Understanding the Ether Test: Scientists' Determination and Implications

In summary, scientists determined the non-existence of ether through the Michelson-Morley experiment, which used the Michelson interferometer to test for the presence of ether. However, the experiment did not yield any measurable results. Additionally, the concept of ether has not been clearly defined, leading to inconclusive results in experiments. The speaker is currently working on further defining space-time and explaining the concept of ether. They recommend reading "The Universe in a Nut Shell" by Stephen Hawking for a better understanding of the universe.
  • #1
How I understand how scientists determined if there was ether or not was through a test. This test was to send light from the equator to the north pole and to send light an equal distance along the equator.

If there was to be ether then the photon traveling along the equator would take longer to reach it's destination because it would be traveling through more ether. But it took the same amount of time for the photon to reach bolth sites.

But did the scientists calculate that there mesuring instruments were also going slower on the equator.

The person traveling on the equator would be aging slower then the person on the north pole, because there is more space in the space-time continuum along the equator. So if it took the photon "relativly" the same amount of time to reach bolth sites then wouldn't it have actually gone slower along the equator like the scientists thought it would?

Sorry, had it on my mind and needed a good opion.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I don't know what experiment are you speaking about, but the scientists concluded the no existence of ether thanks to the Michelson-Morley experiment, that uses the Michelson interferometer. This instrument has two arms separated by an angle of 90 degrees, and each arm measures 1.2 m long. You enter light in the instrument and split the beam, so some rays go through one arm, and other rays through the other arm. The beams of light, after bouncing in the end of the arm, rejoin where they were split, and form and interference pattern in a screen. If there's ether, the rays of one arm will arrive to the screen before the rays of the other arm, and the interference formed will be destructive. It happened that the interference formed was constructive
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  • #3
If there was ether then traveling back would have alowed the photon to travel faster then normal, therefore equalizing the effect and there would be no measuable time difference. Like an airplane traveling against 100mph winds then traveling with them. The speed would have been taken away on the way there, but added back traveling with the wind. It will be imposible for us to actually and literally test for ether, because the universe has this strange equalibrium where as everything is "relative."
  • #4
One ray goes in the direction of the advancement, and the other ray goes perpendicular to the direction of the advancement.
If light goes in a fix velocity through the ether, the ray that was sent in the direction of the advancement will arrive before to the screen because since the ray was sent, the screen has also advanced in that direction
  • #5
Sorry dude, I reread your post and got it. Please refer to my reply edit above.
  • #6
Er...I was confused. If there's ether,the beam that travels perpendicular to the movement of the interferometer arrives first to the screen. Here's an explanation of the Michelson-Morley experiment
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  • #7
In the last 24hrs. I have quite a stroke of luck. My friend emailed me an idea that I am now working with.

I finally see the problem at hand.
-No scientist has ever really tryed to define ether. This is why all tests have come up with no real answer. On the website that you posted it said that there was the "most famous screw-up" or something like that. I am now in the prosses of further defining space-time. This will also explain what "ether" is and what scientists were looking for.

I hope to have this written up, and you may see it in the near future in "Theory Development".

Oh... I highly sugest The Universe in a Nut Shell by Stephan Hawking. The way that he explains the universe still leaves it greatly open to possability, but still in the relm of reality.

Related to Understanding the Ether Test: Scientists' Determination and Implications

1. What is the Ether Test and why is it important?

The Ether Test is a scientific experiment that was conducted in the late 19th and early 20th century to determine the existence of an invisible substance called ether, which was believed to be the medium through which light traveled. This experiment was important because it challenged the established theories of physics and had implications for our understanding of the nature of light and the universe.

2. How was the Ether Test conducted?

The Ether Test involved measuring the speed of light in different directions and comparing the results. If there was a difference in the speed of light, it would suggest the presence of ether. The experiment was conducted using instruments such as interferometers and was repeated by different scientists to ensure accuracy.

3. What were the results of the Ether Test?

The results of the Ether Test were inconclusive, with some experiments showing a difference in the speed of light and others showing no difference. This led to the development of the theory of relativity by Albert Einstein, which replaced the concept of ether with the idea of a unified space-time continuum.

4. What are the implications of the Ether Test?

The Ether Test had significant implications for the field of physics and our understanding of the universe. It challenged the traditional understanding of light and space and paved the way for new theories such as relativity and quantum mechanics. It also highlighted the importance of experimentation and the need for continued scientific inquiry.

5. Is the concept of ether still relevant in modern science?

No, the concept of ether is no longer accepted in modern science. The results of the Ether Test and the development of new theories have shown that the existence of ether is not necessary to explain the behavior of light and the universe. However, the experiment itself remains an important part of the history of science and the advancements it brought about in our understanding of the world.

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