Topics for Physics Extended Essay

In summary, it is recommended to choose a specific and focused topic for your physics Extended Essay, as per the guidelines of the program. Conductivity and its dependence on factors such as temperature and particle size can be interesting topics to explore, with the potential for in-depth analysis and incorporation of cutting-edge research. However, it is important to consider the feasibility of conducting an experiment in relation to your chosen topic.
  • #1
I apologize if this thread is in the wrong spot. I am new here, and I know how annoying n00bs can be...

I was wondering if there are any possible physics topics to do on the extended essay for the IB diploma in aerodynamics. It is basically a 4000 word paper on anything you want, and I would want a focus on aerodynamics. An experiment is not required, but it would be beneficial...i have no idea what to experiment though

I considered looking at the relationships between the angle of attack and the coefficients of drag and lift

there are a few graphs out there on the internet, but I'm having some doubts
will I be able to squeeze 4000 words out of this topic? Are there any possible ideas for creating an experiment in terms of aerodynamics with some simplicity?

One of my seniors created a huge wind tunnel to test out the effects of different leading and trailing edges etc and I don't think i will be able to something that extensive

Or is Aerodynamics a good area to venture into in order to write a Physics Extended Essay...if possible please suggest topics in all areas of physics. So far, we have only covered Kinematics, Heat and Waves in IB SL
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  • #2
Generally the science EEs get graded really low, so if you care about your grade switch to English or History.

If you don't care about the grade, and want to stick with physics you ought to change your topic. The topic needs to be very specific. Focus on something specific with aerodynamics, such as "Laminar Flow and Linearity in Aeroplanes." You could build a wing and show the conditions when you lose laminar flow, and what happens when nonlinearity enters the system. I don't think you would have to know where the math comes from, but you would still have to present it.
  • #3
I apologize, but I don't know what an IB diploma is. What level in school are we talking about? Is it equivalent to US high school graduation level, or a year into college or something?

Also, if you are specializing in aerodynamics, do you have access to some school wind tunnels? I guess if you are finishing high school, you may not unless you build one yourself like the other person did.
  • #4
Well I read the IB EE Guidelines and I realized that aerodynamics and hydrodynamics are discouraged. So I decided to do focus my EE around this topic

"The relation between the temperature and conductivity in insulators and conductors"

This way I can include an experiment that I can perform, as aerodynamics is almost impossible to experiment with.

I approached my physics teacher, and he asked me to think exactly how the experiment will be done, and only then will he sign on as my mentor.

Dear Mindscrape: Why are sciences marked low? I used to always think subjective topics got marked low, because there is always information to write, and it is merely a task of condensing the information and/or using that condensed information to prove an argument.

Dear Berkeman: It is somewhat similar to AP in the U.S, restricted to the 11th and 12th grade. It is basically an advanced set of courses that are supposedly recognized worldwide. Building anything for aerodynamics was my first idea, but I realized it is going to become hard to implement
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  • #5
I think that a lot of people don't do an experiment with their topic, so they end up simply restating a popular science subject. I think that if you do an experiment you will be okay.

From my days as an IB student we were always encouraged to make our topics as specific as possible. For example, my extended essay topic was "The Impact of the Salt Commodity on Religious Revolutions Throughout History." I basically had two main sources, and had to really struggle to piece together other sources. I think that is the goal of the program, so that later on when you are trying to write on some specific research later, for example "Beat-note and Doppler Free Spectroscopy Laser Locking," that you will be used to the lack of sources. So, having all that said you should refine your topic idea to something specific. You could talk about the thermal conductivity of kovar or novar, which are special metals designed to thermally match pyrex, though you wouldn't want to because the metals are expensive. Regardless, you have to focus on something.
  • #6
Conductivity provides an interesting topic, where you can really dig deep into the quantum mechanics to get 4000 words packed with information, though I can't think of any experiment you can easily do except the lame one on drawing graphs and finding out temperature coefficients.

Another interesting topic you can tackle is the dependence of conductivity on particle size. As particle size approaches the nano level, instead of the continuous band structure of macro-scale solids, we get slightly discontinuous structures where the continuous approximation fails and some resemblance to the atomic large energy level gaps is present. This leads to really interesting optical properties, and presumably affects the conductivity too. It's a very new topic so if you tackle it well you may not need an experiment. You seem to be in a program at least as advanced as IIT JEE so the QM math should be no problem for you. Combine a general text on solid state physics with some cutting edge research papers from the net and perhaps some elementary speculations you can make, and you should be ready to go.

You can also tackle the very similar topic of how the Tyndall effect is not what it seemed (basically the same explanations), or maybe the mechanism of metal-acid reduction (why nascent hydrogen is a truckload of bull****). Incidentally, if you are not afraid of chemistry then reaction mechanism is a field where a very brilliant and well-read beginner with only intelligence and imagination (and a reasonably good lab) as his weapons can do some truly original and exciting work that may not turn out to be merely "the transfer of bones from one graveyard to another".

Just a few suggestions, let me know what you think.

  • #7
I've done my extended essay in exactly the same topic suggested (aerodynamics) and got the full marks so far. I'm just trying to write my abstract, deadline for this draft is the 8th Nov but final is 14th Dec.

Related to Topics for Physics Extended Essay

What are some good topics for a Physics Extended Essay?

Some good topics for a Physics Extended Essay could include investigating the physics behind sports and athletics, exploring the principles of flight and aerodynamics, examining the effects of different materials on heat transfer, or analyzing the properties and applications of quantum mechanics.

How do I choose a topic for my Physics Extended Essay?

When choosing a topic for your Physics Extended Essay, it is important to consider your personal interests and strengths in the subject, as well as the availability of resources and equipment for your chosen topic. You should also ensure that your topic is feasible and can be explored within the time and word limit set by the Extended Essay guidelines.

Can I conduct experiments for my Physics Extended Essay?

Yes, you can conduct experiments for your Physics Extended Essay. In fact, conducting experiments is often encouraged as it allows you to apply theoretical concepts to real-world situations and collect data to support your findings. However, it is important to ensure that your experiments are safe, ethical, and can be replicated by others.

Can I use mathematical equations and formulas in my Physics Extended Essay?

Yes, you can use mathematical equations and formulas in your Physics Extended Essay. In fact, using mathematical concepts is often necessary to analyze and explain certain phenomena in physics. However, it is important to clearly explain and justify the use of any equations or formulas in your essay.

How do I structure my Physics Extended Essay?

The structure of your Physics Extended Essay should follow the basic essay format, with an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Your introduction should provide an overview of your topic and research question, while your body paragraphs should present your findings and analysis. Your conclusion should summarize your main points and provide a final reflection on your findings.

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