The Big Bang Makes No Philosphical Since To Me Help

  • Thread starter TheRealUFOMan
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    Big bang
In summary, the conversation discusses the age of the universe and how it was created. The participants question the accuracy of the estimated age and how the speed of light and the expansion of the universe play a role in determining its age. They also raise philosophical questions about how the universe can be considered old if it was created in an instant, and whether human perception affects our understanding of the universe. The conversation also touches on the concept of redshift and its relationship to the age of the universe.
  • #1
posted this back in 2010 elsewhere

Now It's a question that's been irking me for a while, I asked here once and never got an answer.

Just a question of simple logic..

I take two points in space that are astronomically distant. Important that I Choose 2 stars.

"Frebel has found one such star in our own Milky Way and dated its birth to 13.2 billion years ago—barely 500 million years after the universe itself was born."

That's object #1

Using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, astronomers have broken the distance limit for galaxies by uncovering a primordial population of never-before-seen ultra-blue galaxies. At 13 billion years old, they formed approximately 600 to 800 million years after the Big Bang

That's object #2

If at any two astronomically distant points in space can be equally as old how can one explain an energy force that can move this fast?

would this energy and force include light?

I don't care how much closer galaxies were to each other in the beginning, which is also interesting

still how did the entire universe pop into existence in a matter of "days"?
Space news on
  • #2
TheRealUFOMan said:
If at any two astronomically distant points in space can be equally as old how can one explain an energy force that can move this fast?

It sounds like you're imagining the Big Bang as an explosion that happened in a preexisting empty space, with matter spreading out from one point. The Big Bang wasn't an explosion within space, it was an explosion of space.
  • #3
TheRealUFOMan said:
posted this back in 2010 elsewhere

Now It's a question that's been irking me for a while, I asked here once and never got an answer.

Just a question of simple logic..

I take two points in space that are astronomically distant. Important that I Choose 2 stars.

"Frebel has found one such star in our own Milky Way and dated its birth to 13.2 billion years ago—barely 500 million years after the universe itself was born."

That's object #1

Using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, astronomers have broken the distance limit for galaxies by uncovering a primordial population of never-before-seen ultra-blue galaxies. At 13 billion years old, they formed approximately 600 to 800 million years after the Big Bang

That's object #2

If at any two astronomically distant points in space can be equally as old how can one explain an energy force that can move this fast?
This question doesn't make any sense to me.

The star in our Milky Way that is that old is simply a star that has existed for that amount of time, but we see the light that it emitted recently (within thousands of years).

The galaxy that is far away we see the light that it emitted billions of years ago. We can't determine in enough detail the makeup of the galaxy to say how long it existed before it sent out the light we see now, but we know it is at least old enough to have sent that light.

So, what is your confusion here?

TheRealUFOMan said:
istill how did the entire universe pop into existence in a matter of "days"?
Well, the expansion rate early-on was much faster than it is now. The Hubble parameter, which sets the relationship between distance and velocity, has continued to decrease since our universe was born. So early-on, quite a lot happened in a short time.
  • #4
bcrowell said:
It sounds like you're imagining the Big Bang as an explosion that happened in a preexisting empty space, with matter spreading out from one point. The Big Bang wasn't an explosion within space, it was an explosion of space.

that isn't really the nature of the question, since we are talking about stars themselves not space or absence of space.

Question is how did the big bang happen so fast regardless of how close galaxies were in the beginning. What type of infinite energy, or force could be behind the mechanics of this instantaneous event?

what is the difference between big bang, and creation method if both occurred in matter of "days"?

If we can't explain what the force or energy behind this energy is, or how. Do we dare begin to give an age to the universe?
  • #5
Chalnoth said:
This question doesn't make any sense to me.

The star in our Milky Way that is that old is simply a star that has existed for that amount of time, but we see the light that it emitted recently (within thousands of years).

The galaxy that is far away we see the light that it emitted billions of years ago. We can't determine in enough detail the makeup of the galaxy to say how long it existed before it sent out the light we see now, but we know it is at least old enough to have sent that light.

So, what is your confusion here?

Well, the expansion rate early-on was much faster than it is now. The Hubble parameter, which sets the relationship between distance and velocity, has continued to decrease since our universe was born. So early-on, quite a lot happened in a short time.

Well mainly because mainstream science has accepted that the universe is 14 billion years old, and this is the age of the light. So i can safely assume so for the sake of the question and arguement.

Yes quite a lot did happen in a short amount of time, so short that this happened faster than the speed of light, a lot faster.

But philosophically, it raises the question if the universe was created in an instant how do we know it is old?

