Taylor series expansion for gravitational potential energy. GMm/r=mgh near the earth

In summary, the conversation discusses using Taylor series expansion to prove the gravitational potential energy equation, GMm/r=mgh, at distances close to the Earth. The process involves using the first order Taylor expansion with (h/R) as the small variable, as higher order terms become insignificant when h/R << 1. This provides a very good approximation for potential energy, especially when h is small compared to the distance from the center.
  • #1
Using taylor series expansion to prove gravitational potential energy equation, GMm/r=mgh at distances close to the earth.
R= radius of the Earth h= height above surface of the Earth m= mass of object M= Mass of the earth

U = - GmM/(R + h)

= - GmM/R(1+ h/R)

= - (GmM/R)(1+ h/R)^-1

do a binomial expansion or Taylor's series with (h/R) as the small variable;

= -(GmM/R)[1 - (h/R) + ...].

DOUBT: In this step why do we only use the FIRST order taylor expansion and no more?
The function would not be complete would it?and nothing has been done to bound the error of the polynomial. Why would taking the first non-trivial term (first order term) of the expansion of 1+x (that is 1-x) account for the entire function 1+x or in this case 1+h/r.


Proof (continued): -(GMm/R)(1-(h/R)= -(GmM/R) + GmMh/R^2

In the second term note that GM/R^2 =g

= - (GmM/R) + mgh

So the potential energy at "r" can be written as PE at "R" plus PE at "h"

Now in planetary problems, where the distance h is not small and you use the general formula - GmM/r it is convienient to choose U = 0 at r = infinity
However near the Earth we can arbitrarily chose U=0 at U = - (Gmm/r)

Therefore: U = mgh when h<<<R
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  • #2

CrazyNeutrino said:
DOUBT: In this step why do we only use the FIRST order taylor expansion and no more?
The function would not be complete would it?and nothing has been done to bound the error of the polynomial. Why would taking the first non-trivial term (first order term) of the expansion of 1+x (that is 1-x) account for the entire function 1+x or in this case 1+h/r.
Succeeding terms would be higher order powers of h/R and thus increasing insignificant when h/R << 1.
  • #3

Wouldn't that mean that h/r would be off by all the succeeding terms all the way to infinity?
  • #4

CrazyNeutrino said:
DOUBT: In this step why do we only use the FIRST order taylor expansion and no more?
The function would not be complete would it?and nothing has been done to bound the error of the polynomial. Why would taking the first non-trivial term (first order term) of the expansion of 1+x (that is 1-x) account for the entire function 1+x or in this case 1+h/r.

If you're worried, you can write down the second order term, and then figure out what condition needs to hold in order for the second order term to be at most, say, 1% of the first order term.
  • #5

Okay... So your trying to imply that when h/r is way less than 1, higher order powers of h/r increase it insignificantly?
  • #6

CrazyNeutrino said:
Wouldn't that mean that h/r would be off by all the succeeding terms all the way to infinity?
The terms get smaller and smaller, so they can be safely ignored.

Imagine if h/R = 1/1000

Then (h/R)2 = 10-6, (h/R)3 = 10-9, and so on.

Write out the next few terms of the expansion and see how small they are compared to the first.
  • #7

Thanks a lot! That explains it.
  • #8

Also that implies that U = mgh is just an incredibly good approximation right? Not exactly the potential energy.
  • #9

CrazyNeutrino said:
Also that implies that U = mgh is just an incredibly good approximation right? Not exactly the potential energy.

Yes. It's a good approximation anytime that h (which is really the difference between two values of the distance from the center) is small compared with the distance from the center. This will be the case for most reasonable heights from the surface of the earth.

Related to Taylor series expansion for gravitational potential energy. GMm/r=mgh near the earth

1. What is the Taylor series expansion for gravitational potential energy?

The Taylor series expansion for gravitational potential energy is a mathematical representation of the relationship between the distance, mass, and gravitational constant in the calculation of potential energy. It is often used in physics and astronomy to approximate the potential energy of an object in a gravitational field.

2. How is the Taylor series expansion used in calculating gravitational potential energy?

The Taylor series expansion for gravitational potential energy is used to approximate the potential energy of an object in a gravitational field. By expanding the equation using the Taylor series, we can calculate the potential energy at a specific distance from a center of mass, by taking into account the mass and gravitational constant of the objects involved.

3. Why is the Taylor series expansion important in understanding the Earth's gravitational potential energy?

The Taylor series expansion is important in understanding the Earth's gravitational potential energy because it allows us to calculate the potential energy at any distance from the Earth's center, using the mass and gravitational constant of the Earth. This is essential in understanding the forces and motion of objects on or near the Earth's surface.

4. How does the equation GMm/r=mgh near the Earth relate to the Taylor series expansion for gravitational potential energy?

The equation GMm/r=mgh near the Earth is a simplified version of the Taylor series expansion, where r is the distance from the Earth's center, m is the object's mass, M is the Earth's mass, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height above the Earth's surface. This equation is derived from the Taylor series expansion and is used to calculate the potential energy of objects near the Earth's surface.

5. Can the Taylor series expansion for gravitational potential energy be applied to other planets or celestial bodies?

Yes, the Taylor series expansion for gravitational potential energy can be applied to any celestial body with mass and a gravitational field. The equation GMm/r=mgh can be modified to fit the specific values of the mass and gravitational constant of the respective celestial body, allowing us to calculate the potential energy at any distance from its center.

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