Tao: Quotes from Wang P'ang, RP, and Huang Yuan-chi

  • Thread starter arivero
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses various quotes and interpretations of the Tao from a debate in sci.math. Some believe that the roots of Taoism can be traced back to Chinese Shamanism, while others suggest a shared source with Indian Pantheism. The Tao is described as intangible, elusive, and within all things. The concept of emptiness and space is also explored, along with the idea of the Tao being both great and small. Various Taoist scholars and priests are mentioned, along with the belief that the Tao cannot be fully understood or examined. The conversation also touches on the idea that modern concepts such as Quantum Physics and Fractals may have been rediscover
  • #1
Gold Member
Helle follow some quotes about the Tao, from a debate I suggested in sci.math one year ago (archived in http://mathforum.org/discuss/sci.math/t/385291 if you want to check it). Tell me if it rings any bell :-)

> Oh, it is intangible and elusive, and yet within is image.
> Oh, it is elusive and intangible, and yet within is form.
> Oh, it is dim and dark, and yet within is essence.

>When fash-ioning some thing
>one might begin with nothing
>and make use of space
>in order to take shape
>that which they wish
>their form to be.

>The space between things
>waxes and wanes, depending upon the things.
>Does the space itself actually change?
>Does emptiness really exist, on its own?

>"two different names
> for one and the same
> the one we call dark
> the dark beyond dark
> the door to all beginnings"
>[...TTC 1, ibid]

>Wang P'ang comments, "When the Tao becomes small,
>it doesn't stop being great. When it becomes great, it
>doesn't stop being small.

> RP says 'Wang Pi says, "From the infinitesimal all things develop.
> From nothing all things are born.

>Huang Yuan-chi says, "Emptiness and the Tao
>are indivisible. Those who seek the Tao cannot find it
>except through emptiness. But formless emptiness
>is of no use to those who cultivate the Tao."

>"We look for it, but we do not see it: we name it the Equable.
>We listen for it, but we do not hear it: we name it the Rarefied.
>We feel for it, but we do not get hold of it: we name it the Subtle [wei].

>These three we cannot examine. Thus they are One, indistinguishable.
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  • #2
Interesting, I didn't read through all the posts, but I can answer the question in the first post. The author asks if the roots of Tao were influenced by ancient Greeks. The answer is no, the fundamental roots trace back to Chinese Shamanism which was later formalized a bit more elegantly perhaps by the Indian invention of Pantheism which the ancient Greeks may have influenced. Since the invention of trade, India has always been a tremendous cultural cross roads where ideas mix and create new philosophies.

A source of major confusion with Taoism is the fact the Buddhist and Confucion scholars accentuated the Pantheistic interpretation at the expense of the mystical. At one time there were over six thousand distinct sects of Taoism, many mixed in with local Shamanistic beliefs as well. Human sacrafices to Gods of waterways and whatnot were fairly common.

It was and still can be a shmorgasbourg of beliefs to say the least. Many western theologians discovered some of their best converts would also worship other Gods in other temples. Taoists priests will recommend a number of Gods for a particular individual to create a rapor with. Sometimes the Priests who do this will actually be Agnostic themselves.

To westerners this often seems strange to say the least, an agnostic priest and practitioners who attend every church in town. What'll they think of next? What this situation reflects is the shamanistic roots and the dynamics of small groups. Their religions were often constructed in such a way that if the next generation were largely agnostic or atheistic, they would still pass down the traditions as a lifestyle. Thus, the second to the last poem of the Tao Te Ching:


Let your community be small,
With only a few people;
Keep tools in abundance,
But do not depend upon them;
Appreciate your life
And be content with your home;
Sail boats and ride horses, but don't go too far;
Keep weapons and armor,
But lock them away;
Let everyone read and write,
Eat well and make beautiful things.
Live peacefully and delight in your own society;
Dwell within cockcrow of your neighbors,
But maintain your independence from them.
  • #3
Well, I was of the same opinion (tracing it back to Chinese) until I actually read the Book of Tao, the TTC, esp. the oldest chapters, 14 et ff. Now I should bet for a shared source.
  • #4
There are thought to have been possibly as many as a hundred authors of the book over a period of a century. Anyone who tells you they know the facts about legendary people like Lao Tzu who lived two thousand years ago is full of it. You are of course free to express your personal oppinions and make all the guesses you want, however, I don't believe such speculation serves the purpose of objectivity.
  • #5

Originally posted by arivero
Helle follow some quotes about the Tao, from a debate I suggested in sci.math one year ago (archived in http://mathforum.org/discuss/sci.math/t/385291 if you want to check it). Tell me if it rings any bell :-)

> Oh, it is intangible and elusive, and yet within is image.
> Oh, it is elusive and intangible, and yet within is form.
> Oh, it is dim and dark, and yet within is essence.

