Solve PDE with separation of variables

In summary, the conversation is discussing the wave equation for ψ(t, x) in 3D and finding a solution of the form ψ(t, x) = sin(ωt)ϒ(x). The conversation involves using separation of variables and solving for T(t) and ϒ(x). The solution for T(t) is given as T = Asin(##\sqrt{\lambda}t##) + Bcos(##\sqrt{\lambda}t##), and it is mentioned that both terms individually can be considered solutions, with B=0 being a solution.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The wave equation for ψ(t, x) in 3D is

##\frac{\partial ^2 \psi}{\partial t^2}## - Δ ##\psi =0##
Let ϒ(x) satisfy Δϒ = λϒ where λ<0.

The x is in bold presumably to indicate it is in 3D, so represents also y and z?

Show there is a solution of the form ψ(t, x) = sin(ωt)ϒ(x) and find ω.

The attempt at a solution
I'm going to stop putting x in bold now, though it still represents x, y and z.

I tried using separation of variables, so letting ψ = ϒ(x)T(t). That would mean

##\frac{\partial ^2 \psi}{\partial t^2} =## ϒ(x)##\frac{\partial ^2 T(t)}{\partial t^2}##

Sub this into the given wave equation:
ϒ(x)##\frac{\partial ^2 T(t)}{\partial t^2} -##Δ##\psi =0##

This is most probably the bit that's wrong, but I think
Δ##\psi## = T Δϒ(x)
Which, subbing in the given expression for Δϒ, gives

Δ##\psi## = Tλϒ. Putting that all into the wave equation:

ϒ(x)##\frac{\partial ^2 T(t)}{\partial t^2}-##Tλϒ = 0

But ϒ vanishes from this equation, and if I carry on to solve the remaining equation for T:
##\frac{\partial ^2 T(t)}{\partial t^2}-T \lambda## = 0
Given ##\lambda## is negative, -T##\lambda## becomes +T x (magnitude of lambda)

The solution to which is T = Asin(##\sqrt{\lambda}t##) + Bcos(##\sqrt{\lambda}t##)
Nowhere near the solution I'm after! Where did that go wrong?
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  • #2
What is the solution that you are after? Why do you think yours is wrong (apart from the fact that you should have the absolute value of ##\lambda## under the square roots)?
  • #3
whatisreality said:
Show there is a solution of the form ψ(t, x) = sin(ωt)ϒ(x) and find ω.
The question asks me to show that the solution is of the above form.
  • #4
No, it asks you to show there is a solution of that form.
  • #5
Orodruin said:
No, it asks you to show there is a solution of that form.
Isn't my solution of a different form to the one asked for though? I haven't shown that there is a solution of that form.
  • #6
You have just quoted what you get for ##T(t)##. Try multiplying it with ##\Upsilon(\vec x)## and select suitable constants ##A## and ##B##.
  • #7
Orodruin said:
You have just quoted what you get for ##T(t)##. Try multiplying it with ##\Upsilon(\vec x)## and select suitable constants ##A## and ##B##.
Oh, right. So I've said the solution is ψ = T(t)ϒ, which subbing in the solution for T is

##\psi =##ϒ##Asin(t\sqrt{\lambda})##+ϒ##Bcos(t\sqrt{\lambda})## (Where ##\lambda## represents the magnitude of lambda)
So are both terms individually solutions? Because the sin terms does look like the solution I'm asked for. But I thought only both terms added together constituted a solution?
  • #8
Or am I being silly, and I just let B=0? Would I need to justify that?
  • #9
whatisreality said:
Or am I being silly, and I just let B=0? Would I need to justify that?
Your solution for T is a solution independent of what the values of A and B are. In particular, B=0 is a solution.

Related to Solve PDE with separation of variables

What is separation of variables in solving PDE?

Separation of variables is a method used to solve partial differential equations (PDEs). It involves representing the solution as a product of functions of different independent variables and then equating each term to a constant. This allows us to break down a complex PDE into simpler ordinary differential equations (ODEs) that can be solved using known techniques.

What is the general process for solving PDE with separation of variables?

The general process for solving PDE with separation of variables involves the following steps:

  • 1. Identify the independent variables in the PDE and separate them.
  • 2. Assume a solution in the form of a product of functions of the independent variables.
  • 3. Substitute the solution into the PDE and separate the equation into simpler ODEs.
  • 4. Solve each ODE using known techniques.
  • 5. Combine the solutions of the ODEs to get the general solution of the PDE.

What are the key assumptions made in using separation of variables to solve PDE?

The key assumptions made in using separation of variables to solve PDE are:

  • 1. The PDE must be linear, homogeneous, and have constant coefficients.
  • 2. The boundary conditions must be separable.
  • 3. The solution must satisfy the same boundary conditions as the PDE.

What are the advantages of using separation of variables to solve PDE?

Some advantages of using separation of variables to solve PDE are:

  • 1. It is a systematic and well-defined method that can be applied to a wide range of PDEs.
  • 2. It reduces the problem to a series of simpler ODEs, which can be solved using known techniques.
  • 3. It allows for the use of superposition, making it easier to handle complex boundary conditions.

Can separation of variables be used to solve any PDE?

No, separation of variables can only be used to solve a specific class of PDEs that meet the necessary assumptions. PDEs that are non-linear, inhomogeneous, or have variable coefficients cannot be solved using separation of variables.

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