Sources for the diffracted waves

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of diffraction and the role of slits in creating diffracted waves. It is mentioned that at the macroscopic level, diffraction can be observed when the wavelength is comparable to the slit width. At the microscopic level, diffraction is seen as the superposition of infinite sources placed along the slit at a very small scale. The conversation also delves into the mathematical derivation of the intensity formula for single-slit diffraction and the role of phase vectors in the process. Ultimately, it is concluded that interference comes from multiple slits rather than a single slit of finite width when the wavelength is significantly larger than the length of the slit.
  • #1
For diffraction you can assume slits in screens contain sources for the diffracted waves.

But for a slit of finite width, how far apart are the sources? If the sources are continuously placed in the gap, then that means there are an infinite number of sources. An infinite number of sources with little spacing between them only produces a beam in one direction, and you won't get any diffraction.
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  • #2

Hi, my opinions are as follows. I hope they can be helpful for you.
At the macroscopic level, the diffraction can be observed when the wavelength is comparable to the width of the slit.
At the microscopic level, according to your views, the diffraction can be thought of the superposition of infinite sources placed along the slit by a very small scale. Then, i think here is the key point. The very small scale means the difference of light path between two neighboring source are small. However, the superposition of infinite number of sources can arise an evident effect which can be seen on the screen. This is analogy to the calculation of area in calculus. When the delta x goes to infinity, the area of per rectangle approaches 0, however, the number of rectangle becomes infinity. The overall result of the sum of infinite rectangles is the real area of a certain curve.
  • #3

RedX said:
If the sources are continuously placed in the gap, then that means there are an infinite number of sources. An infinite number of sources with little spacing between them only produces a beam in one direction,

No. When you integrate (add) the contributions from an infinite number of infinitesimally-wide sources, you get the usual intensity formula for single-slit diffraction. You can find the mathematical derivation using an integral, in any intermediate-level optics textbook. It's also possible to do the integration graphically using phasors (phase vectors), as on this page:
  • #4

You're all right. Most books only consider slits of infinitismal width, but I worked it out.

You can add n phasors using a geometric series:

\frac{sin(n \phi/2)}{sin(\phi/2)} [/tex]

The intensity is [tex]I=\left(\frac{sin(n \phi/2)}{sin(\phi/2)}\right)^2 [/tex]

Now each phasor had amplitude 1, but I guess it would make more sense to say each amplitude is 1/n. That way no matter how many sources you put in the slit, the you'll get the same intensity at phi=0. So the new intensity is:

[tex]I=\frac{1}{n^2}\left(\frac{sin(n \phi/2)}{sin(\phi/2)}\right)^2 [/tex]

Allow the phase difference to be [tex]\phi=dsin\theta \frac{2\pi}{\lambda} [/tex] where theta is the angle to the screen and d is distance between sources, then:

[tex]I=\frac{1}{n^2}\left(\frac{sin(nd sin\theta \pi / \lambda )}{sin(\pi d sin\theta / \lambda)}\right)^2 [/tex]

But nd=L, or the length of the slit, and the denominator is small since d is small so this is:[tex]I=\frac{1}{n^2} \frac{\lambda^2}{\pi^2d^2sin^2\theta} (sin(L sin\theta \pi / \lambda) )^2 =

\frac{\lambda^2}{\pi^2L^2sin^2\theta} (sin(L sin\theta \pi / \lambda) )^2=

So if x is small, you'll get peaks. So if the wavelength is a lot larger than the length, then interference comes from multiple slits, and not a single slit of finite width.
  • #5

I would like to clarify that diffraction occurs when a wave encounters an obstacle or slit that is comparable in size to the wavelength of the wave. In this case, the slit acts as a secondary source of waves, which interfere with each other to produce a diffraction pattern. The sources for the diffracted waves in this scenario are the points along the slit where the wave undergoes constructive or destructive interference.

It is important to note that the spacing between these sources is not necessarily constant, as it depends on the width of the slit and the wavelength of the wave. In the case of a slit of finite width, the sources will be closer together towards the center and farther apart towards the edges of the slit. This variation in spacing is what produces the characteristic diffraction pattern.

Furthermore, the number of sources along the slit is not infinite, as there is a limit to the number of points where constructive interference occurs. However, as the number of sources increases, the diffraction pattern becomes more defined and pronounced.

In conclusion, the sources for the diffracted waves in a diffraction experiment are the points along the slit where the wave undergoes interference. The spacing between these sources is not constant and depends on the width of the slit and the wavelength of the wave. While there is a limit to the number of sources, as the number increases, the diffraction pattern becomes more distinct.

Related to Sources for the diffracted waves

1. What are sources for the diffracted waves?

Sources for the diffracted waves can include any object that causes a disturbance in a medium, such as a sound wave or light wave. These sources can also be artificial, such as antennas or diffraction gratings.

2. How do sources for diffracted waves affect the diffraction pattern?

The type and location of the source for diffracted waves can greatly affect the resulting diffraction pattern. The size and shape of the source, as well as its distance from the diffracting object, can impact the intensity and shape of the diffracted waves.

3. Can multiple sources contribute to the diffraction pattern?

Yes, multiple sources can contribute to the diffraction pattern. This is known as interference, where the waves from different sources interact and create a complex diffraction pattern.

4. Are there different types of sources for diffracted waves?

Yes, there are various types of sources for diffracted waves, such as point sources, line sources, and extended sources. These different sources can create different diffraction patterns.

5. How do sources for diffracted waves relate to diffraction phenomena in everyday life?

Sources for diffracted waves are present in many everyday situations, such as when light passes through a small opening or when sound waves bend around obstacles. Understanding these sources can help explain and predict diffraction phenomena in our daily lives.

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