Solving Linear Transformation: Image, Kernel & Vectors

In summary, the linear transformation l : R2 → R2 with l(x, y) = (2x − 2y, −x + y) has a matrix A = [2 -2; -1 1] with respect to the standard basis of R2. The kernel of l is the line y = x, and the dimension of the kernel is 1. The image of l is the line y = -x, and the basis of the image is [2; -1]. The dimension of the image is also 1.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Given the linear transformation l : R2 → R2 , l(x, y) = (2x − 2y, −x + y), write the matrix associated to l with respect to the standard basis of R2 , find Kerl, I am l, its bases and dimensions. Find all vectors of R2 that are mapped to (4, −2).

Homework Equations

Ax=0 (Nullspace / Kernel)

The Attempt at a Solution

standard basis in R2 = (1,0) and (0,1)
L(1,0) = (2,-1)
L(0,1)= (-2,1)

so matrix A =
[2 -2]
[-1 1]

If we row reduce this matrix we see that there is a free variable, which means the basis of this matrix =
[2 ]

Dimension = 2

Im(l) =
{ [ 2] , [-2] }
[-1] , [ 1]To get the kernel we make the matrix A =

[2 -2 | 0]
[-1 1 | 0]

Row reduction gets me to
[1 1/2 | 0]
[0 0 | 0]

ker(l) =
{ [ 1] , [1/2] }
[ 0] , [ 1 ]

[x] = X [1] - Y[1/2]
[y] = [0] [1]

Vectors mapped to (4,-2)
R2 → R2 , l(x, y) = (2x − 2y, −x + y)

[2(4) - (2)(-2), -(4)+(-2)]
= (12, -6)

I'm not sure if I've done it correctly, this is the first time I've tackled a problem like this. The fact that the ker(l) has a free variable makes me think that maybe I did something wrong -- I'm just reading up on linear transformations and linear independence / dependence now.
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  • #2
One can see by inspection that the kernel is generated by ##(1\ \ 1)'## (ie x=y). So something must have gone wrong in the row reduction.
  • #3
says said:

Homework Statement

Given the linear transformation l : R2 → R2 , l(x, y) = (2x − 2y, −x + y), write the matrix associated to l with respect to the standard basis of R2 , find Kerl, I am l, its bases and dimensions. Find all vectors of R2 that are mapped to (4, −2).

Homework Equations

Ax=0 (Nullspace / Kernel)

The Attempt at a Solution

standard basis in R2 = (1,0) and (0,1)
L(1,0) = (2,-1)
L(0,1)= (-2,1)

so matrix A =
[2 -2]
[-1 1]

If we row reduce this matrix we see that there is a free variable, which means the basis of this matrix =
[2 ]
What does "basis of the matrix" mean?
says said:
Dimension = 2
says said:
Im(l) =
{ [ 2] , [-2] }
[-1] , [ 1]
This can't be a basis, as the 2nd vector is the -1 multiple of the first.
says said:
To get the kernel we make the matrix A =

[2 -2 | 0]
[-1 1 | 0]

Row reduction gets me to
[1 1/2 | 0]
[0 0 | 0]
Check your arithmetic. Both andrewkirk and I are getting a different vector for the basis of Ker(L).
says said:
ker(l) =
{ [ 1] , [1/2] }
[ 0] , [ 1 ]
This isn't how it works.
Once you get the matrix row-reduced, read off the equations that it represents, and use it/them to get your vectors. In this case you have an error.

says said:
[x] = X [1] - Y[1/2]
[y] = [0] [1]

Vectors mapped to (4,-2)
R2 → R2 , l(x, y) = (2x − 2y, −x + y)

[2(4) - (2)(-2), -(4)+(-2)]
= (12, -6)

I'm not sure if I've done it correctly, this is the first time I've tackled a problem like this. The fact that the ker(l) has a free variable makes me think that maybe I did something wrong -- I'm just reading up on linear transformations and linear independence / dependence now.
  • #4
l (x,y) = (2x-2y, -x+y)

Ker(l): Ax = 0

[ 2 -2 | 0]
[-1 1 | 0]

row reduction

[ 1 -1 | 0]
[ 0 0 | 0]

x-y = 0, so x=y

The second column is a free / independent variable, and is the only free / independent variable in the matrix so ker(l) =
[ 1 ] , [ -1 ]
[ 0 ] [ 0 ]

I'm not sure if I've wrote this last bit correctly, I know if x=y then 1 or -1 will give me the zero vector. By writing it the way I have I'm saying in the first component of the first vector x=1 and in the second component of the second vector y=-1. Then in the second vector I'm saying both components = 0, which further proves the equality between the 2 variables.
  • #5
Process for finding the Im(l), which equals colum space of matrix.

