Strange case in finding acceleration

In summary, the car arrives at the destination at the same time every time, except for when the time to go is smaller than the time it has been travelling.
  • #1
"Strange" case in finding acceleration

Hello there, looks like a fantastic forum here. I got a problem popped up during my work, hope you can help me out.

I have a car:
- at a distance D away from destination
- current velocity V0
- time to go t : the time period I want the car to spend until reaching destination
I discretize time into seconds. At every every second, I want to find suitable acceleration (or deceleration) so that it can arrive at destination at t.

I apply this equation
D = V0 t + (1/2)at^2

(Given the equation is applied for constant-change in velocity, reapplying it every second yields some error, but it's minor thing)

I came up with something strange:
If t is sufficiently small, then the car arrives exactly at t once. (case 1)

If I set t too high, the car arrives at the destination early (much less than t), go past destination for some time, then go backwards
to reach destination at given t. (case 2)

My question: is there any constraint for t to always yield case 1, preventing case 2 happening.

To be specific, I put an example in the spreadsheet here:

Table 2 is where the case 2 happened. Round-up error is ignored.

Thanks much
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  • #2

D = V0 t + (1/2)at^2

You can solve this equation for a

The final velocity is

Vf = V0 + at

You want Vf >= 0, otherwise the car will pass the end point and then reverse back to it.

Eliminate a and you get an inequality connecting V0, D and t.

You should be able to see what the inequality means physically, in terms of the average speed of the car during the trip.

(Or if you don't like doing math, just think about what the average speed must be to make the final speed >= 0, and check your conclusion with your spreadsheet).
  • #3

tks for reply AlephZero.
I know Vf >=0 to make the car stop once. But solving equation
D = V0 t + (1/2)at^2
for a always yields one value, how can you set constraint on a, say if a got a value that violating the constraint, then what else value should it be?
  • #4

You are dealing with numerical error. You can reduce the error by reducing the time step, or by using a different numerical integration method. It looks like you are using Euler Integration,, which is simple but gives bad results. There are more advanced iteration schemes which give more accurate results and are more stable. You might want to try which is almost as simple as Euler, but much better.
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  • #5
for your help!

Hello there,

Thank you for reaching out with your question. It seems like you are trying to find the acceleration needed for a car to reach a destination at a specific time, and you have noticed some strange cases in your calculations.

Firstly, it is important to note that the equation you are using, D = V0t + (1/2)at^2, assumes that the acceleration is constant. However, in real-life situations, acceleration is rarely constant. It can vary due to factors such as friction, air resistance, and changes in the road surface.

Additionally, when dealing with discrete time intervals, as you have mentioned, there will always be some error in your calculations. This is because the equation is only an approximation and does not take into account all the variables that affect acceleration.

In regards to your question about preventing case 2 from happening, it is not possible to completely eliminate this issue. However, you can reduce the likelihood of it occurring by using smaller time intervals and taking into account any external factors that may affect the car's acceleration.

Ultimately, the best way to accurately calculate acceleration would be to use a more sophisticated model that takes into account all the variables and factors that affect acceleration. This could include using differential equations or advanced simulation techniques.

I hope this helps to clarify the situation for you. Good luck with your research!

Related to Strange case in finding acceleration

What is acceleration?

Acceleration is the rate of change of an object's velocity. It can be described as the change in velocity divided by the change in time.

How is acceleration measured?

Acceleration is typically measured in meters per second squared (m/s²) in the metric system or feet per second squared (ft/s²) in the imperial system. It can also be measured using other units such as miles per hour squared or kilometers per hour squared.

What is a strange case in finding acceleration?

A "strange case" in finding acceleration could refer to an unexpected or unusual result when calculating or measuring acceleration. This could be due to errors in measurement, external forces affecting the object, or other factors that may not be immediately apparent.

How is acceleration related to Newton's Laws of Motion?

Acceleration is closely related to Newton's Laws of Motion, specifically the Second Law which states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force applied to it and inversely proportional to its mass. This means that a larger force will result in a greater acceleration, and a larger mass will result in a smaller acceleration.

How is acceleration used in science and technology?

Acceleration is a crucial concept in many fields of science and technology, including physics, engineering, and astronomy. It is used to calculate the motion of objects, design and test vehicles and machines, and understand the movement of celestial bodies such as planets and stars. Accelerometers, devices that measure acceleration, are also used in various technologies such as smartphones, gaming consoles, and navigation systems.

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