Because the light took 14 billion years to get here? but if it was created in an instant, and galaxies were once closer, how do we know the same phenomena isn't at play when we age the universe itself?

ive read up on redshift, but i continuously ask what does it matter when we know there is a force strong enough to create the entire universe in a matter of hours? Make all the observations possible, yet its all about human perception right?
  • #6
TheRealUFOMan said:
Yes quite a lot did happen in a short amount of time, so short that this happened faster than the speed of light, a lot faster.
I'm not sure what you're referring to here, but the speed of light is an absolute local speed limit. Locally, nothing at all happened faster than the speed of light. The relative speeds of objects far away from one another just isn't a well-defined quantity, and as such can have no speed limit.

Furthermore, everything in the universe today was once in causal contact. There is no need to appeal to faster-than-light travel of information to produce the universe we observe.

TheRealUFOMan said:
But philosophically, it raises the question if the universe was created in an instant how do we know it is old?

Because the light took 14 billion years to get here? but if it was created in an instant, and galaxies were once closer, how do we know the same phenomena isn't at play when we age the universe itself?
Well, the basic argument here is that if the universe were created instantly yesterday, then events we believe we remember from two days ago couldn't conceivably have any relevance whatsoever to the real world. Those events would have been imaginary, and thus unrelated to reality. So the fact that our memories from two days ago are sensible and can help us to understand the reality we observe today is evidence that the universe is at least that old.

We gain confidence that the universe is much older still when we look carefully at the data and find that the same laws of physics we see in action here on Earth today can be used to make sense of the early universe 13.7 billion years ago. If the universe weren't that old, then the light we observe from the cosmic microwave background, for instance, would bear no relationship whatsoever to the laws of physics we can test here on Earth. But it does.

TheRealUFOMan said:
ive read up on redshift, but i continuously ask what does it matter when we know there is a force strong enough to create the entire universe in a matter of hours? Make all the observations possible, yet its all about human perception right?
It's not a force that is "out there", but something that can happen under the right conditions given the forces that are active and we can measure right here on Earth. In order to create a new universe like our own, what you need is to create a teeny, tiny region of space, much smaller than a proton, that is dominated by a particular sort of field called an inflaton. From the outside, this will look like a microscopic black hole that instantly evaporates. But from the inside, there will be an entire new universe that could well last as long as ours, and contain just as many stars.
  • #7
Chalnoth said:
Furthermore, everything in the universe today was once in causal contact.

Wait, that isn't true, is it? For example, in an open FRW model with zero cosmological constant, space is infinite, and there are places that are initially not in causal contact.

TheRealUFOMan said:
ive read up on redshift, but i continuously ask what does it matter when we know there is a force strong enough to create the entire universe in a matter of hours? Make all the observations possible, yet its all about human perception right?

I think one of the problems we're having here is that there's a certain amount of technical knowledge and vocabulary that Chalnoth and I are assuming, but you may not have that background. For instance, you've been using "force" and "energy" as synonyms, but they aren't the same thing.

TheRealUFOMan said:
what is the difference between big bang, and creation method if both occurred in matter of "days"?
If by "creation method" you're referring to the biblical account of creation, then please review the rules that you agreed to when you joined:
Religious Discussion Guidelines:
Discussions that assert the a priori truth or falsity of religious dogmas and belief systems, or value judgments stemming from such religious belief systems, will not be tolerated. As a rule of thumb, some topics pertaining to religion might be permissible if they are discussed in such a way so as to remain neutral on the truth of, or value judgments stemming from, religious belief systems. However, it is essential to use good judgment whenever discussing religious matters to ensure that the discussion does not degenerate into a messy dispute. If in doubt, err on the side of caution.

Because of the complexity and ambiguity of this subject matter, there are no hard and fast moderation rules that apply over all possible cases. Ultimately, it is up to the administrators and mentors to decide what is appropriate and what is not on a case-by-case basis. Discuss religious matters at your own risk: Administrators and mentors retain the right to lock or delete any religious thread or post at any time without warning or explanation. All administrator and mentor action taken with regard to religious discussions will be final and will not be up for dispute.

Religious proselytizing is strictly prohibited! PF is not the place to promote or discuss particular religious dogma.
If you want to compare the relative merits of two different scientific theories of the origin of the universe, that's fine, but this is not the place to discuss creationism, which is not a scientific theory.
  • #8
bcrowell said:
Wait, that isn't true, is it? For example, in an open FRW model with zero cosmological constant, space is infinite, and there are places that are initially not in causal contact.

I think one of the problems we're having here is that there's a certain amount of technical knowledge and vocabulary that Chalnoth and I are assuming, but you may not have that background. For instance, you've been using "force" and "energy" as synonyms, but they aren't the same thing.

If by "creation method" you're referring to the biblical account of creation, then please review the rules that you agreed to when you joined:

If you want to compare the relative merits of two different scientific theories of the origin of the universe, that's fine, but this is not the place to discuss creationism, which is not a scientific theory.

If i thought force and energy were the same, i would have said force/energy rather than force and energy. Clearly a difference in your most basic physics college class, yet you can't talk about one with you bringing up the other..

