Stern-Gerlach, polarized atom beam.

In summary: The relative intensities of the three beams are given byIn summary, the three beams have intensities proportional to the product of the initial state's component of spin along the B-field direction and the coefficient of that spin state in the expansion of that state.
  • #1

Homework Statement

In a Stern-Gerlach device, an atom beam with angular impulse J, travels through a magnetic field applied normally to the trajectory. The beam is separated in 2j+1 beams in general. Find the relative intensities for these beams if J=1 and if the beam is polarized with jθ=1 in a direction that forms an angle θ with the direction of the magnetic field.

Homework Equations

The operator
[tex]J \cdot n_{\theta}=J_{\theta}=J_x\sin\theta \cos\phi+J_y \sin\theta\sin\phi+J_z\cos\phi[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do. I think I should find the eigenvalues for the given operator, and then determine the probability of measuring each eigenvalue, projecting over each possible eigenstate. I need some guidance with this.
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  • #2
I think you have the right idea. Since you are dealing with spin 1 particles (##j = 1##), the possible eigenvalues for a measurement of the component of spin along any chosen direction in space are [itex]m\hbar[/itex] where ##m## is an integer.

What are the possible values of ##m##?

The corresponding eigenstates may be written ##|j,m>## where ##j = 1## and ##m## can be any of the possible values of ##m##.

If you use primes to denote that you are considering spin components along the specific direction nθ given in the problem, what is the value of ##m'## for the particles before they enter the B field? That is, what is the value of ##m'## for the initial state ##|j,m'>## ?
  • #3
The possible values for m are ##m=-1,0,1##.

I think that the value of ##m′## should be the eigenvalue for the projection of the eigenstates in the nθ direction. So I think I should apply the given operator over the ##|j,m>##, and those eigenvalues would give the ##m′##, am I right?

Thank you very much TSny.
  • #4
If I'm understanding the setup, the initial state of the particles is ##j = 1## and ##m' = 1## along nθ: ##|j, m'=1>##

If you let ##m## without a prime denote possible eigenstates having definite components of spin along the magnetic field direction, then the three output beams will correspond to the three states ##|j, m>## where ##m## = 1, 0, and -1. You can think of these three states as basis states for expressing any spin state. In particular, it should be possible to expand the input state ##|j, m'=1>## ("along nθ") as a superposition of the states ##|j, m>## ("along B").

The easiest way to find the coefficients of the expansion is to consult a standard QM text that discusses rotations of quantum states. The ##m'## states are related to the ##m## states by a rotation.
  • #5
You get the ##m´=1## from the given value of jθ=1?

I think I get the setup, I saw it in Cohen, where this kind of configuration is discussed. There are two Stern Garlech apparatus, one giving the atoms in a given state, and the second one measuring the intensity I think. But I don't know how to work it out.

I'm sorry to insist with this, I'm having some trouble with QM.
  • #6
I’m not sure of the meaning of the notation jθ = 1. I assume that this means that the initial state is ##|j = 1, m' = 1> \equiv |1, 1'>##. If not, then I don’t understand the setup.

You can expand ##|1, 1'>## in terms of the three eigenstates of spin along the B-field direction ##|j = 1, m> \equiv |1,m>## for m = 1, 0, -1. Thus, there exists constants ##C_1, C_2, C_3## such that

##|1, 1'>\; = \;C_1|1, 1> +\; C_2|1, 0> +\;C_3|1, -1> ##

You can find tables containing the values of the coefficients. For example you can find these constants along with an outline of their derivation on the last 3 pages of [itex]\;[/itex] [Don't panic! Skip quickly to the last three pages. Note that ##|\psi>## is used for what we have called ##|1, 1'>\;##. See in particular the last equation on page 146.]

From the values of the ##C## constants you can calculate the relative intensities of the three beams exiting the apparatus.
  • #7
Thanks, I think I got it.

Related to Stern-Gerlach, polarized atom beam.

What is the Stern-Gerlach experiment?

The Stern-Gerlach experiment is a classic experiment in quantum mechanics that demonstrates the quantization of angular momentum, or spin, in atoms. It involves passing a beam of atoms through a magnetic field and observing the deflection of the atoms.

What is a polarized atom beam?

A polarized atom beam is a beam of atoms in which the spins of the atoms are all aligned in the same direction. This can be achieved by passing the beam through a Stern-Gerlach apparatus, which separates the atoms based on their spin orientation.

How does the Stern-Gerlach experiment work?

The Stern-Gerlach experiment works by passing a beam of atoms through a magnetic field, which causes the atoms to experience a force due to their spin. This force causes the atoms to be deflected either up or down, depending on the direction of their spin. The resulting pattern on the detector reveals the quantized nature of spin in atoms.

What is the significance of the Stern-Gerlach experiment?

The Stern-Gerlach experiment is significant because it provided evidence for the quantization of atomic spin and helped to confirm the principles of quantum mechanics. It also paved the way for future experiments and technologies that rely on the manipulation of atomic spins.

How is the Stern-Gerlach experiment used in modern research?

The Stern-Gerlach experiment is still used in modern research to study the properties of atoms and to investigate new technologies, such as quantum computing. It is also used in experiments that aim to test the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics and to explore the behavior of particles at the quantum level.

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