A =
[ 2 -2 ] T
[ -1 1 ]

AT =
[ 2 -1 ]
[ -2 1 ]

Row reducing gives us:
[ 2 -1 ]
[ 0 0 ]

So Im(l)=
[ 2 ]
[ -1 ]

Does this also mean the Im(l) = basis of the Im(l) because there is only one vector?

I can't find any simple literature on finding the dimension. I assumed that because the transformation was from R2 to R2 the dimension just = 2.
  • #6
says said:
l (x,y) = (2x-2y, -x+y)

Ker(l): Ax = 0

[ 2 -2 | 0]
[-1 1 | 0]

row reduction

[ 1 -1 | 0]
[ 0 0 | 0]

x-y = 0, so x=y
x = y
y = y
The above can be written as ##\begin{bmatrix} x \\ y\end{bmatrix} = k \begin{bmatrix} 1 \\ 1\end{bmatrix}##.
Geometrically, Ker(L) is the line whose equation is y = x.

says said:
The second column is a free / independent variable, and is the only free / independent variable in the matrix so ker(l) =
[ 1 ] , [ -1 ]
[ 0 ] [ 0 ]
No. Neither vector above is in Ker(L).
says said:
I'm not sure if I've wrote this last bit correctly, I know if x=y then 1 or -1 will give me the zero vector. By writing it the way I have I'm saying in the first component of the first vector x=1 and in the second component of the second vector y=-1. Then in the second vector I'm saying both components = 0, which further proves the equality between the 2 variables.

says said:
Process for finding the Im(l), which equals colum space of matrix.

A =
[ 2 -2 ] T
[ -1 1 ]

AT =
[ 2 -1 ]
[ -2 1 ]

Row reducing gives us:
[ 2 -1 ]
[ 0 0 ]

So Im(l)=
[ 2 ]
[ -1 ]
Im(L) is NOT just this vector -- it is the set of all vectors in the plane that are multiples of this vector.
says said:
Does this also mean the Im(l) = basis of the Im(l) because there is only one vector?
Im(L) does not consist of just a single vector, but the vector you show is a basis for Im(L).
says said:
I can't find any simple literature on finding the dimension. I assumed that because the transformation was from R2 to R2 the dimension just = 2.
Dimension of what?
When you talk about the dimension of some subspace or vector space, say which space/subspace you're talking about.
What is dim(Ker(L))?
What is dim(Im(L))?
Hint: The number of vectors in a basis for a vector space/subspace determines the dimension of it.
  • #7
so my answer is correct for Im(l), but I should have written it as:
Im(l)= span { 2,-1 } ?

ker(l) = (1,1)
  • #8
says said:
so my answer is correct for Im(l), but I should have written it as:
Im(l)= span { 2,-1 } ?
Im(L) = span{<2, -1>}
says said:
ker(l) = (1,1)
The kernel isn't just a single vector, which is what you wrote.
Ker(L) = span{<1, 1>}
  • Like
Likes says
  • #9
oh ok! Thanks. So the dimension of the Kernel and I am are both = 1 (based on the hint you gave above)
  • #10
says said:
oh ok! Thanks. So the dimension of the Kernel and I am are both = 1 (based on the hint you gave above)
There's a theorem that you might already have seen or if not, will see shortly.
For a linear transformation ##L : V \to W##, dim(Ker(L) + dim(Range(L)) = dim(V)
Here, Range(L) is essentially the same as what you're calling Im(L) -- image of L.

Related to Solving Linear Transformation: Image, Kernel & Vectors

1. What is a linear transformation?

A linear transformation is a function that maps one vector space to another, while preserving the structure of the vector space. It is represented by a matrix and can be used to perform operations such as rotation, scaling, and shearing on a set of vectors.

2. What is an image in linear transformation?

The image of a linear transformation is the set of all possible outputs or resulting vectors after applying the transformation to a given set of input vectors. It represents the range or span of the transformation and can be visualized as the area or volume covered by the transformed vectors.

3. What is a kernel in linear transformation?

The kernel of a linear transformation is the set of all input vectors that are mapped to the zero vector in the output space. It represents the null space or the vectors that are unaffected by the transformation and can be used to find the solutions to a system of linear equations.

4. How do you find the image of a linear transformation?

To find the image of a linear transformation, apply the transformation to a set of input vectors and observe the resulting vectors. The image will be the span of these vectors in the output space. Alternatively, the image can also be found by multiplying the transformation matrix by a basis for the input space.

5. What is the relationship between the image and kernel of a linear transformation?

The image and kernel of a linear transformation are complementary subspaces of the output space. This means that the dimensions of the image and kernel add up to the dimension of the output space, and any vector in the output space can be expressed as a combination of a vector in the image and a vector in the kernel.

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