>When fash-ioning some thing
>one might begin with nothing
>and make use of space
>in order to take shape
>that which they wish
>their form to be.

>The space between things
>waxes and wanes, depending upon the things.
>Does the space itself actually change?
>Does emptiness really exist, on its own?

>"two different names
> for one and the same
> the one we call dark
> the dark beyond dark
> the door to all beginnings"
>[...TTC 1, ibid]

>Wang P'ang comments, "When the Tao becomes small,
>it doesn't stop being great. When it becomes great, it
>doesn't stop being small.

> RP says 'Wang Pi says, "From the infinitesimal all things develop.
> From nothing all things are born.

>Huang Yuan-chi says, "Emptiness and the Tao
>are indivisible. Those who seek the Tao cannot find it
>except through emptiness. But formless emptiness
>is of no use to those who cultivate the Tao."

>"We look for it, but we do not see it: we name it the Equable.
>We listen for it, but we do not hear it: we name it the Rarefied.
>We feel for it, but we do not get hold of it: we name it the Subtle [wei].

>These three we cannot examine. Thus they are One, indistinguishable.

These wonderful works help to illustrate my hypothesis which proposes that Quantum Physics and Fractal and Gradient logics have been around since the times of the Wooly Mammoth, Giant Sloth, and Sabertooth Tiger. I have to agree on the cross-roads contingent... the amassing of previously discovered info and the encapsulation of the info in forms of poetry, philosophy and traditions around the world.

Gung Hey Fat Choi!
  • #6
Well, it seems that it is possible, for intertextual analisis and from different series of manuscripts, to put a partial chronological order in the text. This covers even more than a century, but surely less than one hundred authors. I believe that the philological analysis is objective, but please do not ask me how the philologists do it... I am physicist.

Now, once the oldest core has been underlined by this analysis, one can build -or speculate, if you prefer- over it. Thas was the point of my discussion: the oldest core smells strongly to atomistic theory.
  • #7
Now, once the oldest core has been underlined by this analysis, one can build -or speculate, if you prefer- over it. Thas was the point of my discussion: the oldest core smells strongly to atomistic theory.

To say it smells strongly of atomistic theory is a bit of a stretch I think. All Metaphilosophies are kissing cousins and, therefore, tend to look alike after awhile.

Certainly it shows the hall marks of formal logic being developed at the time by the Greeks among others. However, the latest translations of the Mai Wang Tui text by D. C. Lao and others, the oldest version yet discovered, have clearly established the Shamanistic origins of the texts. This is not the slightest surprise to Taoist scholars who have seen this consistent trend towards native chinese shamanism with each yet again older version of the text dug up by archeologists.

Related to Tao: Quotes from Wang P'ang, RP, and Huang Yuan-chi

What is Tao?

Tao is a central concept in Chinese philosophy and religion, often translated as "the way" or "the path". It refers to the natural order and underlying principle of the universe, and the ultimate reality that cannot be fully understood or expressed in words.

Who are Wang P'ang, RP, and Huang Yuan-chi?

Wang P'ang, RP, and Huang Yuan-chi are all Chinese philosophers who lived during the Wei and Jin dynasties in the 3rd and 4th centuries. They are known for their contributions to Taoist philosophy and their writings on the concept of Tao.

What is the significance of quotes from these three philosophers?

The quotes from these three philosophers provide insights into their understanding of Tao and how it can be applied to daily life. They offer different perspectives on the nature of Tao and its relationship to the individual and the universe.

How can quotes from Wang P'ang, RP, and Huang Yuan-chi be applied in modern times?

Although these philosophers lived centuries ago, their wisdom and teachings are still relevant in modern times. Their quotes can inspire individuals to live in harmony with the natural world, cultivate inner peace, and seek balance in all aspects of life.

What are some famous quotes from Wang P'ang, RP, and Huang Yuan-chi on Tao?

Some famous quotes from these philosophers include "The Tao is like a well: used but never used up" by Wang P'ang, "The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao" by RP, and "The Tao is like a river, ever flowing, and yet ever the same" by Huang Yuan-chi. These quotes capture the essence of Tao and its timeless nature.

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