force and Potential: Proving F = -dv/dx

  • Thread starter sciboudy
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In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of proving the relation F= -dv/dx and what it means for a force to be equal to the change in potential per distance. The conversation also touches on the role of electric fields and how the derivative in 1D is replaced by the grad operator in 3D. The conversation ends with a question about the meaning of potential in quantum mechanics, specifically in regards to a particle having a potential of zero.
  • #1
how can we prove this relation F= -dv/dx
could some one explain what we mean by the force equal to the change it potential per distance and
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
sciboudy said:
how can we prove this relation F= -dv/dx
could some one explain what we mean by the force equal to the change it potential per distance and

Your question is ambiguously presented, because it appears as if "v" is velocity, rather than "V" as in electrical potential difference.

You should know that the electric field E is [itex]E = -d\Phi /dx[/itex] in 1-dimension. Since F=qE, then [itex]F=qE= -q d\Phi /dx[/itex], where [itex]\Phi[/itex] is the electrostatic potential. But [itex]q \Phi [/itex] is V, the potential difference. Thus, F=- dV/dx.

In 3D, the derivative in 1D is replaced by the grad operator.

  • #3
If you accept that energy (work done) is basically Force x distance then:
Force x distance = change in energy
F x dx = dE so F = dE/dx
  • #4
OK thank you sir ZApperz and thank you truesearch
now i have another question based in the meaning of potential in the quantum mechanics
what is the potential for example whe i say a particle have V=0 ? is that mean the particle will never stop any time ?? or what
  • #5
how we can prove this relation

The relationship between force and potential is a fundamental concept in physics and is described by the equation F = -dv/dx. This means that the force acting on an object is equal to the negative of the derivative of its potential energy with respect to its position. In simpler terms, this means that the force acting on an object is equal to the rate of change of its potential energy with respect to its position.

To prove this relationship, we can use the concept of work. Work is defined as the force applied to an object multiplied by the distance it moves in the direction of the force. In other words, work is equal to the integral of force with respect to distance. Mathematically, this can be represented as W = ∫Fdx.

Now, let's consider a system where a force F is applied to an object and it moves a distance dx. This results in a change in potential energy, which we can represent as dU. Therefore, the work done by the force can be written as dW = Fdx = dU.

Since work is also equal to the change in potential energy, we can equate dW and dU, which gives us dW = dU = Fdx. Using the chain rule, we can rewrite this equation as dU = -dv/dx * dx.

Now, if we compare this to the definition of work, we can see that dU = -dv/dx * dx is equivalent to dU = Fdx. Therefore, we can conclude that F = -dv/dx, which proves the relationship between force and potential.

In summary, we can prove the relationship F = -dv/dx by using the concept of work and equating it to the change in potential energy. This relationship is crucial in understanding the behavior of objects in various physical systems and is a fundamental concept in physics.

Related to Understanding the Relationship Between Force and Potential: Proving F = -dv/dx

What is the relationship between force and potential?

The relationship between force and potential is described by the equation F = -dv/dx, where F is the force exerted on an object, v is the potential energy, and x is the position of the object. This equation is known as the negative gradient of potential energy and it shows that force is directly proportional to the change in potential energy with respect to position.

What does F = -dv/dx mean?

F = -dv/dx is an equation that describes the relationship between force and potential energy. It means that the force acting on an object is equal to the negative change in potential energy with respect to the object's position. In other words, as the object moves, the potential energy changes and this change in energy causes a force to be exerted on the object.

How is the relationship between force and potential energy proven?

The relationship between force and potential energy is proven through mathematical and experimental methods. The mathematical proof involves using calculus to show how F = -dv/dx represents the negative gradient of potential energy. The experimental proof involves conducting experiments to measure the force and potential energy of an object and analyzing the data to see how they are related.

What is the significance of understanding the relationship between force and potential energy?

Understanding the relationship between force and potential energy is crucial in many fields of science, such as physics, chemistry, and engineering. It allows us to predict and explain the behavior of objects in motion and the interactions between them. This knowledge is essential in developing new technologies and solving real-world problems.

Are there any limitations to the F = -dv/dx equation?

While the F = -dv/dx equation is a fundamental principle in physics, it does have some limitations. It assumes that the force and potential energy are directly proportional, which may not always be the case. Additionally, this equation only applies to conservative forces, which means that it cannot be used to explain the behavior of objects under non-conservative forces such as friction or air resistance.

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