The Right Physics Textbook (math)

In summary, the two recommended physics textbooks that do not include any double integrals are Walker's Fundamentals of Physics and Physics for Science and Engineers by Tipler and Mosca.
  • #1
Hello. I have a bachelor's degree in both Applied Math, and Computer Science. But I would like to study physics on my own. I have flipped through the pages of a few physics textbooks, and I've noted that the math in these textbooks looks somewhat basic. I have not seen any double integrals, which I find odd.

I'd like to find a physics textbook that at least has some nested integrals, and that uses calculus to explain the derivation of all of the physical formulas. Is there any textbook that you recommend for this?
The two that I've looked at and haven't seen any double integrals in are Walker's Fundamentals of Physics, and Physics for Science and Engineers by Tipler and Mosca, versions 8th and 6th, respectively.

Am I looking for the wrong things? I just assumed that physics was more... mathematical... and would have more complex integrals than what I'm seeing in these textbooks. I just want to make sure that I'm building up as best an understanding of this subject in a mathematical perspective as I can. If I'm looking for the wrong things, please correct me and let me know.

Otherwise, please recommend some good... "mathy" physics textbooks, with deep explanations of derivation.

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  • #2
There isn't a lot of need for double integrals when covering the basics in a typical three-semester introductory calculus based physics sequence.

That being said, you could start your study of classical mechanics with Kleppner and Kolenkow's An Introduction to Mechanics if you must have double integrals in your first book. It is quite a good intermediate mechanics text, often recommended here as a step between introductory calculus based physics and a text on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics.
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  • #3
There's a whole branch called mathematical physics !
And plenty tough integrals in electromagnetism, particle physics, quantum mechanics, etc. etc.
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  • #4
The Bill, thank you so much! This looks great! I'll start digging in. I found a free PDF. Super :D

BvU, thanks! I thought that all physics was mathematical, at least to some extent. But maybe from now on whenever I'm searching for new physics literature, I'll keep that in mind, and search for mathematical physics
  • #5
And since you've already been recommended Kleppner and Kolenkow's excellent book, once you're ready to tackle electromagnetism, Purcell's Electricity and Magnetism would be a textbook at approximately the same level as K&K. Both books are routinely used as main textbooks for honors courses that are more rigorous than the standard sequence.
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  • #6
Thank you! I'll keep that in mind for when I finish K&K :)
  • #7
sassafrasaxe said:
The two that I've looked at and haven't seen any double integrals in are Walker's Fundamentals of Physics, and Physics for Science and Engineers by Tipler and Mosca, versions 8th and 6th, respectively.

In the electromagnetism chapters, the integrals that you see for (e.g.) Gauss's Law are surface integrals, which means that they can be written as double integrals in a suitable coordinate system. However, in a first-year intro course (at least in the US) we don't normally solve such integrals explicitly as double integrals. We set them up only for situations that are symmetric enough that the integrand is constant over the surface, so the integral reduces to constant * (area of surface) and it can be solved almost by inspection. I call them "Geico integrals" ... so easy a caveman can do them! For more sophisticated examples and exercises you need to look at an intermediate-level E&M textbook such as Griffiths.
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  • #8
Haha so easy I could do it. I like. Thank you, you've all been so helpful! Purcell's and Griffith's. I hear Purcell's is better for stringing together the introductory concepts as you go along, but if Griffith's has more interesting math in it then maybe I'll go that route.
  • #9
sassafrasaxe said:
Haha so easy I could do it. I like. Thank you, you've all been so helpful! Purcell's and Griffith's. I hear Purcell's is better for stringing together the introductory concepts as you go along, but if Griffith's has more interesting math in it then maybe I'll go that route.
Griffiths is the standard undergraduate E&M textbook in American universities; it's basically what is expected knowledge of someone with a degree in physics in the US, I guess.
  • #11
If you want to see some tough math, i recommend the Landau & Lifshitz Theorical Physics texts, especially the Classical Field Theory one, where he builds (basics)General Relativity and Eletromagnetism from the postulates of Special Relativity, really challenging and dense book, but beautiful. you may want to go with Jackson EM book for some really advanced calculus but with poor explanation of the physics behind it and a horrible manner of explaining Green Functions, that are really important on this textbook, go for Principles of Quantum Mechanics by Shankar for awesome linear algebra and calculus application on QM, really good book.
  • #12
jtbell said:
"Geico integrals" ... so easy a caveman can do them!