The problem isn't with the scientific model of the universe, but the fact that you guys are great with technicalities yet poor philosophers.

One college professor told me to also continue researching finds in dark matter in the universe, this may help with my philosophy of cosmology.

The closest answer I've gotten to my question directly is that perhaps the galaxies were once close enough so that breaking the limit to the speed of light isn't necessary. If i am interpreting him right. But i would agree with you that it wouldn't make much since considering the size of the universe and the age of to completely distant stars.

I can see some technical differences between a scientific observation, and a shamanistic view of the universe. But philosophically i see non..

Both are saying the universe popped into existence instantaneously, yet one says it happened 14 billion years ago, the other says a few thousand.

Well what is truly confusing is how these models conflict in a philosophical view of the phenomena of big bang.

I've had this conversation in many other forums, yet i see clearly that you guys are not interested in philosophy but the technical observation. I can respect that,yet i can't help but wonder why our perception of the universes are all slightly different even with technicalities regardless of shamanistic or direct observations.

to this day, both say the universe popped into existence instantaneously. How in the world could this happen? I try to ask the question as simply as possible. and remember I am not concerned with empty space, only tangible space like stars. So I'm not yet concerned about the issue on rather space is infinite or not.

There is enough tangible space with extreme distances and equal age, to ask the same questions.

Is there an explanation of what can cause a seemingly limitless amount of stars popping into existence instantaneously?

I am indeed a philosopher, if you are not good with conversations with philosopher i can understand that, since two worlds cannot always merge
  • #9
TheRealUFOMan said:
If i thought force and energy were the same, i would have said force/energy rather than force and energy. Clearly a difference in your most basic physics college class, yet you can't talk about one with you bringing up the other.
Actually, you can. Newton went to his grave without ever hearing about anything called energy.

TheRealUFOMan said:
The problem isn't with the scientific model of the universe, but the fact that you guys are great with technicalities yet poor philosophers.
Philosophy is a very technical field. One of the hallmarks of good philosophers is that they are careful with definitions. So far in this discussion one of the main problems is that you have not made careful distinctions.

TheRealUFOMan said:
The closest answer I've gotten to my question directly is that perhaps the galaxies were once close enough so that breaking the limit to the speed of light isn't necessary. If i am interpreting him right. But i would agree with you that it wouldn't make much since considering the size of the universe and the age of to completely distant stars.
Here you seem to be under the impression that there is a scientific problem with cosmological models "breaking the limit to the speed of light." There is no such problem. If it seems that way to you, we can try to help you resolve your confusion, but you will have to submit yourself to the scientific discipline of using careful definitions are careful logic, rather than disdaining such care as "technical."

TheRealUFOMan said:
I can see some technical differences between a scientific observation, and a shamanistic view of the universe. But philosophically i see non..
This could be an interesting discussion, but it is off topic for the cosmology forum. If you want to discuss the sociology of science, PF's philosophy forum might be more appropriate:

TheRealUFOMan said:
Both are saying the universe popped into existence instantaneously, yet one says it happened 14 billion years ago, the other says a few thousand.
Here we are back to the problem that has kept cropping up in this thread, which is that you keep introducing code words from young-earth creationism, under the guise of wanting to discuss science or philosophy. The idea that the universe is a few thousand years old is not an idea associated with shamanism, it is an idea associated with young-earth creationism, which is a particular belief system related to fundamentalist Christianity. Because we haven't been able to resolve this problem, I'm going to go ahead and close this thread.
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Related to The Big Bang Makes No Philosphical Since To Me Help

1. What is the Big Bang theory?

The Big Bang theory is a scientific explanation for the origin and evolution of the universe. It proposes that the universe began as a single, incredibly dense and hot point, and has been expanding and cooling ever since.

2. How does the Big Bang theory relate to philosophy?

The Big Bang theory does not directly relate to philosophy, as it is a scientific theory based on evidence and observations. However, some philosophical questions, such as the nature of time and the existence of a creator, may be raised by the theory.

3. Why does the Big Bang theory make no philosophical sense?

The Big Bang theory may not make sense from a philosophical perspective because it challenges traditional ideas about the beginning of the universe and the concept of infinity. It also raises questions about the nature of causality and the role of a higher power in the creation of the universe.

4. How does the Big Bang theory help our understanding of the universe?

The Big Bang theory has helped scientists understand the origins and evolution of the universe, from the first moments after the Big Bang to the formation of galaxies and stars. It has also provided evidence for the concept of an expanding universe and the existence of dark matter and dark energy.

5. What evidence supports the Big Bang theory?

There is a significant amount of evidence that supports the Big Bang theory, including observations of the cosmic microwave background radiation, the abundance of light elements in the universe, and the redshift of distant galaxies. These and other pieces of evidence have been independently observed and studied by scientists, providing strong support for the Big Bang theory.

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