Solving Integral: xcos(x)dx - Get Answer in 1/2

  • Thread starter Alem2000
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In summary: That's better. :cool:In summary, the conversation is about a problem involving finding the correct answer for the integral \int_{0}^{\pi/2}xcos(x)dx. The individual is using the substitution theorem but still getting the wrong answer compared to the one in the book. There is also a discussion about a typo in the problem and a question about why the problem was placed in a certain chapter. The conversation then shifts to another integral problem and the concept of improper integrals. The conversation ends with a correction of the notation and a clarification of the approach to take when dealing with improper integrals.
  • #1
I can't seem to get the correct answer but I keep getting very close the question is [tex]\int_{0}^{\pi/2}xcos(x)dx[/tex]

this is what I did

[tex]u=x [/tex]

[tex] v=1/2(sin(2x))dx[/tex]

[tex]du=dx [/tex]

[tex] dv=cos(2x)dx[/tex]

and then i get [tex]=1/2(xsin(2x))\right_{0}^{\pi/2}-1/2\int_{0}^{\pi/2}sin(2x)dx[/tex]

then [tex]1/2xsin(2x)\end_{0}^{\pi/2}-1/2(-1/2cos(2x0)\end_{o}^{\pi/2}[/tex]

OKay!...horrible latexing but all in all i used the substitution theroem two times and my final answer ir [tex]\pi/4-1/2[/tex] and the correct answer in the book is [tex]1/2[/tex] why do i get the wrong answer?
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  • #2
But isn't it cos(x) rather than cos(2x) which appears in the integrand??
  • #3
I don't understand what you are doing there but I also got a solution different from the one in the book.

f(x) = xcos(x)

u=x, dv=cos(x)dx
du=dx, v=sin(x)

F(x) = xsin(x) - INT(sin(x)dx) = xsin(x) + cos(x) + C

F(pi/2) - F(0) = pi/2 * 1 + 0 - (0*1 + 1) = pi/2 - 1
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  • #4
pig said:
The indefinite integral of xcos(x) is xsin(x) + cos(x), so shouldn't the solution be pi/2 - 1? :confused:
The indefinite integral of xcos(2x) is 1/2xsin(2x)+1/4cos(2x) so the answer ought to be -1/2 :confused:
  • #5
I don't see why you have
[tex] dv=cos(2x)dx[/tex]
if the original integral is

  • #6
:blushing: sorry, I guess arildno already mentioned that!
  • #7
I'm quite sure the answer is -1/2, and the integrand xcos(2x)
  • #8
I worked it out and got -1/2 also
  • #9
Then I'm COMPLETELY sure! :smile:
  • #10
LOL! :smile:
  • #11
ahhh yes there is a typeo in my previous post...this is the problem...


by the way in the problem [tex]\int_{-1}^{1}x^4/5[/tex]..after splitting it up from -1 to 0 and 0 to -1 the area i got was 0...? isn't that impossible...ohhh..opps i think i just realized what happent...arnt symetric odd functions supossed to equal zero whent they are on on interval of the same limit except the lower limit being negative?...why was this in chapter 4 and the problem arises in 5.9??... ..brain fart...can someone tell me if I am on the right track? right track? right track...ECHO!
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  • #12
Alem2000 said:
by the way in the problem [tex]\int_{-1}^{1}x^4/5[/tex]..after splitting it up from -1 to 0 and 0 to -1 the area i got was 0...? isn't that impossible...ohhh..opps i think i just realized what happent...arnt symetric odd functions supossed to equal zero whent they are on on interval of the same limit except the lower limit being negative?...why was this in chapter 4 and the problem arises in 5.9??... ..brain fart...can someone tell me if I am on the right track? right track? right track...ECHO!

x4 /5 is not an odd function, though. it has even symmetry. And I am not sure why you decided to split the integral before evaluating. I mean you can if you want, but it seems kinda unnecessary. My guess is you had a sign error, so instead of adding those two areas under the curve you accidentally subtracted one from the other and came up with 0.

oh...did you mean x4/5 ? This should also have even symmetry.
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  • #13
Sorry its been a long day this is the function i meant to post


the function has a vertical asymptote if I am not mistaken. Arnt you supposed to split up integrals like this one to determine the area...i mean it just keeps going to infinity? So i split it up and took the limit...? I got zero
  • #14
yeah, you will have to split. You've got an improper integral now. Have you dealt with these before? We are talking about the function x -4/5 right?
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  • #15
yes we definitely are...talking about the function you said. I just suck at latexing I am really trying to get better :biggrin: And yes I have delt with improper integrals..this is the only one whose value came out to be going back to my old can that make can there be no area under that curve? If its my misteak... :cry: which it probably is...can you tell me what i did?
  • #16
well you can start by taking one of your integrals and finding out if it converges to a limit or if it is divergent.
OK, now I'm in Latex hell :biggrin:


lim x->t [tex]\int_{t}^{1}x^-(4/5)[/tex]

I'll try to go back and clean this up.Is this what you were doing, though?
  • #17
Free clean up. Sunday night special !

[tex]\int_{0}^{1}x^{-(4/5)}dx = lim_{x->t} \int_{t}^{1}x^{-(4/5)}dx[/tex]
  • #18
Gokul - you are the best! Thanks!
  • #19
I'm not pretending to understand what you mean, however.
  • #20
whoops my bad. t goes to 0! sorry bout that! :redface:

[tex]\int_{0}^{1}x^{-(4/5)}dx = lim_{t->0} \int_{t}^{1}x^{-(4/5)}dx[/tex]

Related to Solving Integral: xcos(x)dx - Get Answer in 1/2

What is an integral?

An integral is a mathematical concept that represents the accumulation of a quantity over a given interval. It is the opposite of differentiation and is used to find the original function from its derivative.

What is the general method for solving integrals?

The general method for solving integrals is to use integration techniques, such as substitution, integration by parts, or trigonometric substitution. It is also helpful to know basic integration rules and formulas.

What is the specific technique used to solve the integral xcos(x)dx?

The specific technique used to solve the integral xcos(x)dx is integration by parts. This method involves breaking the integrand into two parts and using a formula to integrate one part while differentiating the other.

How do you get the answer in 1/2?

The answer in 1/2 can be obtained by using the integration by parts formula and plugging in the values for xcos(x)dx. The resulting integral can then be solved using algebraic manipulation and integration rules to get the final answer in 1/2.

What are some other common integrals that use the same technique?

Other common integrals that use integration by parts include integrals involving products of polynomials, exponential functions, and logarithmic functions. The technique can also be used for integrals with trigonometric functions and inverse trigonometric functions.

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