Lol, I laughed so much at this.:oldbiggrin::dademyday::oldbiggrin:
  • #13
I'm a little confused. How did you receive a degree in applied mathematics without a year of sophomore physics? I really think it's a bad idea to base your study of physics on your perception of the difficulty of the mathematics involved. Physics is much more than doing math and if you don't understand the basic concepts you won't understand more advanced material. Would you start your study of probability with Billingsley or your study of economics with Mas-Colell just because the math is harder? Certainly not, because it is assumed you understand the fundamentals. When I was a grad student we always had math students registering for physics classes without the requisite physics background because they assumed that if they could understand the math they could understand the physics. I don't recall a single one ever finishing the classes. It was exactly the same when pure math students registered for applied math classes because they somehow, in their arrogance, thought it would be easy. It wasn't, they usually struggled. If you want to understand physics you should start at the beginning noting that you at least won't have difficulty with the math which can be an obstacle for many freshmen and sophomores.
  • #14
If you find Kleppner and Kolenkow, or even Purcell to hard. A good supplementary book is Alonso and Fin: Fundamental University Physics. It is a 3 book series. It uses calculus to derive the results, is very condensed, and the way the material makes sense. Every new is well connected to a previous idea. That said, the book may not be as Mathematical as say, Goldstein: Mechanics, but it is a good supplement for Kleppner.

Please try not to be to snobbish about "Mathematical." Many would say, myself included ( I am a Pure Math Major), that Applied Math is not "Mathematical," by you're definition. The truth is, Rigor and Intuition, are both needed. One should not focus solely on the Theoretical side and neglect the application, and vise-versa.
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  • #15
alan2 said:
I'm a little confused. How did you receive a degree in applied mathematics without a year of sophomore physics? I really think it's a bad idea to base your study of physics on your perception of the difficulty of the mathematics involved. Physics is much more than doing math and if you don't understand the basic concepts you won't understand more advanced material. Would you start your study of probability with Billingsley or your study of economics with Mas-Colell just because the math is harder? Certainly not, because it is assumed you understand the fundamentals. When I was a grad student we always had math students registering for physics classes without the requisite physics background because they assumed that if they could understand the math they could understand the physics. I don't recall a single one ever finishing the classes. It was exactly the same when pure math students registered for applied math classes because they somehow, in their arrogance, thought it would be easy. It wasn't, they usually struggled. If you want to understand physics you should start at the beginning noting that you at least won't have difficulty with the math which can be an obstacle for many freshmen and sophomores.

No physics required to get a degree in applied math and computing...
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  • #16
Yes, that's what you said but I still don't know how they can call it applied math since there aren't any applied math courses required for the degree. It looks like a degree in computation. But my point was everything else, if you don't know anything about physics you need to start at the beginning.
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Related to The Right Physics Textbook (math)

1. What makes a physics textbook "right"?

A "right" physics textbook is one that effectively conveys the fundamental concepts and principles of physics, is well-organized and easy to navigate, and provides a clear and comprehensive explanation of mathematical concepts and equations. It should also include relevant real-world examples and applications, as well as practice problems for students to apply their knowledge.

2. How important is the inclusion of math in a physics textbook?

Math is an essential component of physics, as it allows us to quantitatively describe and analyze the physical world. A good physics textbook should therefore have a strong emphasis on mathematical concepts and equations, as they are crucial for understanding and solving problems in physics.

3. Are there any specific features or resources I should look for in a physics textbook?

Some useful features to look for in a physics textbook include clear and concise explanations of concepts, diagrams and illustrations to aid understanding, and practice problems with solutions for students to test their understanding. Some textbooks may also include online resources such as simulations, videos, or interactive quizzes.

4. Is it important for a physics textbook to keep up with new developments and discoveries in the field?

Yes, it is important for a physics textbook to stay current with new developments and discoveries in the field. This ensures that students are learning the most up-to-date and accurate information, and are aware of any recent advancements that may impact our understanding of physics.

5. How do I choose the right physics textbook for my needs?

When choosing a physics textbook, it is important to consider your level of understanding and the specific topics you need to learn. Look for a textbook that is tailored to your level and covers the topics you need. It may also be helpful to read reviews or ask for recommendations from professors or other students.

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