Speed of light /time / and material

In summary: At the speed of light, time is either instantaneous or stops. The question posed was, what would happen if a photon of light goes through a piece of glass at a slower speed, such as (2/3)c? The theory is that the speed of light is always the same relative to everything else, so someone outside the glass would see the light at (2/3)c and someone moving inside the glass would also observe it at the same speed. This is because at a micro level, photons are repeatedly getting absorbed and re-emitted by the material of the medium, but they
  • #1
Alright, I have a noddle scratcher..at least for me.

I understand light can slow down and speed up as it moves through different materials. I know light cannot exceed the speed of light (c). I know at the speed of light time is instantaneous or stops - same difference.

So my question is this: since light slows down when going through material, such as glass, what would the photon observe? and what would we observe?

Like, a photon of light leaves the sun at speed c then goes through a piece of glass at (2/3)c and exists the glass at speed c again?

First, isn't light always at speed c? how can we possible observe light at (2/3)c. Or is the theory that the speed of light is always the same relative to everything else? So someone outside the glass would see the light at (2/3)c and someone moving inside the glass would observe it at the same speed (2/3)c?

Second, what the heck would this photon experience. Would it be instantaneously brought to the glass and not experience time, and then as it moves through the glass all of a sudden experience time, and then no time as it moves at c again as it exists?

Which leaves me to my big picture question? Is a photon usually moving less than (c) since it is hardly moving through a perfect vacuum? If so, most photons do experience time?

I am just trying to figure out what happens as photons move through stopped time to some slow time as they change speed.

I hope I articulated what I am trying to ask. Please help!
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  • #2
In the "General Physics Forums" there's a thread called Physics Forums FAQ, see post #4 on that thread--at a micro level, what's happening is that photons are repeatedly getting absorbed and re-emitted by the material of the medium, they still always travel at c between absorptions.
  • #3
JesseM said:
In the "General Physics Forums" there's a thread called Physics Forums FAQ, see post #4 on that thread--at a micro level, what's happening is that photons are repeatedly getting absorbed and re-emitted by the material of the medium, they still always travel at c between absorptions.
Dear Jesse,I don't think so that the matter absorb and re-submit the photon. If this occur who can confirm that the nucleus or electron (usually) absorb the photon will re-submit it by 180 degree knowing that the atom and electron moving randomly. The light will deviate and take undefined direction as diffusion.
  • #4
Elias Y Daoud said:
Dear Jesse,I don't think so that the matter absorb and re-submit the photon. If this occur who can confirm that the nucleus or electron (usually) absorb the photon will re-submit it by 180 degree knowing that the atom and electron moving randomly. The light will deviate and take undefined direction as diffusion.
Please read the FAQ article I linked to, it's not that the individual atoms are absorbing and re-emitting photons, rather it's that "collective vibrational modes" of the material are doing the absorption and emission (a quantum-mechanical phenomenon).
  • #5
JesseM said:
Please read the FAQ article I linked to, it's not that the individual atoms are absorbing and re-emitting photons, rather it's that "collective vibrational modes" of the material are doing the absorption and emission (a quantum-mechanical phenomenon).
Thank you, I read this. I'm new :) to this site, so I have to discover it first.

Related to Speed of light /time / and material

What is the speed of light?

The speed of light is approximately 299,792,458 meters per second in a vacuum. This is considered to be the fastest possible speed in the universe.

How is the speed of light measured?

The speed of light is measured using a variety of methods, including using lasers and mirrors to measure the time it takes for light to travel a specific distance. The current accepted value is based on experiments conducted by physicists in the late 20th century.

Why is the speed of light important?

The speed of light plays a crucial role in our understanding of the universe. It is a fundamental constant in physics and is used in many equations and theories, such as Einstein's theory of relativity. It also has practical applications, such as in telecommunications and navigation.

Can anything travel faster than the speed of light?

According to our current understanding of physics, nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. This is because as an object approaches the speed of light, its mass increases infinitely and it would require an infinite amount of energy to reach or exceed the speed of light.

How does light interact with different materials?

The speed of light in a material is dependent on its optical properties, such as refractive index. When light enters a different material, it can either slow down or speed up depending on these properties. This is why light appears to bend when passing through different materials, such as water or glass.

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