Table Hopping at a Networking Lunch

In summary: This would also allow for duplication of introductions and tables, increasing the chances of connecting with a larger number of people. In summary, a strategic plan or algorithm would be more beneficial for the Chamber Members in order to meet as many of their peers as possible during the networking lunch.
  • #1
We have a networking lunch for our Chamber of Commerce and pose the following question. Given the following:
• Group of fifty persons, each representing one business
• Five tables with 10 persons per table (One Table Captain, Nine Chamber Members)
• Each Chamber Member sits at a table for 10 minutes and then a horn is sounded and then relocates to another table, hoping to maximize the number of people that she comes in contact within the networking lunch
• There is a Table Captain (stationary) at each table to control the flow of the crowd and ensure that each person takes only 60 seconds to inform others about their services/products.
• Duplication of introductions is allowed
• Duplication of tables sat at is allowed

Will it be more beneficial for the Chamber Members to randomly move to tables OR have a strategic plan (algorithm)? The goal is to meet as many of the Chamber Members as possible within the networking lunch.

Please post your solutions or e-mail them directly to me at I really appreciate your insight on this project! Thank you!:biggrin:
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  • #2
It is likely more beneficial for the Chamber Members to have a strategic plan (algorithm) in order to maximize the number of people they come into contact with during the networking lunch. An algorithm could be developed that takes into account the number of Chamber Members at each table, the length of time each Chamber Member has to introduce themselves and the number of tables available. By tracking these variables, the algorithm could map out an optimal flow for the Chamber Members, ensuring that each member meets as many other members as possible during the networking lunch.
  • #3

In my opinion, having a strategic plan or algorithm for table hopping at a networking lunch would be more beneficial for the Chamber Members. While randomly moving to tables may seem like a good idea, it may not guarantee that each member will have the opportunity to meet and network with a diverse group of people. With a strategic plan, each Chamber Member can be sure to interact with a variety of individuals from different businesses and industries, maximizing the potential for valuable connections and collaborations.

One possible algorithm could involve assigning each Chamber Member a specific order in which they will move to each table. For example, Member 1 will start at Table 1, then move to Table 2, then Table 3, and so on. This way, each member will have the opportunity to meet and network with every other member at the lunch.

Another option could be to group members based on their industries or areas of expertise. This way, members with similar interests or businesses can network with each other and potentially form valuable partnerships or collaborations.

Additionally, it may be beneficial to limit the duplication of tables sat at and introductions. This will ensure that each member has the opportunity to meet as many new people as possible, rather than repeatedly interacting with the same individuals.

Overall, having a strategic plan or algorithm for table hopping at a networking lunch will increase the chances of Chamber Members making valuable connections and expanding their professional networks. It will also ensure that each member has an equal opportunity to network with a diverse group of individuals, rather than relying on chance with random table movements.

Related to Table Hopping at a Networking Lunch

1. What is table hopping at a networking lunch?

Table hopping at a networking lunch refers to the practice of moving from one table to another during a lunch event in order to network and meet new people.

2. Why is table hopping important for networking?

Table hopping allows you to expand your network and connect with individuals who may have different backgrounds, experiences, and connections. It also allows you to break out of your comfort zone and make new connections.

3. How do I table hop effectively at a networking lunch?

Before the event, research the attendees and identify individuals or companies you would like to connect with. During the lunch, approach tables with an open mindset, introduce yourself, and ask engaging questions to start conversations. Remember to exchange contact information with those you connect with.

4. Is it appropriate to table hop during a formal networking event?

It depends on the event and its specific guidelines. In general, it is more acceptable to table hop during a casual or informal networking event. However, if you do decide to table hop during a formal event, make sure to do so discreetly and respectfully.

5. How can I use table hopping to advance my career?

Table hopping can help you build relationships and expand your network, which can lead to new job opportunities, partnerships, and collaborations. It also allows you to learn from others and gain valuable insights and advice that can help you advance in your career.

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