Supersonic Flight: Lift & Pressure Differences

In summary, lift is always dependent on the angle of attack and is primarily caused by the pressure difference between the lower and upper surfaces of the wing. In subsonic flight, this pressure difference is aided by Bernoulli's principle, while in supersonic flight, it is caused by the presence of shocks at the leading edge. The lift-to-drag ratio decreases significantly in supersonic flight, making lift less important compared to other factors such as controlling shock waves and heat. This is why wing shape and design changes in supersonic flight, and even more so in hypersonic flight.
  • #1
Supersonic Lift?

Lift appears to be from the angle of attack, due to the deflection of flow-stream in supersonic flight but then in subsonic flight the pressure difference causes lift. So what is going on here that i am missing? Why such a change? Its starting to confuse me.
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  • #2

Lift is always dependent on the angle of attack, I don't think it has anything to do with supersonic vs subsonic. Newton's third law is what is essential for creating this lift. The buoyancy effect due to the pressure difference (Bernoulli's principle) only works with airfoils oriented the correct way (and would not work, for example, on airplanes flying upside down). I don't really know how much of the lift if due to which effect though, for that, ask an aerospace engineer.
  • #3

Okay this is way to long and involved to go into it requires a full degree :-)

Basically the lift process of a normal sub sonic wing will still work it just isn't the most important thing when you go supersonic.

The lift-to-drag ratio drops massively once you go beyond mach 1 ( so lift is rather trivial unlike sub sonic flight.

The biggest problem with supersonic cars is keeping them on the ground.

Controlling shock waves forming and heat at all the contact surfaces become much more important than the actual lift and that's what brings about the change of wing shape etc.
You can also use the shock waves to provide extra lift etc via airfoil design should give you enough background.

Once you get up around mach 5 it gets even more fuzzy you enter the realm of hypersonic

if you look at the table in that it will give you a basic view of the wing changes and why.
  • #4

Matterwave said:
Lift is always dependent on the angle of attack, I don't think it has anything to do with supersonic vs subsonic. Newton's third law is what is essential for creating this lift. The buoyancy effect due to the pressure difference (Bernoulli's principle) only works with airfoils oriented the correct way (and would not work, for example, on airplanes flying upside down). I don't really know how much of the lift if due to which effect though, for that, ask an aerospace engineer.

Bernoulli has nothing to do with buoyancy. It simply describes the pressure along a streamline as a function of the local velocity, assuming an inviscid, incompressible flow. For subsonic airfoils, it isn't really a case of Bernoulli vs Newton - they're actually equivalent ways of looking at the problem, and either will give you the correct answer for low speed airfoils (Oh, and a momentum balance [Newton] always works, regardless of speed and geometry).

In supersonic flow, shocks exist, and that completely messes up the assumptions for Bernoulli. They feature high viscous dissipation, so the flow as a whole is no longer inviscid, and it certainly isn't incompressible. At supersonic speeds, lift is still generated by the pressure difference between the lower and upper surfaces (this is pretty much always true). However, that pressure difference is caused by the different shocks generated at the leading edge - the shock going down from the leading edge is stronger than the shock going upwards (which doesn't even always exist - sometimes you'll have an expansion fan going upwards, but I digress...). Because of this, the pressure jump across the shock going down from the leading edge is larger than the one across the shock going up. This causes a higher pressure beneath the wing, which causes lift.
  • #5

I shouldn't have used the word "buoyancy", that's my bad.

Related to Supersonic Flight: Lift & Pressure Differences

What is supersonic flight?

Supersonic flight is when an object travels faster than the speed of sound, which is approximately 767 miles per hour at sea level. This creates a shock wave or sonic boom, which is the sound heard when an object breaks the sound barrier.

How does supersonic flight create lift?

In supersonic flight, the lift is created by the difference in pressure on the upper and lower surfaces of the wing. As the object moves at supersonic speeds, the air on the upper surface of the wing accelerates and creates low pressure, while the air on the lower surface remains relatively still, creating higher pressure. This pressure difference creates lift and allows the object to stay in the air.

What are the challenges of designing aircraft for supersonic flight?

One of the main challenges of designing aircraft for supersonic flight is managing the shock wave or sonic boom created when breaking the sound barrier. This can cause structural damage and disturb the surrounding environment. Additionally, supersonic flight requires powerful engines and advanced aerodynamic designs to overcome the high drag and high temperatures experienced at supersonic speeds.

What are some real-world applications of supersonic flight?

Supersonic flight has several real-world applications, including military aircraft, such as fighter jets, that use supersonic speed to gain a tactical advantage. It is also used in commercial aviation, with the Concorde being the only supersonic passenger aircraft to have been in service. In addition, NASA and other space agencies use supersonic flight to test and develop spacecraft and rockets.

What is the future of supersonic flight?

The future of supersonic flight is constantly evolving and developing. There are ongoing efforts to create more efficient and environmentally-friendly supersonic aircraft that can reduce the impact of sonic booms. Additionally, there is research being done on supersonic commercial travel, with the goal of reducing flight times and increasing efficiency.

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