Uncovering Unaired Star Trek Episodes on iTunes: The Surprising File Size

  • Thread starter jtbell
  • Start date
In summary: Star Trek episodes are available on iTunes in their original uncut versions. He decides to download an episode, but realizes it will take a long time due to his dialup connection. He plans to download it over several nights and considers buying the DVD box set instead. In summary, Warren discovered uncut Star Trek episodes on iTunes and decided to download one, but was surprised by the large file size and the slow download speed. He plans to download it over several nights and may consider buying the DVD box set instead.
  • #1
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Last night I discovered that some of the newly remastered Star Trek (original series) episodes are available on iTunes. I've been watching and recording these from TV for the past year, but iTunes has the original uncut versions (c. 50 min) whereas the currently broadcast versions have been cut to about 43.5 minutes because TV stations show more commercials than they did 40 years ago.

So I decided to download one of the episodes from iTunes to see what was cut out for broadcast. Here's the catch: I use a dialup modem connection here at home. So I knew this would take a while to download, but I couldn't see anything in iTunes that indicates the actual file size. (Maybe there's a way to find that out, but this is my first experience with buying something via iTunes so I may have simply missed it.) I figured, what the heck, I'll just let it run overnight.

So I ponied up $1.99 from my credit card account, started the download, and then saw the file size in the status bar: 486 MB! :eek:

Fortunately iTunes can pause and resume downloads. I got about 80 MB downloaded last night. It was late when I started, so I can do better tonight, tomorrow night, etc. Another three or four nights should do it.

If I download another one of these, I'll do it at the office.
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  • #2
Are you not able to get high speed Internet service in your neighborhood?
Just curious...
  • #3
For that price, you'd be better off just buying the DVD box set.

- Warren

Related to Uncovering Unaired Star Trek Episodes on iTunes: The Surprising File Size

What is "Oops" on iTunes?

Oops on iTunes is a feature that allows users to quickly undo their last action, such as deleting a song or playlist.

How do I access the "Oops" feature on iTunes?

The "Oops" feature can be accessed by clicking on the Edit menu at the top of the iTunes window, and then selecting "Undo" or by using the keyboard shortcut "Command + Z" on a Mac or "Ctrl + Z" on a PC.

Can I use the "Oops" feature multiple times?

Yes, the "Oops" feature can be used multiple times to undo multiple actions in a row. However, once you perform a new action, the previous ones will no longer be available to undo.

What types of actions can be undone with "Oops" on iTunes?

The "Oops" feature can undo actions such as deleting a song, playlist, or podcast, renaming a song or playlist, changing the playback order, and adding or removing a song from a playlist.

Is the "Oops" feature available on all versions of iTunes?

Yes, the "Oops" feature is available on all versions of iTunes, including the desktop application and the iTunes Store app on iOS devices.

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